Unable to color Prawn/Seamoth/Cyclops on Xbox One
The Hyperion Join Date: 2016-05-21 Member: 217209Members

I was expecting this to be fixed in the 1/3/17 update, but I guess not, so I will explain the issue better.
When a Prawn/Seamoth is docked in the Moon Pool, or the color modification is selected in the Cyclops, the name can be changed, but when moving to select a color within the color modification area, the game would switch between the tabs, after forcing the color to change to whatever the marker landed on before the tab switched, and it is unable to switch back to the default color or any other color without having the tabs switch again.
Please fix this.
When a Prawn/Seamoth is docked in the Moon Pool, or the color modification is selected in the Cyclops, the name can be changed, but when moving to select a color within the color modification area, the game would switch between the tabs, after forcing the color to change to whatever the marker landed on before the tab switched, and it is unable to switch back to the default color or any other color without having the tabs switch again.
Please fix this.