Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members

There's on occasion been a request to be able to take notes in the PDA and I would like a feature like that myself too, but more than that I'd like a noteboard/blackboard/whiteboard/whateverboard to leave reminders on for myself. Could be a standalone piece of furniture, could be a wall-mounted one basically being the label but a lot bigger.
The reason I'd like this is that I could make more specific reminders than would be useful for a PDA. Like, I'd walk into my mineral storage and lay eyes on a note that my lithium supply is down to three and I'm fresh out of silver and decide on a course of action based on that rather than realizing when I open the lockers when I need that stuff and being "forced" to take care of it immediately.
Also, some people, obviously not DrownedOut, are brainbeans and they need to set reminders at places where they will see it timely to take (care of) certain stuff before heading out to accomplish whatever goal. Like just this morning, "someone" was all ready to head out to the PTPG, but then realized they'd forgotten their stasis rifle so two planned-for scans could not be made, and then realized they'd forgotten to bring any keys, and it probably would've been smart to clear the inventory first too, but at that point it was the least of my their concerns.
I've got some walls/corners to spare for any noteboards and it would beat having to keep pen & paper nearby.
The reason I'd like this is that I could make more specific reminders than would be useful for a PDA. Like, I'd walk into my mineral storage and lay eyes on a note that my lithium supply is down to three and I'm fresh out of silver and decide on a course of action based on that rather than realizing when I open the lockers when I need that stuff and being "forced" to take care of it immediately.
Also, some people, obviously not DrownedOut, are brainbeans and they need to set reminders at places where they will see it timely to take (care of) certain stuff before heading out to accomplish whatever goal. Like just this morning, "someone" was all ready to head out to the PTPG, but then realized they'd forgotten their stasis rifle so two planned-for scans could not be made, and then realized they'd forgotten to bring any keys, and it probably would've been smart to clear the inventory first too, but at that point it was the least of my their concerns.
I've got some walls/corners to spare for any noteboards and it would beat having to keep pen & paper nearby.
I agree though. I'd like to be able to have a notepad on my PDA to check every time I accomplish a goal, or even just to take notes on the surroundings, as if I were actually making my own experiments. (I tend to like being immersed in games)
Hell, you could even use it to write daily notes in general as time passes on, with the daily check-up system in the voice log automatically marking what day it is since the crash.
Yeah, this sounds like a great idea, actually.
Said to another little Reaper
Let's eat the human
And for dessert, a Peeper.
Drawing would be a nice extra like when you want to remember a certain landmark, but I don't know how hard that'd be to code.
"Painful" would be a good approximation. A drawable surface that is static isn't too bad, but one that has to move around and render properly under various lighting conditions and at all kinds of angles...oof, that's something I wouldn't want to tangle with.
Plus we all know what YouTubers draw when you give them something to draw on. Do we really want that?