Any plans to improve the UI for VR?
BC canada Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220950Members

I've been waiting months. And months. Still, your hunger and thirst are out of view in VR and you can only (barely) see your oxygen level. It's basically unplayable in this state, in VR. Can't you guys make this a priority so we can at least play it in VR? I can handle the pop in, the stutter, it's unfinished state in general but it's not even playable when you can't see your UI.
Thank you for sending out the Silent Running update promptly to Oculus Home ( unlike in the past leaving it 2 builds behind), but it's not enough. I'm not asking for a lot here. The UI needs to be adjusted.
Thank you for sending out the Silent Running update promptly to Oculus Home ( unlike in the past leaving it 2 builds behind), but it's not enough. I'm not asking for a lot here. The UI needs to be adjusted.
This reduces the UI and get visible a part, such as biometric stats
To set fov:
Open console (F3, F8) and ensure the console is not deactivated by clicking the obvious button in the top left.
Press enter and type "FOV 90" and enter.
Console won't show in VR, so type blindly.
The priority right now is finishing the game. When that's done you have a whole three months of polishing, VR and otherwise, to look forward to.
The entitlement in that comment is unreal...
I'm aware of that. My reply didn't suggest otherwise. I think I can reply to a comment without this being the pocket copy paste reply on this topic, thank you. This is always the excuse. My question, if anyone could be bothered to read it is at least make a proper functioning UI. They can't even do that right.
Predictable white knight crap.
So I have permission to rub this in your face at the v1.0 launch, yes? Because I will definitely add it to my calendar and enjoy it if you don't mind. And if the VR is still broken, then I will happily sit and listen to whatever bitter withering comments you have. Deal?
Oh snap. Could you give me the date as well? I want to mark it on my calender.
No way I'm going to miss @0x6A7232 going on roast fest.
This problem is quite a big issue though. The above solution did not work and we VR customers are many now. You talk about finishing the game, yet is it not better to have
the VR customers actually be able to give feed back at this stage too? Im a designer and know just how easy it is to move the menus in a little and place a new linked option for that view,
it`s not a big job and is more important than creating yet another creature. Please take a look at this issue soon.
This is the third time I personally have asked without even a reply.
Try asking on the Subnautica Discord Server -- look for a dev with a green icon by their name (available) and @ mention them in chat (or you could right-click on them > message)
It was created well over a year ago in the game, all They did this time around was turn it on.
So it really doesn't have anything to do with your complaint.
< shrug >