I think I did, idk. But it is a problem cause it will cycle through the ladder, fabricator, bench, solar panel and something else on its own and only those few things. It won't even let me construct those either.
Builder help;
Can you build a foundation?
Select the builder
Press RT, the foundation is already selected
Look down and swim to the seabed
When the 'image' turns green,
Press 'A' to build it.
Practice on an 'I' corridor, it's eaiser.
I would be VERY cautious/[outright avoid] of putting ANYTHING not owned by these dev's, it could get Subnautica pulled permanently from stores:
"This isn’t the first time Marvel-related video games have been delisted from various digital download services. Back in January, Activision’s games based on Deadpool, Spider-Man and X-Men as well as Capcom’s Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 were pulled allegedly due to expiring licenses."
Yo guys was just looking at silent running notes for steam and are we getting time capsules on xbone? As it doesn't seem likely but would be a fun thing to look out for and can we choose what lifelong they drop at?
The tool is bugged to where it cycles through a bench, fabricator, ladder, foundation, and solar panel. If I try and select anything else like an aquarium or plant pot, it will revert to one of those 5 on it's own and nothing else. Thus rendering me unable to build a habitat anywhere at any time. It sucks....a lot...
I know it's a pain but have you tried uninstall and reinstall the game and hard reset you xbox?
No I haven't tried that yet because I thought that if I uninstalled I'd have to buy the game. Plz don't be to hard on me 4 this, I'm fairly new to Xbox 1 and still trying to figure it out.
Sorry for late reply but no once you buy a game it's yours to play delete and download as you please, as it stands I have 180 ready to install games and 12 downloaded hope it works for you but past really don't have a clue, to hard reset your xbox just hold the power button for 30 seconds
Sorry for late reply but no once you buy a game it's yours to play delete and download as you please, as it stands I have 180 ready to install games and 12 downloaded hope it works for you but past really don't have a clue, to hard reset your xbox just hold the power button for 30 seconds
Thanks man, this is probably gonna work out! Fingers crossed...
Yes. An update on the update. I don't want to seem impatient, and I know it takes awhile to fix stuff, but it has been almost a month now. Sorry unity screwed up on you.
If I had to guess, since there is another update in may they could just be waiting to finish that update and release both at once. Instead of fixing one only to break it withanother update right off.
Sorry for late reply but no once you buy a game it's yours to play delete and download as you please, as it stands I have 180 ready to install games and 12 downloaded hope it works for you but past really don't have a clue, to hard reset your xbox just hold the power button for 30 seconds
Thanks man, this is probably gonna work out! Fingers crossed...
Sorry for late reply but no once you buy a game it's yours to play delete and download as you please, as it stands I have 180 ready to install games and 12 downloaded hope it works for you but past really don't have a clue, to hard reset your xbox just hold the power button for 30 seconds
Thanks man, this is probably gonna work out! Fingers crossed...
Can you build a foundation?
Select the builder
Press RT, the foundation is already selected
Look down and swim to the seabed
When the 'image' turns green,
Press 'A' to build it.
Practice on an 'I' corridor, it's eaiser.
"This isn’t the first time Marvel-related video games have been delisted from various digital download services. Back in January, Activision’s games based on Deadpool, Spider-Man and X-Men as well as Capcom’s Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 were pulled allegedly due to expiring licenses."
cite: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2014/12/19/marvel-vs-capcom-origins-to-be-removed-from-ps3-and-xbox-360
cite: https://gamerant.com/activision-spider-man-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtle-digital/
Maybe try to build another builder?
Buuut, try another XB if you're worried about problems with the updates.
I've tried to build another builder to see if it'd work, and it didn't.
I've tried a new game since I don't know how to reload a save on Xbox 1, and that didn't fix the problem.
No I haven't tried that yet because I thought that if I uninstalled I'd have to buy the game. Plz don't be to hard on me 4 this, I'm fairly new to Xbox 1 and still trying to figure it out.
I'll try tomorrow and let ya'll know if it works. Thanks for the tip!
Thanks man, this is probably gonna work out!
Any updates yet? Did it work?
It didn't work
*sad face*
Me too man, this bug is pretty bad, probably worse than AIDS...lmao, jk.