New Generator idea.
plymouth Join Date: 2016-11-16 Member: 223916Members

So this has been swimming in my head for a while now, we have Thermal,Solar,Bio and Nuclear but we do not have a Power cell reactor. When you think about it, it makes sense the cyclops runs really well off 6 power cells and is considered a mobile base so why not have a generator that uses power cells to power the base. I am really not sure if this idea has been suggested so that's why i'm posting now. It could work like the Nuclear generator, but instead of reactor rods you put in power cells, this would be helpful at the starting parts to your survival game play as you wont need much in terms of materials, it could also help if you have just put up a base and need power.
I love this idea. I can see how it would work out. It would be good for smaller (way stations) aswell. where you can use that and get a decent steady power supply without having to spend unwanted time farming up all the stuff for a nuclear reactor. Especially if you build a small base as a safe haven down in the depths just to eat sleep drink and take a breather for a minute whenever you are nearby.
Not to mention the Power Generator a long while ago.
Which actually fits the OP's description to a T
But this isn't exactly the same. If I understand the OP right, s/he's proposing what amounts to a battery socket to power the base, not one that works in tandem with other power supplies. The accumulator was a give/take system depending on whether power was in surplus or deficit. This would just draw power from the cell until it's drained.
And for a little refuge or research base, it seems nearly perfect. The only thing that must be done would be to break the infinite-recharge exploit that the Cyclops enjoys. (Mounting power cell chargers in the Cyclops and harvesting a net positive energy balance, which is ridiculous.) Solve that problem, though, and this becomes a perfect addition to the game. Nice thinking, @Herpicuss!
@nesrak1 might be interested in this one.
Like I've said, I don't know how difficult it would be to implement (+ I don't know how to do base items yet [but last time I checked DKB they were listed as items xd])
Everyone says "can you do it", most likely it is possible, it's more about difficulty.
True that lol.
Not necessarily, @nesrak1.
From a pseudocode standpoint, this idea at least seems relatively easy. One asset to create - the socket - and otherwise the code for a generator can be copied and modified to govern its behavior; the generator fuel is a power cell rather than reactor rod or biomatter, and then it's deducting power units until exhaustion. That code probably even already exists on its own because the Seamoth and Cyclops have to debit power value from the cells as they run.
Of course, that's pseudocode. Everything always looks easy in pseudocode. Code in reality is rarely so cooperative.
A normal Powercell holds 200 Energy. You need 4 acid mushrooms, 2 Creepvine-seed-clusters and 2 copper for one powercell. Which require some work to gather and fabricate. You find the Bioreactor fragments very early and near the Safe Shallows. Once you have been to the floating island to scan the multipurpose room, you will most likely also have access to the Marble Melon and an indoor growbed or a plant pot. Even if you got your MP-room somewhere else and not yet the Marble Melon, fish give between 80 - 220 energy per fish and I am talking only about the small "catchable" ones. So a full load of fish would net you around 320 - 880 energy. A Solarpanel works alright up to about 120m (50% energy output). If you pack your Bioreactor with 4 Marblemelons you get 440 energy out of it and by the time you need to refill it enough Marblemelons have regrown inside your MP-room. You are way more independent with Solar or Bioenergy. You need no fabricator, and no copper and it is easier to keep running then having to produce or recharge powercells each time you need power.
I just can't see a setup where a powercell reactor (needing a MP-room to setup like the other reactors) would benefit you more then a Bioreactor or a bunch of Solarpanels. The only use I would see is if you would need alot of power in short bursts...but then again it would make more sense to make it a sort of power-storage add-on to an existing reactor. See my "Base 2.0-Update" - thread under the Reactor-Room section.
I don't think that's the direction the OP was headed. The way it came across to me was a small form-factor socket so that a player could use a powercell to power a small base short-term. Something that could fit on the wall of a corridor, not something you'd need an MPR for; it would make microbases much more worthwhile in deep environments; you could establish a one or two corridor microbase in, say, the Lost River, and only slot in a powercell to power it when you need it for recharging air or possibly doing a quick fabricator job.