Weapons analysis and possible future weapons

ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
As most of the people viewing this know there has been a back and forth battle on whether the developers should add more weapons to the game. Personally I'm all for new weapons if they work efficiently. First let's look at our current weapons and tools that can be used as weapons, how they're made, how they function as weapons, and how well they work as weapons.

Offensive Weapons: Weapons that are purely offensive or can be used effectively as an offensive weapon.
  1. Knife: 30 Strike Durability, used to farm Tree Mushroom Pieces, Jeweled Disk Pieces, Creepvine, Coral, and harm any aggressive fauna, currently made using the Fabricator with Titanium and Silicone, 1 Item Slot
  2. Heat Blade: 30 Strike Durability, cooks edible fauna if killed by it, same uses as Knife, made using the workbench by combining a Battery and a Knife, 1 Item Slot
  3. Diamond Blade: 60 Strike Durability, same uses as Knife, made using the Workbench by combining a Diamond and a Knife, 1 Item Slot
  4. Repulsion Cannon: 4% Energy Drain with each use, repels and damages most items it is aimed at, made using the Workbench by combining a Computer Chip and a Propulsion Cannon, 2x2 Item Slot

Defensive Weapons: Weapons and tools in the game that protect you from harm in a limited capacity
  1. SeaGlide: Drains power as you use it, Faster than Fins and maintains the same speed while carrying Tanks for deeper diving, made using the Fabricator with 1 Battery, 1 Lubricant, 1 Copper Wire, and 1 Titanium, 3x3 Item Slot
  2. PowerGlide: Drains power as you use it, As fast as the SeaGlide unless you hold the RMB, then the PowerGlide is the fastest thing in the game while a little uncontrollable and drains energy faster, Cannot currently be made, needs to be spawned in, 3x3 Item Slot
  3. Stasis Rifle: 1/5-5% drain on energy with each use, Creates a stasis field that prevents any fauna that enter it from moving (Size, Strength, and Duration of field depends on how charged up it is), made using the Fabricator with a Stasis Rifle Blueprint (Obtained from Fragment after being analyzed), 1 Advanced Wiring Kit, 1 Battery, and 1 Silicone, 2x2 Item Slot
  4. Current Generator: Stays in one stationary location/needs to be picked up to move, generates a current to push small objects, put enough of them and they can form a barrier around a Seabase, made using the Fabricator with 1 Battery, 1 Lubricant, and 1 Titanium, 2x2 Item Slot
  5. Repulsion Cannon: Basically the exact same thing as under Offensive Weapons

Semi-Offensive Weapons: Weapons and tools that have a primary use but may be used as either an Offensive or Defensive weapon
  1. Seamoth: Drains power when inside it, While it is mainly used as transportation the Seamoth makes a pretty good Battering Ram to kill most smaller enemies, made using the constructor with a Seamoth Blueprint (Obtained from Fragment after being analyzed), 3 Titanium, 1 Power Cell, 2 Glass, and 1 Lubricant
  2. Cyclops: Drains power while charging Seamoth or moving, Its primary use is to allow you to explore deeper depths and transport the Seamoth and lockers for carrying materials you find yet it can be used to run things over too even though it's much slower, made using the Constructor with a Cyclops blueprint, 5 Plasteel Ingots, 5 Enameled Glass, 2 lubricant, and 1 Advanced Wiring Kit
  3. Exosuit: The full and secondary uses along with any faults of the Exosuit are not yet tested due to it not being fully implemented in the game, needs to be spawned in
  4. Propulsion Cannon: Drains power as it is used, grabs any small or interactable object and can launch it in the direction of your choosing, made using the Fabricator with a Propulsion Cannon Blueprint (Obtained from Fragment after being analyzed), 1 Advanced Wiring Kit, 1 Battery, and 1 Silicone, 2x2 Item Slot

As you can see our primary source of attacking is a knife or a variation of it, how well does this work for us?
  1. Stalker- Deals 30% damage with each hit. Requires approximately 5-10 strikes with a knife to kill or 2-3 blasts with the Repulsion cannon to send far enough away that it Despawns
  2. Bone Shark- Same results at the Stalker
  3. Sand Shark- Deals the same damage as Stalkers. I will assume double the strikes required for it since it is armored, I wasn't able to keep track between trying to kill it and staying alive
  4. Bleeders- Deal 5% damage with each second it is attached. Keep clicking the RMB to kill them or use the Propulsion/Repulsion Cannons to kill them without getting harmed
  5. Crash- Deals 25% damage when they explode, if in the Seamoth it will most likely destroy it. Either outrace them with the Sea/PowerGlide or use the Stasis Rifle to keep them from moving and harming you
  6. Reaper Leviathan- Dishes out an instant death if it hits you or 80% damage if it gets you through the front of your Cyclops, can deal over 50% damage to your Seamoth and push your Cyclops. Now here's where you're wondering, how do we kill the unkillable? Well, I personally have no freaking idea, I've heard people say it takes a few knives, a stasis rifle, and some batteries. The only way I even attempted to test this was with the Oxygen and NoDamage cheats, I broke 2 Diamond Blades and wasted a full battery on Stasis shots, and it was still alive enough to teleport away. In short, these are the spawn of the Devil's Fishbowl, they kill you instantly, and they are nearly impossible to kill without dying first.

So, almost all of the creatures that try to kill you are fairly easy to kill or avoid except for a Reaper and the Sea Emperor which is said that it'll be even bigger than the Reapers. People keep saying not to add more weapons since we won't be able to study them or that we'll wipe out everything. I say no to that for a couple of reasons. First off, there's a reason the developers are adding in Eggs and specimen analyzers, it's for the main purpose of making new upgrades but it can also be used to study these creatures without dying horribly. Second, the people who say we'll wipe out everything are insane. Only a maniac will go around senselessly wiping out everything. Third, how are we supposed to kill these super monsters when we can barely land a hit on them? We need to even the playing field a bit.

What kinds of weapons am I thinking of? Well, here's a list for you to take your pick.
  1. Cellular Disrupter-Targets a specific creature and deals 1-30% damage to their health. This way we can only target a single creature and level the playing field against reapers and other beasts. May even have it where if the creature gets below a certain percentage then it gets more aggressive of runs away. Reduces battery power by 2% on weakest charge and 25% on full charge
  2. Energy Rifle-Fires an aimed energy pulse to damage and stun the target. Upgraded version of the Stasis Rifle. Size of blast, damage dealt, and stun duration are affected by charge amount
  3. Flash Cannon-Launches Pre-loaded flares to blind or distract creatures so you can get away. Holds a maximum of 25 flares

These are just a couple of ideas and an analysis of mine. I know there are people that will disagree with more weapons, I understand that, I don't want 90 different weapons all meant to exterminate everything, just some simple weapons to defend myself. If you have any more weapon ideas that aren't ludicrous like Nukes, Rail Guns, etc. Please show them in the comments.


  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    edited August 2015
    Here it comes. The great shitstorm of our time.

    Dunno about laser rifles and plasma cannons.
    How about a simple speargun?
    Takes 2 titanium and 1 silicone to make the crossbow-like speargun.
    Each spear takes 2 titanium to make.

    Let's do a little math here.
    We have 48 Inventory slots.
    Let's say our hypothetical speargun takes up 4 of those slots, like the Stasis Rifle.
    We're down to 44 slots for spears.
    Now let's say that spears for the speargun would take up two vertical slots, since the spears are kinda long
    2 slots per spear, we're able to carry 22 spears max
    Now say you want 2 tanks. That's 8 spaces. 18 spears max
    You need a knife, flashlight, and some flares for exploring.
    16 spears max.
    You want to pick up some quartz, titanium, scrap metal, fish, etc.
    10 spears max.
    You want to ride around on a Seaglide
    6 spears max.

    Are you gonna murder the entire ocean with 6 spears dude?

    And even then, critters like the Sand and Bone sharks are covered in armor, so one spear isn't likely to kill them, so it takes multiple spears, implying the pain from one spear won't make them go "Oh crap this guy is serious he can back this up with fisticuffs" and flee. Of course it could work the opposite way, and anger some creatures, causing them to attack more viciously, in which case you better hope you have more spears m8.

    So compare that to using a Stasis Rifle.
    1 battery = 100 normal shots/20 fully charged shots. Target creature is stunned for a few seconds, allowing the player to escape.
    1 spear = 1 shot. Target creature is removed from the game, flees, or attacks the player.

    Spear takes 2x titanium to make one.
    Think you can find enough to make enough to kill everything while also playing the rest of the game?

    It's simple. It's balanced. It's Speargun.
  • tyler111762tyler111762 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204558Members
    im glad that leon and i are not the only ones who want more weapons. but just like in real life, the battle over gun control is not fought with reason and facts. but with emotion and poorly thought out "arguments" that couldn't hold water if they were frozen solid.

    prepare yourself for the hippie non violent liberals who are going to come shit on your ideas.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    edited August 2015
    Eh I wouldn't go that far m8

    Though I will say that I will be extremely disappointed if the exosuit can't punch reapers in their stupid apex predator mouth.
  • BritemacBritemac Texas Join Date: 2015-07-20 Member: 206290Members
    As most of the people viewing this know there has been a back and forth battle on whether the developers should add more weapons to the game. Personally I'm all for new weapons if they work efficiently. First let's look at our current weapons and tools that can be used as weapons, how they're made, how they function as weapons, and how well they work as weapons.

    Offensive Weapons: Weapons that are purely offensive or can be used effectively as an offensive weapon.
    1. Knife: 30 Strike Durability, used to farm Tree Mushroom Pieces, Jeweled Disk Pieces, Creepvine, Coral, and harm any aggressive fauna, currently made using the Fabricator with Titanium and Silicone, 1 Item Slot
    2. Heat Blade: 30 Strike Durability, cooks edible fauna if killed by it, same uses as Knife, made using the workbench by combining a Battery and a Knife, 1 Item Slot
    3. Diamond Blade: 60 Strike Durability, same uses as Knife, made using the Workbench by combining a Diamond and a Knife, 1 Item Slot
    4. Repulsion Cannon: 4% Energy Drain with each use, repels and damages most items it is aimed at, made using the Workbench by combining a Computer Chip and a Propulsion Cannon, 2x2 Item Slot

    Defensive Weapons: Weapons and tools in the game that protect you from harm in a limited capacity
    1. SeaGlide: Drains power as you use it, Faster than Fins and maintains the same speed while carrying Tanks for deeper diving, made using the Fabricator with 1 Battery, 1 Lubricant, 1 Copper Wire, and 1 Titanium, 3x3 Item Slot
    2. PowerGlide: Drains power as you use it, As fast as the SeaGlide unless you hold the RMB, then the PowerGlide is the fastest thing in the game while a little uncontrollable and drains energy faster, Cannot currently be made, needs to be spawned in, 3x3 Item Slot
    3. Stasis Rifle: 1/5-5% drain on energy with each use, Creates a stasis field that prevents any fauna that enter it from moving (Size, Strength, and Duration of field depends on how charged up it is), made using the Fabricator with a Stasis Rifle Blueprint (Obtained from Fragment after being analyzed), 1 Advanced Wiring Kit, 1 Battery, and 1 Silicone, 2x2 Item Slot
    4. Current Generator: Stays in one stationary location/needs to be picked up to move, generates a current to push small objects, put enough of them and they can form a barrier around a Seabase, made using the Fabricator with 1 Battery, 1 Lubricant, and 1 Titanium, 2x2 Item Slot
    5. Repulsion Cannon: Basically the exact same thing as under Offensive Weapons

    Semi-Offensive Weapons: Weapons and tools that have a primary use but may be used as either an Offensive or Defensive weapon
    1. Seamoth: Drains power when inside it, While it is mainly used as transportation the Seamoth makes a pretty good Battering Ram to kill most smaller enemies, made using the constructor with a Seamoth Blueprint (Obtained from Fragment after being analyzed), 3 Titanium, 1 Power Cell, 2 Glass, and 1 Lubricant
    2. Cyclops: Drains power while charging Seamoth or moving, Its primary use is to allow you to explore deeper depths and transport the Seamoth and lockers for carrying materials you find yet it can be used to run things over too even though it's much slower, made using the Constructor with a Cyclops blueprint, 5 Plasteel Ingots, 5 Enameled Glass, 2 lubricant, and 1 Advanced Wiring Kit
    3. Exosuit: The full and secondary uses along with any faults of the Exosuit are not yet tested due to it not being fully implemented in the game, needs to be spawned in
    4. Propulsion Cannon: Drains power as it is used, grabs any small or interactable object and can launch it in the direction of your choosing, made using the Fabricator with a Propulsion Cannon Blueprint (Obtained from Fragment after being analyzed), 1 Advanced Wiring Kit, 1 Battery, and 1 Silicone, 2x2 Item Slot

    As you can see our primary source of attacking is a knife or a variation of it, how well does this work for us?
    1. Stalker- Deals 30% damage with each hit. Requires approximately 5-10 strikes with a knife to kill or 2-3 blasts with the Repulsion cannon to send far enough away that it Despawns
    2. Bone Shark- Same results at the Stalker
    3. Sand Shark- Deals the same damage as Stalkers. I will assume double the strikes required for it since it is armored, I wasn't able to keep track between trying to kill it and staying alive
    4. Bleeders- Deal 5% damage with each second it is attached. Keep clicking the RMB to kill them or use the Propulsion/Repulsion Cannons to kill them without getting harmed
    5. Crash- Deals 25% damage when they explode, if in the Seamoth it will most likely destroy it. Either outrace them with the Sea/PowerGlide or use the Stasis Rifle to keep them from moving and harming you
    6. Reaper Leviathan- Dishes out an instant death if it hits you or 80% damage if it gets you through the front of your Cyclops, can deal over 50% damage to your Seamoth and push your Cyclops. Now here's where you're wondering, how do we kill the unkillable? Well, I personally have no freaking idea, I've heard people say it takes a few knives, a stasis rifle, and some batteries. The only way I even attempted to test this was with the Oxygen and NoDamage cheats, I broke 2 Diamond Blades and wasted a full battery on Stasis shots, and it was still alive enough to teleport away. In short, these are the spawn of the Devil's Fishbowl, they kill you instantly, and they are nearly impossible to kill without dying first.

    So, almost all of the creatures that try to kill you are fairly easy to kill or avoid except for a Reaper and the Sea Emperor which is said that it'll be even bigger than the Reapers. People keep saying not to add more weapons since we won't be able to study them or that we'll wipe out everything. I say no to that for a couple of reasons. First off, there's a reason the developers are adding in Eggs and specimen analyzers, it's for the main purpose of making new upgrades but it can also be used to study these creatures without dying horribly. Second, the people who say we'll wipe out everything are insane. Only a maniac will go around senselessly wiping out everything. Third, how are we supposed to kill these super monsters when we can barely land a hit on them? We need to even the playing field a bit.

    What kinds of weapons am I thinking of? Well, here's a list for you to take your pick.
    1. Cellular Disrupter-Targets a specific creature and deals 1-30% damage to their health. This way we can only target a single creature and level the playing field against reapers and other beasts. May even have it where if the creature gets below a certain percentage then it gets more aggressive of runs away. Reduces battery power by 2% on weakest charge and 25% on full charge
    2. Energy Rifle-Fires an aimed energy pulse to damage and stun the target. Upgraded version of the Stasis Rifle. Size of blast, damage dealt, and stun duration are affected by charge amount
    3. Flash Cannon-Launches Pre-loaded flares to blind or distract creatures so you can get away. Holds a maximum of 25 flares

    These are just a couple of ideas and an analysis of mine. I know there are people that will disagree with more weapons, I understand that, I don't want 90 different weapons all meant to exterminate everything, just some simple weapons to defend myself. If you have any more weapon ideas that aren't ludicrous like Nukes, Rail Guns, etc. Please show them in the comments.

    Knife: Also a tool for cutting rope, not originally designed as a weapon, rather as a tool that was later used as such

    Heat Blade: Useful with materials that are more easily cut at higher temps, also sears anything cut, thus preserving some semblance of freshness in things like plants.

    Diamond Blade: Honestly, this is just ultra sharp, like most good kitchen knives

    Repulsion Cannon: Tool used to push heavy objects away with ease, used to distance yourself rapidly from threats

    Sea/Power Glide: Tool used to allow for easier underwater exploration over wider areas with the same air supply, or to get away from danger zones more easily.

    Stasis Rifle: A tool used in danger zones where collapse or cave ins could occur as a way to buy time for folks to escape

    Current Generator: Machine used to push water in a given direction, likely to fan away waste materials or other such detritus.

    Sea Moth/Cyclops/Exosuit: Vehicles designed to allow exploration of areas that normally can't be explored

    Propulsion Cannon: Weaker form of the Repulsion Cannon but more energy efficient

    Cellular Disruptor: Impractical due to microscopic organisms that would be teaming in the ocean (IE Phyto/Zoo plankton)

    Energy Rifle: Doesn't really make sense, if it's 'energy' is that plasma, laser, ion, heat, what....Stasis Rifles work by firing a small 'core' stasis orb that expands to a max size upon impact with anything solid and more than a few cells in size

    Flash Cannon: Don't you mean flare gun?

    The greatest 'weapon' in the human arsenal is knowledge. If you know what your up against, you should know how to defend against it.
  • sayerulzsayerulz oregon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203493Members
    You don't know what you have done...... You have opened a door that cannot be closed....

    I hope you can live with the consequences.
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    edited August 2015

    I am starting to think these threads should be flat out closed and 1 large one compiled just to stop the flood of discussions :P It always comes down to rage, which is to be expected on forums but... the sad part is it ALWAYS happens

    Mostly because those who are pro-weapons usually cherrypick the arguments us "liberals" make that they perceive as weak, and debunk it

    @Op though, no, most people either A) don't think they're necessary or B ) think those who want guns just need to get good :D (those are my reasons)

    My favorite reason though is that you just are wasting resources. The game isn't hard enough right now to warrant any weapons or knife or hell even stasis rifle or propulsion cannon or ANY of that stuff

    I have yet to see ANYONE argue with me on my points... it's rather amusing actually :|
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    edited August 2015
    Seldkam wrote: »
    The game isn't hard enough right now

    The game is in early access alpha build right now.
    Using the current lack of content as a reason for anything not to be added is just silly.
    inb4 this doesn't count as an argument against your points for some reason
  • LightdevilLightdevil Austria Join Date: 2015-06-10 Member: 205381Members, Subnautica Playtester
    edited August 2015
    This discussion is useless, there won't be any flat out weapons, everything that will be added is going to be utility based, I like that and sorry but those who don't please finally start to deal with it I cant handle 2 new threads about weapons weekly when it is already basically confirmed none will be added.. If you really want some, wait for modsupport. It's almost funny that half of the people seem to have ideas for the game that are always weapons cause they literally can't think of anything else, why not just use your imagination for something useful and constructive for subnautica, not for your wish to defend by killing or even just hurting creatures that are basically just normal animals
    And the speargun that was requested has no other use than hurting creatures that you could just freeze or push away with a repulsion gun, which already is able to kill
    those poor fellas.

    edit: I'm actually not done yet, furthermore, you say "how are we supposed to kill these beasts when we can't even land a hit on them" you could literally stasis a reaper and proceed to stab it with a knife and stasis it again once you need to and keep hitting it and repeat and literally just cut the poor creature over minutes until it finally dies a very slow death, helpless and frozen, it's like the torture method of the thousand cuts, which the Japanese used. What are you saying we need to even the playing field, creatures in the game right now are pretty stupid and we all are thinking humans, the playing field is very even. Furthermore you say you just want some basic weapons to defend yourself, with the repulsion Cannon, the freeze rifle and the knife, you already have exactly what you apparently want so what do you really want? Apparently you just want to kill animals because they are annoying to you. With your own brain and scientific tools you are already highly superior to them.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    edited August 2015
    You know you don't have to participate in these discussions if it bothers you so much, right?
    Just chillax man. I get that you think you have to defend the game from these evil ideas of weapons and violence, but you really do not.
    This isn't even that big a deal. Just lighthearted juxtaposition and bantering back and forth on things that people think would be cool.
  • LightdevilLightdevil Austria Join Date: 2015-06-10 Member: 205381Members, Subnautica Playtester
    edited August 2015
    You know you don't have to participate in these discussions if it bothers you so much, right?
    Just chillax man. I get that you think you have to defend the game from these evil ideas of weapons and violence, but you really do not.
    This isn't even that big a deal. Just lighthearted juxtaposition and bantering back and forth on things that people think would be cool.

    Sadly it isnt, it is constant pestering after it was already stated it won't be in the game. It's like the developers said "were not gonna add this" and every other week people go "how about you guys add this" and then It pisses me off even more when people drag this into a political discussion like that one guy you thankfully disagreed with aswell and say we just think guns are bad and kill people and we are all liberals or whatever, the problem is some pro weapons-in-subnautica people already go waay beyond subnautica, this has been happening in an old thread ALOT and it was just nasty to read, I don't want to see that again, so I try to stop this nonsense cause it's useless, it's stated weapons won't happen. I'm not protecting the game, the developers have it in their hand and weapons won't be added, it doesn't need protection. I'm trying to protect the forums from more of these threads. And I don't mean you directly but want to say it in general: Stop making threads about this, there are more than enough already open where you can add your ideas. Discussion about weapons in my opinion are not even really about subnautica because weapons are just the thing subnautica thankfully Is NOT about. The worst thing about this is individuals getting borderline insulting towards people who support the developers in their decision to not make a violent game, this and the fact there's too many of these threads are the reasons why I'm lashing out. I apologize, I did not want to attack you personally.
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    edited August 2015
    Leonhardt, you're right that we don't actually know what will be implemented in the future... but that doesn't matter. For the next update, and every update after that, I am 100% sure we will never get something that breaks the game intentionally so much so that we need weapons to combat it. I'm sure you can see that as being somewhat logical based off of what we have seen. The Reaper never leaves its zone of control so to speak, and it is completely harmless if you use a cyclops. Even if the Sea Emperor can actually attack the cyclops, I have no doubt there will be an upgrade to prevent it from damaging the cyclops. But again all that is speculation anyways... which is why your counter argument isn't impervious to criticism just because you say so-- You can't speculate and say "oh well there might be something dangerous that we need a weapon for" when my point has nothing to do with the future. It has to do with NOW, and NOW means there is no need for weapons because right NOW the game is easy as all heck

    Edit: that's not to say I won't agree with you if there actually is something that is added that breaks the game. Then sure, a weapon may very well be needed. But I just don't think it will happen :) I'm not a militant anti-violence advocate xD

    Also yes, thanks for not making this political >_>
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    Okay, the Reaper is harmless when you're in the Cyclops, what about when you leave it to open Supply Crates on the ocean floor?
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    Okay, the Reaper is harmless when you're in the Cyclops, what about when you leave it to open Supply Crates on the ocean floor?

    Exactly, what about it? O_o it's not a 100% chance it will kill you dude. Or even spawn for that matter Take your cyclops right next to the wreckage and use a seamoth, sure if the Reaper actually gets you in the seamoth then well, you have another chance to get to the cyclops which should be right next to you :P

  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    The Reaper is guaranteed to kill you. Sure you can use the Seamoth to get to the crates but when they're wide out in the open then hell no. The developers should at least put arms or a spot to equip a propulsion cannon on it so you can grab items. Maybe even have a small amount of inventory slots to carry some things like extra power cells or materials you find
  • DefectiveDelfinDefectiveDelfin Planet earth Join Date: 2015-07-19 Member: 206262Members
    The Reaper is guaranteed to kill you. Sure you can use the Seamoth to get to the crates but when they're wide out in the open then hell no. The developers should at least put arms or a spot to equip a propulsion cannon on it so you can grab items. Maybe even have a small amount of inventory slots to carry some things like extra power cells or materials you find

    Thats the point.There should be a risk and a reward.Going out to get supplies in the wreckage has a risk which is the RL and a reward which is supplies like medkits or powercells.

    Not everything should be handed to you on a sliver platter.
  • zero12xzero12x Join Date: 2017-04-12 Member: 229588Members
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