[BUG] Cyclops is stuck on nothing
Acton, Ontario, Canada Join Date: 2017-04-07 Member: 229484Members

Experimental version 46355.
I brought my cyclops down to around 1410m and now it is stuck on nothing. The cyclops seems to gravitate towards the wall when I take my hands off the keyboard and if I do try to move it I can only move a small distance before I am stopped. While not piloting the cyclops it moves from side to side rapidly. This is the first time this has happened to me and I don't know if it has happened to anyone else.
Here's a video I recorded:
If there is anything anyone can do to help me, that would be wonderful!
I brought my cyclops down to around 1410m and now it is stuck on nothing. The cyclops seems to gravitate towards the wall when I take my hands off the keyboard and if I do try to move it I can only move a small distance before I am stopped. While not piloting the cyclops it moves from side to side rapidly. This is the first time this has happened to me and I don't know if it has happened to anyone else.
Here's a video I recorded:

If there is anything anyone can do to help me, that would be wonderful!
Thanks, I will try thise suggestions tonight. I have a prawn suit docked but I only have the drill arm on it. I will do a check for half built things and I don't believe there would be any floaters. I tried to stay away from them for the most part
It might also be the fact that you're deep in the void with your Cyclops, and the physics might be wanting to pull it back to the surface.
Well, if you never try to pick a medkit up when your inventory is full, it should be fine. Actually, opening the medkit fabricator and closing it without taking the medkit *might* cause it as well, not sure.
I don't have a medkit fabricator at the moment. I decided to wait until it was a little less buggy. I don't believe that the physics wants to pull it to the surface because I tried to move it upwards but when i stopped moving, it pulled it back down
The terraformer worked! I took out a huge amount around the cyclops and when I went back in it must have reset it's position or something because it came free. Thank you so much for the help!!
Awesome! Now that you're free, if you want to revert the terrain back to normal, just delete the CompileOctreesCache folder in your saved game slot00xx folder (which will cause the game to use a fresh master copy and save that in its place on the next save).