Would you be able to do the flare fish maybe? The best description I can give is a orange/red combination of a real world lion fish and a subnautica hoop fish.
I would love to see a couple of mine artified, as well o3o. Like maybe the Plesiodon and the vacuum fish, if you wanted to @Christian2506 If not, then I understand, I'd cry and cry for a while, then I'd get over it xD
@Fireclaw hi, i can do them all BUT it's a matter of time u know. i'm very busy at the office right now, so i cant promise when i find the time to do that. but i will try!
here is what i want to see ^^: the hive from NS2 as a living creatur in subnautica! made this quick at work... would be awesome to see it swimming trough the abyss at very very deep water!
i allready hear all the NS2 fans scream in exitement! discovering that creature somewhere deep!!!
and now after i take a closer look on the khaara creature design i found some striking similarities in all of them. like the bonestructure on the forehead with the mandibles and tentacles coming out of it. i was thinking about how this similarities would have evolved?! my idea: a parasite-like creature (like in alien) attaching itself to the head of the host and than somehow merge itself with it. resulting in the transformation of the host into the hostile khara-creatures we know!
and since i mentioned in my post (see link) that the khaare evolved out of aquatic lifeforms it would be a cool idea to sea that parasite as a creature in SN. it could live on the bottomside of the floating island, hanging upside down feasting on the giant floaters.
I was thinking they could make some kind of annoying fish, that doesn't harm the player, but maybe gets in the way, like it thinks you'll protect it from predators and swim around you, knocking you around.
Also maybe more glowing night fish or even reverse physics and have what we typically have in the air in our world, underwater in this one, so fluttering fish and fish with beaks etc. Gliding fish.
hi, sorry for being quite some days. but that doesn't mean i wasn't busy!
i spoked once about the idea SN could use more "unique" creatures! Something like a one of a kind only thing. like something moby-dick was for Ahab. There were a lot of wales and they are all equaly impressive BUT mobydick was something special...
u know what i mean... (i hope ^^)!
a super rare version of the common creatures in the game! something u would be super excited to discover because it's so rare and hard to find!
gameplay-wise: ur a scientist/explorer so it would be ur job to investigate all lifeforms, maybe take a picture and a sample of them
(what would add a nice challenge, not only to find them but to actually get close enough to gather a skin-sample or take a good picture up close without getting eaten)
a super rare version of the common creatures in the game! something u would be super excited to discover because it's so rare and hard to find!
Heck yes! It would be awesome to find genetic anomalies within certain species! Replay ability would go through the roof and would also make for some unique encounters if they acted differently than the rest of their species as well.
These long fish like creatures like to stay about 200-100 m deep but come to the 10-100m deep at night. As the name suggest, these creatures come close to you and make super-ultra-mega loud sound that not only makes your character deaf for a while but also deal 35 dmg.
These huge crab like creatures whit 10m legs can walk anywhere from 40m to 3000m.
These big boneshark looking creatures where the first ones to fly above the ocean. As their name suggests, they fly to about 20m before quickly diving towards their pray.
Hello everyone. Im interested about this subject, even while my laptop is not able to run the game at its current state (buying a LOT better pc soon just for this game ) I have a couple of good ideas to start with. Please, tell me if these are actually good, and you can invite me to the steam group if you have one (my username: Tuntematon_Tyyppi. Yes, I know, a weird username :P) , if you want. I would be proud about that, and its cool to see that people are interested about this cool game too
Sea scorpion/ stalkercrabber/ Stingertail
Has anyone watched the movie Atlantis-The Lost empire? In the movie there was a sea monster, described as a legendary sea beast, capable of destroying whole fleets and capable of using some kind of blue energy to rip ships and their crews apart, Leviathan guarding the gate to Atlantis. Giant scorpion like creature, lurking in the shadows, making some creepy noise around the big submarine where The main character and the mercenaries trying to find their way to the tunnel leading to Atlantis are wondering what the noise is, hitting its claws to the rocks while swimming in the dark water around it... until it suddenly attacks. That is one of THE BEST kind of creepy stalking and sea beast behavior I have ever seen in an animated movie. In the movie the beast turns out to be an old Atlantian war machine (robot), protecting the life source of the place, that gives the natives a chance to live, but actually it could be a good type of a dangerous animal in the game (Because I think its not clever to completely copy it out of the movie xD) Just a gigantic scorpion, swimming in the dark water, making some creepy noises before attacking, and if radar is added to the submarines in the game later, leaving some blurry patterns in the radar.
It could crab the submarine in its claws, sting it with its tail spikes, cause flooding damage, and stare through the front window straight to the player then retreating to the shadows for a while, before attacking again. (Gives the player a chance to repair the damage and fight, or some time to escape)
It could have red glowing eyes when it attacks, other way it could just be seen as a shadow (eyes dont glow until it starts its aggressive attack-run, swimming from a distance to the players sub after it has given player some signs that something dangerous is coming= gives the player some time to escape, turn away, or prepare for the attack. just for the creepy and scary factor + It would be so scary that players that meet it for the first time would fall off their chairs, especially the oculus players, if this game will be on the oculus rift some day
It would not attack the player when swimming, only big targets like the players submarine (when the submarine is moving. The creature could only detect movement and noise. It wouldnt be nice if you parked your submarine next to your base, go away, and then notice when you come back that the sub has been completely destroyed) It could attack the SeaMoth too, but the player could outmaneuver its claws easily, so the player has a chance to escape and survive.
Makes whale-like noises (tries to attract whales etc. prey). Behaves aggressively, could hunt other bigger sea creatures as prey. Attacks the submarine because it thinks its prey too, not for self-defence, but it could be more aggressive during the night, because most of its prey is at sleep etc. It might become more aggressive towards big moving targets at night, and ofcourse be more dangerous= Impossible to detect where it attacks in the dark (not even the shadow showing) before it brightens its colour suddenly to bright blood red and attacks. (It could make less noice during the night too because its not even trying to lure prey. just the sounds of its claws snapping and its movement through vegetation and water). It would not be too common. Maybe more common in very rocky areas, no more than three of these beasts per world.
Fast speed, but not too fast to be a big seamonster. Wide tail, eyes, etc. I`ll paint and design and post them here soon The creature could be 1.4-1.8 times bigger than the biggest submarine in the game at the moment. Im trying to make the beast different in size, shape and behavior than anything before for the sketches, just trying to do something unique and try to avoid being repetitive.
By the way Christian2506 sketches are really good and I think his ideas off the Broken tusks and the other Bosses and creatures are amazing! They deserve to be added in to the game some day, and there were lots of other cool ideas to think about too. You are amazing
My other idea is a siren.
Maybe it could be some kind of a "parrot" of the sea= copying the sounds of other sea creatures.
I dont have any ideas for the sketches (i`ll make them soon if this sounds like a good idea), but it could be some kind of a dolphin, with a bigger "nose" that it uses to make its sounds. Paired with the sounds of other seacreatures, it could give some players a heart attack, making some noises of some dangerous predators, like imitating the sound of a seascorpion/ stinger (details up there if you havent noticed yet ) ready to attack
I don't really have any super cool creature ideas, but I think there's an overabundance right now of two things: predators and small fish.
I'd very much like something that inhabits a niche between the two. Something tuna-like. Medium sized, about as big as the player, and swims in huge schools in open water. Passive and eventually huntable. I'm rather sick of spadefish being the go-to food item, especially since they are slow and basically flounder.
I find all of the life is close to the bottom of the sea and would like to see something that lives near the surface of very deep water. Again, like a tuna. Reaper leviathans gotta eat something, ya know? Maybe you could use the fish to distract the Reaper.
I don't really have any super cool creature ideas, but I think there's an overabundance right now of two things: predators and small fish.
I'd very much like something that inhabits a niche between the two. Something tuna-like. Medium sized, about as big as the player, and swims in huge schools in open water. Passive and eventually huntable. I'm rather sick of spadefish being the go-to food item, especially since they are slow and basically flounder.
I find all of the life is close to the bottom of the sea and would like to see something that lives near the surface of very deep water. Again, like a tuna. Reaper leviathans gotta eat something, ya know? Maybe you could use the fish to distract the Reaper.
I absolutely agree. There has to be something that the predators can eat. In the game it would be cool to have an actually working ecosystem or even a mechanic looking like one. If there is too much predators, and only a little fish around, its a bit... simple. I dont see the logic in that.
Some kind of tuna could be nice both by the looks and maybe for the food value, maybe crabs in many varying sizes and many species of crabs could live on the reefs and on the bottom of the sea, and other medium sized fish and sea creatures could be added to swim in the currently empty area between the surface and the depths. There are no whales in the game, but they could add some kind of a passive bigger fish for the deep waters surface, like in the real world, the whale shark.
Working eco-system? Ok im out, everybody else has too good ideas..
But really guys, thats insanely good idea! Some predators like stalkers would eat small fish during the day, but bigger ones would wait until dark. When the dark comes most fish come higher and eat.
Breeding mechanics for fish. Different species would go to specific areas to breed, which would mean lots of food to collect. It could also bring in some more predators. And I agree with having some medium sized fish.
@Christian2506 - Love your sketches!!!
But I don't think there should be creatures developed solely for boss battle experiences. Maybe just huge creature you can go and try to kill. I think trying to make 'a new world' rather than 'a game' is the right way to produce awesome content. I mean, a boss monster doesn't really make sense in real world.
I only have and idea at the moment, it is called the Gulper. It's much larger than the Seamoth, but a tad bit smaller then the Cyclops. It is completely passive, and can be seen eating schools of fish. It's stomach is deep and wide, larger than the rest of its body. Mostly found between 50 and 200 meters.
Mainly a bluish color, but as it gets to the stomach, gets to some kind of skin colored grayish-white. It has one large fin on the top of its body and its tail is small compared to it.
a creature with 10 tentacles which have eyes the tentacles work as a actual creature feeding the head of the creature which divides the nutrients around the tentacles the tentacles have a way of moving they uses little stumps on them to walk, and when they find food or something else they can shoot out a blob of slime which seals the item and then they walk back to the mouth feeding it *sorta like a ant colony* and when they are in danger the tentacles disperce and leave the mouth there while the mouth can spew a vile liquid it doesnt affect the player it just blinds the player but if a creature is in the liquid it will start to get weaker and weaker intill it stops moving at all.
ShadowedAlternateWhat do you mean by locationJoin Date: 2017-03-29Member: 229282Members
I had an idea for a creature lately. I haven't read through this entire page so I can't say for sure if anyone has come up with this but how does the idea of a Koosh Leviathan sound?
It's about as long as a Reefback's body and has harvestable koosh samples on it's body, I would say that the Koosh Leviathan would only be found swimming by the massive koosh bushes (or what the scanner calls a "Large Organic Mass".
Anybody think that it's a cool idea?
ShadowedAlternateWhat do you mean by locationJoin Date: 2017-03-29Member: 229282Members
So, I know I'm not the greatest at art but I decided it would be fun to trace the sketch you made and color it.
You said it was "related to the reaper leviathan" so I took that into consideration and made it look like a close cousin. Did I get the image you had in your head properly? Did I color it properly? Should I change anything?
Please say yes because I would be more than happy to draw this again or at least change it
Would you be able to do the flare fish maybe? The best description I can give is a orange/red combination of a real world lion fish and a subnautica hoop fish.
i allready hear all the NS2 fans scream in exitement!
and now after i take a closer look on the khaara creature design i found some striking similarities in all of them. like the bonestructure on the forehead with the mandibles and tentacles coming out of it. i was thinking about how this similarities would have evolved?! my idea: a parasite-like creature (like in alien) attaching itself to the head of the host and than somehow merge itself with it. resulting in the transformation of the host into the hostile khara-creatures we know!
and since i mentioned in my post (see link) that the khaare evolved out of aquatic lifeforms it would be a cool idea to sea that parasite as a creature in SN. it could live on the bottomside of the floating island, hanging upside down feasting on the giant floaters.
here is my sketch:
Also maybe more glowing night fish or even reverse physics and have what we typically have in the air in our world, underwater in this one, so fluttering fish and fish with beaks etc. Gliding fish.
i spoked once about the idea SN could use more "unique" creatures! Something like a one of a kind only thing. like something moby-dick was for Ahab. There were a lot of wales and they are all equaly impressive BUT mobydick was something special...
u know what i mean... (i hope ^^)!
a super rare version of the common creatures in the game! something u would be super excited to discover because it's so rare and hard to find!
gameplay-wise: ur a scientist/explorer so it would be ur job to investigate all lifeforms, maybe take a picture and a sample of them
(what would add a nice challenge, not only to find them but to actually get close enough to gather a skin-sample or take a good picture up close without getting eaten)
here is my sketch
here is the complete post: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/comment/2237063/#Comment_2237063
Heck yes! It would be awesome to find genetic anomalies within certain species! Replay ability would go through the roof and would also make for some unique encounters if they acted differently than the rest of their species as well.
Awesome idea
These long fish like creatures like to stay about 200-100 m deep but come to the 10-100m deep at night. As the name suggest, these creatures come close to you and make super-ultra-mega loud sound that not only makes your character deaf for a while but also deal 35 dmg.
These huge crab like creatures whit 10m legs can walk anywhere from 40m to 3000m.
These big boneshark looking creatures where the first ones to fly above the ocean. As their name suggests, they fly to about 20m before quickly diving towards their pray.
Sea scorpion/ stalkercrabber/ Stingertail
Has anyone watched the movie Atlantis-The Lost empire? In the movie there was a sea monster, described as a legendary sea beast, capable of destroying whole fleets and capable of using some kind of blue energy to rip ships and their crews apart, Leviathan guarding the gate to Atlantis. Giant scorpion like creature, lurking in the shadows, making some creepy noise around the big submarine where The main character and the mercenaries trying to find their way to the tunnel leading to Atlantis are wondering what the noise is, hitting its claws to the rocks while swimming in the dark water around it... until it suddenly attacks. That is one of THE BEST kind of creepy stalking and sea beast behavior I have ever seen in an animated movie. In the movie the beast turns out to be an old Atlantian war machine (robot), protecting the life source of the place, that gives the natives a chance to live, but actually it could be a good type of a dangerous animal in the game (Because I think its not clever to completely copy it out of the movie xD) Just a gigantic scorpion, swimming in the dark water, making some creepy noises before attacking, and if radar is added to the submarines in the game later, leaving some blurry patterns in the radar.
It could crab the submarine in its claws, sting it with its tail spikes, cause flooding damage, and stare through the front window straight to the player then retreating to the shadows for a while, before attacking again. (Gives the player a chance to repair the damage and fight, or some time to escape)
It could have red glowing eyes when it attacks, other way it could just be seen as a shadow (eyes dont glow until it starts its aggressive attack-run, swimming from a distance to the players sub after it has given player some signs that something dangerous is coming= gives the player some time to escape, turn away, or prepare for the attack. just for the creepy and scary factor
It would not attack the player when swimming, only big targets like the players submarine (when the submarine is moving. The creature could only detect movement and noise. It wouldnt be nice if you parked your submarine next to your base, go away, and then notice when you come back that the sub has been completely destroyed) It could attack the SeaMoth too, but the player could outmaneuver its claws easily, so the player has a chance to escape and survive.
Makes whale-like noises (tries to attract whales etc. prey). Behaves aggressively, could hunt other bigger sea creatures as prey. Attacks the submarine because it thinks its prey too, not for self-defence, but it could be more aggressive during the night, because most of its prey is at sleep etc. It might become more aggressive towards big moving targets at night, and ofcourse be more dangerous= Impossible to detect where it attacks in the dark (not even the shadow showing) before it brightens its colour suddenly to bright blood red and attacks. (It could make less noice during the night too because its not even trying to lure prey. just the sounds of its claws snapping and its movement through vegetation and water). It would not be too common. Maybe more common in very rocky areas, no more than three of these beasts per world.
Fast speed, but not too fast to be a big seamonster. Wide tail, eyes, etc. I`ll paint and design and post them here soon
By the way Christian2506 sketches are really good and I think his ideas off the Broken tusks and the other Bosses and creatures are amazing! They deserve to be added in to the game some day, and there were lots of other cool ideas to think about too. You are amazing
My other idea is a siren.
Maybe it could be some kind of a "parrot" of the sea= copying the sounds of other sea creatures.
I dont have any ideas for the sketches (i`ll make them soon if this sounds like a good idea), but it could be some kind of a dolphin, with a bigger "nose" that it uses to make its sounds. Paired with the sounds of other seacreatures, it could give some players a heart attack, making some noises of some dangerous predators, like imitating the sound of a seascorpion/ stinger (details up there if you havent noticed yet
I'd very much like something that inhabits a niche between the two. Something tuna-like. Medium sized, about as big as the player, and swims in huge schools in open water. Passive and eventually huntable. I'm rather sick of spadefish being the go-to food item, especially since they are slow and basically flounder.
I find all of the life is close to the bottom of the sea and would like to see something that lives near the surface of very deep water. Again, like a tuna. Reaper leviathans gotta eat something, ya know? Maybe you could use the fish to distract the Reaper.
I absolutely agree. There has to be something that the predators can eat. In the game it would be cool to have an actually working ecosystem or even a mechanic looking like one. If there is too much predators, and only a little fish around, its a bit... simple. I dont see the logic in that.
Some kind of tuna could be nice both by the looks and maybe for the food value, maybe crabs in many varying sizes and many species of crabs could live on the reefs and on the bottom of the sea, and other medium sized fish and sea creatures could be added to swim in the currently empty area between the surface and the depths. There are no whales in the game, but they could add some kind of a passive bigger fish for the deep waters surface, like in the real world, the whale shark.
But really guys, thats insanely good idea! Some predators like stalkers would eat small fish during the day, but bigger ones would wait until dark. When the dark comes most fish come higher and eat.
@Christian2506 - Love your sketches!!!
But I don't think there should be creatures developed solely for boss battle experiences. Maybe just huge creature you can go and try to kill. I think trying to make 'a new world' rather than 'a game' is the right way to produce awesome content. I mean, a boss monster doesn't really make sense in real world.
Mainly a bluish color, but as it gets to the stomach, gets to some kind of skin colored grayish-white. It has one large fin on the top of its body and its tail is small compared to it.
a giant dam turtle
lol i made concept art i just made a quick sketch of a creature i call the gripper it is related to the reaper leviathan.
It's about as long as a Reefback's body and has harvestable koosh samples on it's body, I would say that the Koosh Leviathan would only be found swimming by the massive koosh bushes (or what the scanner calls a "Large Organic Mass".
Anybody think that it's a cool idea?
So, I know I'm not the greatest at art but I decided it would be fun to trace the sketch you made and color it.
You said it was "related to the reaper leviathan" so I took that into consideration and made it look like a close cousin. Did I get the image you had in your head properly? Did I color it properly? Should I change anything?
Please say yes because I would be more than happy to draw this again or at least change it