Bulkhead doors broken?

Carl_BarCarl_Bar Join Date: 2017-02-03 Member: 227560Members
A look at the wiki suggests this is supposed to be fixed, but whilst messing around creating a new base in my save i ran into an issue where no bulkheads in the base will open. Period, restarts, entering and exiting base nothing works. But my other base is fine with them as do those inside the cyclops. Interestingly the bulkhead where my first moonpool connects to a long tube does not block water flow, (i put a few holes in the tube to see if water on the other side would change anything). So i've got a feeling it may be incorrect bulkhead open/close state data, or somthing similar. The bulkhead thinks it's allready open when it's not so the interaction available to open it fails to work correctly. Why one base would be messed up and not another, i don't know. Deconstructing and rebuilding doesn't fix btw.


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