PRAWN Drilling Arm Vacuum

SnailsAttackSnailsAttack Join Date: 2017-02-09 Member: 227749Members
I know that some people may think this is overpowered or whatnot, but I honestly believe that having a sort of vacuum device at the end of the drilling arm that puts mined ores into the PRAWN's storage would only do good. It sort of breaks the immersion when you have to mine a large ore cache, get out of your PRAWN, pick up all the ores, then get back in.

You could have a claw arm as your secondary, but the problem with that is that it just isn't worth it when you could have a Grappling Arm or Repulsion Arm. Even the torpedo arm is pretty cool, but it probably will never end up being used.


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    GravSphere works good for that (sucks up the little chunks for easy collecting after). Unless they changed it so it won't pick up drilled chunks?
  • KayonisKayonis Ohio Join Date: 2017-03-07 Member: 228697Members
    I agree with SnailsAttack, it gets monotonous when you have to get out of the prawn to either pick up chunks and place in the pack. Or to switch modules out in a potentially (and usually) dangerous area. Id like to have my drill arm along with a grappling arm at the same time.
  • marinaiomarinaio Join Date: 2016-12-28 Member: 225636Members
    Kayonis wrote: »
    I agree with SnailsAttack, it gets monotonous when you have to get out of the prawn to either pick up chunks and place in the pack. Or to switch modules out in a potentially (and usually) dangerous area. Id like to have my drill arm along with a grappling arm at the same time.

    I think the grappling arm should maintain the ability to pick up things (maybe also to strike a little attack), like the standard claw arm.
    This will make the grappling arm a versatile instrument. More like a "climbing claw" then a "climbing sucker".

  • zimmymzimmym Australia Join Date: 2016-12-18 Member: 225102Members
    I'd like to see a vacuum arm standalone module. It would be cool if you could equip both the drill arm and a vacuum arm. It would probably need additional functions though or it would be useless.
  • Phoenix223Phoenix223 Chicago Join Date: 2016-02-18 Member: 213174Members
    edited March 2017
    A tractor beam arm! It would serve two functions:
    1. picking up items when targeting them, and
    2. acting like the grapple arm when used on terrain. It would also eliminate the time taken to shoot a static line
    EDIT: Oh... but that might confuse it with the Propulsion arm; makes me wonder why it doesn't have that feature already.
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