Skulk jumping mod
bug stalker Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13116Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue

Steam workshop:
Improved Skulk jump to be more intuitive while maintaining a skill based element.
*Skulks gain speed from jumping on the ground. (up to 8.25).
ground jumping now also boosts the Skulk forward, similar to wall jumping, but at reduced speed.
*Wall jump force at low speed (less than 7.25) is significantly stronger.
*Increased vertical wall force significantly when aiming upward. Wall jumping downward is now possible, creating possibility for unpredictable dodge jumping.
*Wall jumping also allows more sudden direction changes, but at the cost of speed.
Note: Core air control mechanism is changed in this mod, designed to be more forgiving but offers more control to experienced players, and more consistent.
Air Control changes:
*It is now possible to maintain air speed without using left/right strafe keys.
*Diagonal strafe jumping is now possible.
*Air control is reduced, so turning is slower and there is more "drifting", but you do not lose speed as easily from turning.
Improved Skulk jump to be more intuitive while maintaining a skill based element.
*Skulks gain speed from jumping on the ground. (up to 8.25).
ground jumping now also boosts the Skulk forward, similar to wall jumping, but at reduced speed.
*Wall jump force at low speed (less than 7.25) is significantly stronger.
*Increased vertical wall force significantly when aiming upward. Wall jumping downward is now possible, creating possibility for unpredictable dodge jumping.
*Wall jumping also allows more sudden direction changes, but at the cost of speed.
Note: Core air control mechanism is changed in this mod, designed to be more forgiving but offers more control to experienced players, and more consistent.
Air Control changes:
*It is now possible to maintain air speed without using left/right strafe keys.
*Diagonal strafe jumping is now possible.
*Air control is reduced, so turning is slower and there is more "drifting", but you do not lose speed as easily from turning.
not sure don't see the difference yet in marine movement.
As with skulk movement, not all jumps from walls are diagonal(mentioned this to you before) and i see the jump cone from a wall for wall jump is gimped, you have to litterly do a diagonal jump off the wall otherwise you'll be pulled down and the speed won't boost you.
Changing ground speed won't make much of a difference when the strafing force feels like you're being pulled back once you hit a speed barrier, it's like all directions of jumping aren't at the same speed when they should be.
Vanilla skulk movement feels better at most times, but this does have some merits like i like when standing still and jumping(can help when biting) i can pull off some dodging techniques that otherwise i couldn't have in vanilla.
(haha saw the awesome heart on my post, what happened did you has second thoughts!)
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Or have you blocked me on steam
Start at 0:41
Do give my updated mod a try as well. Jumping near walls gives Skulk a big boost upward now (if you aim up). Leap already serves the purpose of double jump, albeit with restrictions for balance.
I'd rather make NS2 Skulk jump mechanisms unique. The aim of this mod was to improve this, while reducing hidden and inconsistent mechanisms (such as the current NS2 air movement).
*Crouch key now enables super sticky ceiling/wall running, with dramatic reduced chances of falling off. Crouch key now pulls skulk towards the wall for improved wall navigation. Skulk now also slowly gravitate to the wall when wallwalking.
*Holding the Jump key now replaces Crouch as the non-wall-stick key. There is also a 0.4 second window after hitting a wall where the Skulk does not lose speed.
*Skulks gain speed from jumping on the ground. This also functions as a lunge for better evasion.
*Wall jumping serves as a mini-leap. Jumping off a wall gives a massive speed boost for ambushing and evasion. Vertical force from wall jumping is also increased.
*Wall jumping (when not holding Forward key) now allows perpendicular jumps for evasion, but costs speed.
*Wall jump speed increase per jump is more linear.
*Leaping downward is more responsive. Consequently wall jump movement is more unpredictable to the enemy. Leap force is increased by 18%. Leap is now improved by Celerity trait.
*Air leap vertical force is reduced by 25%.
*Air friction with Celerity is slightly increased
*Tweaked Skulk world animation when jumping and wall jumping to look more natural.