How about another Survivor or 2 that uses the lab equipment figure out Carar /item enchancement
Join Date: 2017-05-16 Member: 230546Members
AI hangs out in the mainbase/home unharmable, dont use AI pathing to send them to other bases use a solid path animation from cyclops to hatch -- if its too far/ no line of sight raytrace he tells you no
Walkin from lab equipment to lab equipment, checking PDA =="working" -->use fishtank collect different type to examine--->Alien containment, some plants
They could send you on side missions, requesting things from the game world
send them to other bases to set and "maintain" scanners-> only one solar panel--> not enough power there.. they tell you to build more power
could also have that AI to "want to go lower/deeper" and build a "lab" @ a specific location where later on it gets attacked,..--> base ruined with holes, =AI is dead/missing
walk up to any of them and send one to the Cyclops to load decoy/fire/etc, have the AI heckle the players driving skill by being a backseat driver / "Scotty" rip off
"givin er all she's got" "ah dunt think that mountains gunna move, lad" "sssSSSKRAAATCH" "don't mind me,... back here,.... in the fire...., you, you just drive" "**hums to jaws music**"
"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" --during an attack "mock the sonar ping" "[talks to themself] oh sure _name_, why not let the guy that don't even talk, drive!"
nb: if you wanted the TLDR version just ask, figure short point form is better
Walkin from lab equipment to lab equipment, checking PDA =="working" -->use fishtank collect different type to examine--->Alien containment, some plants
They could send you on side missions, requesting things from the game world
send them to other bases to set and "maintain" scanners-> only one solar panel--> not enough power there.. they tell you to build more power
could also have that AI to "want to go lower/deeper" and build a "lab" @ a specific location where later on it gets attacked,..--> base ruined with holes, =AI is dead/missing
walk up to any of them and send one to the Cyclops to load decoy/fire/etc, have the AI heckle the players driving skill by being a backseat driver / "Scotty" rip off
"givin er all she's got" "ah dunt think that mountains gunna move, lad" "sssSSSKRAAATCH" "don't mind me,... back here,.... in the fire...., you, you just drive" "**hums to jaws music**"
"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" --during an attack "mock the sonar ping" "[talks to themself] oh sure _name_, why not let the guy that don't even talk, drive!"
nb: if you wanted the TLDR version just ask, figure short point form is better
Because I don't think that meshes with the whole idea of us being a lone survivor on an alien world
But, pretty much ya... put a white lab coat on them and they "work"[timer N days] and eventually come up with cyclops upgrades (/other upgrades/items).
The Player wont be seeing this NPC in the open world(due to increased complexity), except for when you rescue them.
It will catch the player off guard about being alone. Any time the Relay goes off right now, the player will probably be thinking "yay! PDA/new gear".
Com Relay goes off like normal, requesting help and asks for a tank/rebreather. (At this point the Player would need the Cyclops)
Player goes to location like ie: lifepod 2 or 12.
when the Player gets close enough to the lifepods hatch it does a cut scene.
**cutscene: NPC's hand slams up against the hatch glass** -- "thank god you came, did you bring the rebreather"
**cutscene:Player view looks to the right to see a Boneshark [mouth wide open, in attack mode] coming at him.
**cutscene:Player uses the Stasis Rifle[while diving behind the lifepod] to freeze the Boneshark, and pulls out his knife.
**cutscene:While the Boneshark is frozen, a Crabsquid gets frozen grabbing that Boneshark in the Stasis bubble with its pincers.
**cutscene:When Stasis bubble goes away, the Crabsnake brings the Boneshark to its mouth, bites onto it, and swims off to eat it.
Player opens the Hatch with the Lazer cutter,[*big burst of air blasts out*] gives the NPC the rebreather **NPC swims to Cyclops**
When the Player returns to the Cyclops the NPC is sitting/laying down on the floor of the Cyclops, exhausted. Asking for food/water.[Carry-all bag with food/water back in the lifepod]
NPC fills more storyline with their account of where they were (lab personnel) when the Aurora was hit, what happened and how they had to make due with the Nutrient blocks/water in the lifepod.
During the trip back the Lab Tech talks about how odd it was for the Crabsquid to attack the Boneshark, comes to the conclusion that its attracted to light.
When you get them back to your base, they insist on a lab being built.. where misc items are brought to them to do research.
.....yada yada yada upgrades items are unlocked for the Player.
After everything is unlocked, the Lab person requests a New Lab down deeper.
The Player builds the New Lab in the deep new place, maybe does a couple more item deliveries.
The Player gets back to his base(...or out somewhere else), the Com Relay goes off. The Lab tech is saying something is attacking the New Lab.
When the Player arrives the New Lab is destroyed, and the player has to swim through the New Destroyed Lab they built to search for the Lab tech, but only finds the remainder of the research, PDA's/misc items to deconstruct and bring back to their base.
Player is returned back to a sense of being Truly Alone, and that something might attack their base eventually.
@EvilSmoo: I find it Ironic how you create Discussions/post many things that reinvent something already in the game(instead of adding an extra function[divereel]) or completely undermine and negate most of the existing mechanics to boil things down to a one button gratification game.
Instead of planning/organizing/maintaining....Surviving.... Hand you everything like Apex food, mobile battery charger, lifepod & mobile sub scanner pushing the player to only really needing/playing the game mostly from the sub...
and others....
Then to go on trying to Troll saying "I think he wants a bot to tell him what to do next, rather than thinking for himself?" --hmmmm. If thats your takeaway from that, then so be it. maybe trying to read it again will help. I said nothing about a bot doing things for the Player(which is weird that you would feel the need to protest, cause it jives right in there with your one button approach line of thinking)
Also you need to keep in mind when this game is officially released, a drove of brand new players(ones that have not been playing the game for the last 8-9years:[Joined
February 2008]) will be hitting forums/youtube/google if natural game flow direction is lost, and them not being able to know what point they are at in the story, will make them lost to be able to make progress... and loose interest in the game. ie: Coms relay messages: if the player begins the game by answering the Coms Relay, but not goto the spot. Collects the messages like Pokemon and builds an empire base instead(which most of us probably do...) the Player ends up with a locker full of Message beacons(possibly lost/forgotten) almost dead of Carar and not come to the conclusion to unequip the Scanner room HUD Chip and equip a Message beacon #1 then 2,3,4~. If the Player figures that out too late in the game, they'd quickly realize they need to restart the game. (depending if the Carar infection is play time based or progression based)
You learning programming might help, cause due to my time available to make a TLDR like this. I do tend to add in short code-like flow sentences. << this is a heads up for future posts, because my first post is nothing, its also simpler and faster (myself wise and probably other dev's) to explain & read the "overall concept" in mock code with //comments along the way, with a brief overview description.
For a Game that you obviously like, and would like to see it do well, you shouldn't be trying to be a witty troll flaming on a forum. its not helpful.
It's more useful to the devs to bring them to their vision of the game, if _we_ as followers can create "Bubble Idea's" they can check out time to time, while reporting glitches/bugs and how things are currently working out, free of charge. ......It's kinda helpful.
I'll agree with one thing you said, someone did "let a monkey at a keyboard on an internet-connected computer"
...well maybe two things: Floodlights should run off of base power if connected, if power goes out have the whole base go dark. 3-5second delay for the floodlight batteries to kick in and work as back up emergency lights.
nb: raytrace is an old (probably depreciated now) method in Ogre3D i was reading up on a long long time ago, of detecting if an object collides with other objects from one point to another.
Because if the confirmation is from a hole in the lifepod and no body found..... it kinda leaves it open.
Sorta like if someone visited lifepod #5.... guess this one was empty or the person is dead.(meanwhile you swam off to build refuge)
[remember, i haven't played PC version, so any current info would be great]
E N D__O F__S T O R Y
also review the definition for NPC before spreading your.... **charm.
Non player character
Sometimes even called non player controller character.
Anyways don't me bad that you aren't getting a positive feedback to your idea. This is what happens if you request something that is not what the game is about. The game is about being a lone surivor. No one else can survive they all died
So, unless the beacons get turned into default automated beacon distress signals, you weren't the only that survived the crash.
"Welcome to the Aurora, please step in this pod and say what happens before we're shot down"
Dare i point those out too... Risk starting more mob mentality flame wars??
You say "Mob mentality", we say "Pretty much everybody seems to think this idea is unwanted", and as I said with another poster a while ago? Your ideas don't deserve any kind of protection or immunity from critique or people outright saying "I don't like this idea"
It's the other Trolls that like to jump on threads they've seen people get worked up about and flaming about something they don't barely know about.
It didn't help when doing Gta3/Vice city/San Andreas multiplayer (MTA) and it wont help here... (oh no i said the 'M' word)
ps: they should re-word this area...... PDA->Data Downloads->Aurora Survivors
what the fuck