Is there any possibility that we will ever see Subnautica for Nintendo Switch?

ZisisZisis Greece Join Date: 2016-04-27 Member: 216066Members
Since the release of the Switch, i am very eager to buy it but apart from Zelda, there is no game that REALLY interests me.
I was thinking of games that i would like to see for Switch that would push me to buy it, if of course the hardware is sufficient enough for them to work.

So, do you developers have any plans or thoughts about porting the game?
Is it possible to do it regarding the technical aspect?
Would you players ever consider buying subnautica for Switch?

P.S: I know that the devs already plan to port the game for PS4, so nobody should expect fast response considering this matter. It is just some thoughts :)


  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
  • ZisisZisis Greece Join Date: 2016-04-27 Member: 216066Members
    Well, sorry for not checking before posting... :(

    But, i think it would pretty good to see UWE making some kind of game for the Switch later on!
  • CaptainFearlessCaptainFearless CO, US Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224941Members
    edited March 2017
    I don't think Subnautica would work well with the switch at all. And Nintendo is a totally different company.
  • ZisisZisis Greece Join Date: 2016-04-27 Member: 216066Members
    And Nintendo is a totally different company.

    Regarding what? I mean subnautica is family-friendly so are most of nintendo's games and switches nature

  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited March 2017
    Zisis wrote: »
    And Nintendo is a totally different company.

    Regarding what? I mean subnautica is family-friendly so are most of nintendo's games and switches nature

    Yeah I could see Subnautica in terms of style on Switch, but that doggy is just a pupper. It's not like Nintendo never had higher E-rated games on their platform. It's not all stars and mushrooms on there :D

    Nindendon't what PCan
  • scifiwriterguyscifiwriterguy Sector ZZ-9-Plural Z-α Join Date: 2017-02-14 Member: 227901Members
    edited March 2017
    @Zisis, you have a point in that games of its type have worked well for Nintendo in the past - Endless Ocean is a prime example. Sadly, there are three problems that are probably going to keep Subnautica off the Switch.

    1. The hardware just can't handle it. Nintendo has, since the debut of the Wii, decided to go with interactivity innovation over raw power upgrades. Where they have punch in the ways and means that players interact with the game world, they're at best welterweights in the processing power department. Subnautica, and all of the beauty that's part of it, needs raw power, and lots of it. When compared to the bygone Endless Ocean and its sequel, you can see the difference: EO did not have graphics anywhere near the standard of Subnautica. In all likelihood, the Switch would have a meltdown if it tried.

    2. You'd have to rewrite the game. Converting a PC game to run on the average console of comparable power (AKA "porting") generally is just a matter of making sure it'll fit within the memory and processing limitations of the console, tweaking user interface methodology to be controller friendly, and swapping a few button mappings around. Generally annoying, but not a massive job. The Switch, though, like its Wii ancestry, uses an entirely different input method, one which Subnautica never even considered. It would require an enormous edit to the game's control structure and user interface to make it playable on the Switch (or Wii/U) as opposed to the relatively straightforward changes needed to get it to run on an XB1 or PS4.

    3. Nintendo probably won't go for it. "Family friendly" is their key sales line, and while some IPs have bent the limits on that (ZombiU, Resident Evil, and some others), there have been distinct reasons for all of them. ZombiU was an (ultimately unsuccessful) attempt to inject some life (har!) into the WiiU's sales. Resident Evil has been a proven cash cow for ages, and only a damn fool turns down that kind of assured income, especially when your bottom line hasn't been so rosy for a bit. Subnautica, with endless danger, animals trying to eat you alive, widespread loss of life (even off camera), and the body horror of watching an alien disease tear you apart, probably doesn't fit in with the Nintendo ethos.

    So, while a game like Subnautica would be a frickin' hoot on the Switch - and might actually even get me to buy one - it's unfortunately very unlikely it'll ever happen.
  • Racer1Racer1 Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9615Members
    Subnautica is going for an E10 rating. That is easily family friendly.
  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
    Racer1 wrote: »
    Subnautica is going for an E10 rating. That is easily family friendly.

    But that in no way diminishes the other two major problems that will keep the OP's request from happening.

  • NerdyEricNerdyEric Join Date: 2016-11-15 Member: 223876Members
    No problem with the game itself, but the power of the switch does not meet what subnautica requires in this current state. They would need to majorly optimize it and tone the graphics. Nintendo would allow the game though. I mean they allowed this atrocity.....
  • Lerryt6754Lerryt6754 Join Date: 2017-06-05 Member: 230948Members
    Subnautica definitely has a good chance to be on the Switch. I know lots of people don't think so, but the Switch is able to run Skyrim pretty well. Subnautica's graphics aren't as realistic as Skyrim's, but the world might be considerably bigger.
  • gamer1000kgamer1000k Join Date: 2017-04-29 Member: 230121Members
    Lerryt6754 wrote: »
    Subnautica definitely has a good chance to be on the Switch. I know lots of people don't think so, but the Switch is able to run Skyrim pretty well. Subnautica's graphics aren't as realistic as Skyrim's, but the world might be considerably bigger.

    Skyrim was released in 2012, and had a large, experienced development team which did a ton of optimization to make it run well on the Xbox 360. The WiiU, and by extension the Switch, are both faster than the Xbox 360.

    Subnautica is being developed for PC and Xbox One, and likely takes advantage of the much higher CPU capabilities of those platforms compared to the Switch. The Switch might be able to pull off the minimum graphics settings at low resolution, but I doubt it would have enough CPU performance for things like the creature AI and base/vehicle power usage without the game being completely rewritten to take advantage of the Switch hardware.

    Additionally, the Xbox One basically uses PC hardware now so (theoretically) it's much easier to write a game for one and then port it to the other than it would be to port it to the Switch. Not to mention that the devs don't have any experience with Nintendo hardware.

    Realistically, I don't see it happening anytime soon, but it would be entirely possible for a third party to do a spinoff or port in the future if Subnautica is sufficiently successful to justify the development effort. The graphics would need to be significantly toned down and the game heavily optimized, but otherwise there's nothing in the game that would preclude it running on a Switch.
  • PikariPikari Join Date: 2016-09-30 Member: 222711Members
    Subnautica, with endless danger, animals trying to eat you alive, widespread loss of life (even off camera), and the body horror of watching an alien disease tear you apart, probably doesn't fit in with the Nintendo ethos.

    Nonsense. For many, Nintendo was their first taste of horror.


    Death is also commonly depicted on screen in many of their first party titles. Just one example:


    Such things are also in recent titles. So Subnautica is tame and could easily fit on their system. Performance wise is a different story however. It has enough problems on the other systems.
  • NerdyEricNerdyEric Join Date: 2016-11-15 Member: 223876Members
    NerdyEric wrote: »
    No problem with the game itself, but the power of the switch does not meet what subnautica requires in this current state. They would need to majorly optimize it and tone the graphics. Nintendo would allow the game though. I mean they allowed this atrocity.....

    I COMPLETELY FORGOT I MADE THIS JOKE AND THOUGHT SOMEONE HACKED MY ACCOUNT XD, but yeah would be cool but not enough of that raw natural power
  • bwc153bwc153 Shawnee, KS, US Join Date: 2016-02-29 Member: 213659Members
    Unity doesn't support the switch to my understanding. Also if the Xbox One struggles to run Subnautica, there's no way the switch has any hope to run it.
  • nesrak1nesrak1 Places Join Date: 2016-12-04 Member: 224536Members
  • OjakokkoOjakokko Finland Join Date: 2017-01-20 Member: 226999Members
    Zisis wrote: »
    apart from Zelda, there is no game that REALLY interests me.

    Well, I mean, they have Skyrim... Something tells me you might like bethesda games.... I'm not sure what it is, just something... Wonder what it could be that makes me feel like you like Bethesda games....
    That being said you've probably played Skyrim, but maybe adding Skyrim to the switch's library means there's some hope to get ES6 on it as well?
  • starkaosstarkaos Join Date: 2016-03-31 Member: 215139Members
    Bethesda just confirmed that Skyrim is coming to the Switch. So if a 5.5 year old computer or older can run Skyrim and Subnautica, then Subnautica can eventually run on the Switch assuming that Unknown Worlds gets permission from Nintendo and there is no major obstacles for porting Subnautica to the Switch. Apparently one of the big changes for the Switch version of Skyrim is that Amiibos can be used on Skyrim. So using the Link Amiibo will allow the Dragonborn to equip Link's equipment. Amiibos in Subnautica could be something to be considered about. Although, there is the Markiplier doll and Jacksepticeye tank already in Subnautica.
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