Just an idea or two for now and the future.

NecrovoreNecrovore Twisty Bridges Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231359Members
edited June 2017 in Ideas and Suggestions
Okay, time for my contribution of an ideas thread. A number have already been suggested so I'll try not to repeat too much here. I'm going to split this into two sections, idea for stuff to be added before release, and ideas for things to add after. First up, things that could or should be added now:

Larger foundation. The current foundation holds 4 spaces in a 2 x 2 grid for placing compartments on and gives a hull value of +2.0. I propose the addition of a 9 space foundation in a 3 x 3 layout that gives a hull value of +4.0. A foundation of this size would allow for the multipurpose room to be centred directly on it to appease any OCD tendencies within the playerbase, as well as allowing for a number of base designs that would otherwise require a fairly off-balance placement of foundations. At +4.0 hull it is slightly less efficient in hull per space then the regular foundation and I propose the cost should be also slightly unfavourable, maybe 6 10 titanium? (Thought the foundation was 2 Titanium not 4, oops.)

Base Control Panel. This would be a module placed either inside or outside a base that would provide info to the player about that base. Notable info would be current Hull strength, current power level, and the current incoming power/sec and outgoing power/sec. Possibly have a time till fully charged section too. It would serve well as a tool to help in checking on current conditions in a base as well as in planning future additions. Depending on the way the code handles rooms, if possible I would suggest it would also have the ability to turn off rooms or modules in the linked base, allowing the player the option of disabling certain aspects of the base in low power situations without having to deconstruct parts of their base. Being able to turn off the lights if needed could tie in well with current mechanics where the player can shut off all lighting to avoid notice of something swimming by that could damage the base. Even just the basic form of the suggestion would be useful in creative mode to help judge the viability of a particular base design for recreating it in freedom or survival modes.

Mapping. Hot topic I know, but I haven't come across this possible solution yet. Give a map to the player that can only be accessed if they have the Scanner Room HUD Chip, or possibly an upgraded version of it. Instead of a complete map, or some fog of war system, it instead shows a blank surface with the player location, any and all currently active beacons, vehicles, and installed signals. The only terrain that would be shown would be that within the range of a scanner room, otherwise it is just unknown void. The origin of the map would always be centred on the player's location and not linked to the actual xyz values of the worldmap. In addition to the beacons, the player could click and add a waypoint that would show ingame like the beacons currently do. This would allow the player to plot out destinations based on marked areas so they don't get lost, but would reveal nothing that isn't already visible to the player.

Towing. Upgrade module for the Seamoth. It would allow you to launch a cable at something then drag it around. The weight of the object would affect the max speed of the seamoth, and something too heavy, like a wall or seafloor, would leave the seamoth tethered unable to move away till the line is released. If anything like ocean currents are added, it could serve as an anchor for the seamoth, but the intended use is for resource nodes. The ability to latch onto a major resource node then drag it back to a central location for the prawn suit to then mine it out. Other uses are for towing other seamoths, or with difficulty, the prawn suit itself to recover it from some situations. It could also be used to do absolutely insane things like latching onto a leviathan and getting taken along for a ride.

Move Lifepod. For those that take too long to repair the lifepod, or just don't like the area, the ability to move the lifepod would be a nice option. Possibly used with the previous towing idea to let the Seamoth tow the Lifepod to a new location.

Post 1.0/Expansion Ideas:

Mirror. 1 Glass and 1 Silver. Basically one of the posters ingame but shows a reflection instead of an image. Short and simple, and only really needed if alternate gender or appearances are added.

Revisiting the planet. Idea for the expansion storyline, basically after making it back to civilised space, Alterra corporation sends the players character back to the planet to spearhead the colonisation of the planet. It would take place on a new part of the map, allowing for the addition of the proposed biomes and alternate items, support from Alterra would give reason for any new building options. And ship access would allow revisiting the original map location, with the underlying mechanics relying on the currently in place teleportation system.

Floating Foundations. With the intent of allowing us to build floating bases on the surface. Instead of hull strength, it would be weight that needs to be balanced out so the base doesn't sink. Foundations and antigrav systems...maybe silly things like giant balloons, to keep everything floating.


  • ssutcliffessutcliffe United States Join Date: 2016-11-01 Member: 223565Members
    I second the idea of a base control panel! W really need a better way to check current hull integrity other then disassembling and reassembling the nearest window. Being able to turn lights off in a base in dark places like the ILZ, Grand Reef or Jellyshroom Caves would also be a really good thing. Windows have weird reflections looking out into dark places. One of the coolest things about this game is watching things outside your seabase windows, so anything that would improve that would likely make a lot of people happy.

    I also agree with a bigger better foundation. The current one is a bit underwhelming, and I tend to use it only for making a nice flat area for my plant gardens.

    You can peek at yourself is using a camera drone and looking in the scanning room window. An actual mirror might be nice though!

    I think this DLC suggestion is a good one too.
  • justi18562justi18562 Join Date: 2017-02-28 Member: 228386Members
    I think the game needs some kind of mannequins to store on your cyclops to put your different suits on when you're no longer using them so you can have them on display to look at. Also it would have to be an actual mannequin not just something in the pda that wouldn't be as cool. It would be cool too if you could store your tools on the casing of the manequin so you can pull a Batman and have all your equipment and Suit right there. It would almost look like the large locker except not as wide and maybe be movable or just come with the Cyclops.
    Also I believe there needs to be another door between the cockpit door and the docking bay. In order to provide more security or just not be able to look the whole way to the engine room from the smaller room. A quick sliding door you can unlock or lock would be good and the cyclops already has weird airline storage compartments those should be able to be opened to provide storage. I don't know if it's in the game but a cylinder tube with water in it would be nice for creepvine, blood oil, and anything else that could fit in it. Also silent running should last just a bit longer and LAVA LARVAE shouldn't be able to drain power from the cyclops if the engines are turned Off and all the lights are off as well.
    Also the moonpool should have an upgrade to make one side of the long side wider like a mobile camper, it could have glass to look out of while still being able to place stuff and things on the extra space. It could be triggered by a button or latch and lock into position. And any weird airplane looking storage compartments should be able to be opened or even possibly allow pictures to hang on them.
    Also it would be cool to have robotic arms on the outside of the moonpool or even on the cyclops to dock the Prawn suit and have a camera on it so we can see it change color to what we want at the vehicle modification station on the moonpool.
  • TarkannenTarkannen North Carolina Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221304Members
    Necrovore wrote: »
    Move Lifepod. For those that take too long to repair the lifepod, or just don't like the area, the ability to move the lifepod would be a nice option. Possibly used with the previous towing idea to let the Seamoth tow the Lifepod to a new location.

    I cannot tell you how many times I have to restart over on a fresh new game file, as I'm unhappy with where the Lifepod 5 ends up at. I well aware of the "lifepod blasted from the sky could end up anywhere in the ocean" argument, but it takes so many attempts to get a starting area I'm happy with. Despite Lifepod 5 having multiple spawning points, a LOT of them are put at bewildering places. A lot of the time I'm surrounded by schools of Gasopods or Stalkers, or have to deal with the constant rumbling of the thermal vent. Sometimes I won't have a flat area to build my starting base; the area is usually littered with canyons that break up the placement of Foundations. And then there's the ridiculous points that have the Lifepod floating mere inches above a sandy plateau or a rocky cliff - if you exit via the bottom area, you either get "stuck" in the terrain or occasionally clip below the ocean. Very rarely will I be able to start a new game with a location I like in under ten attempts before finally committing to one. :sweat:

    In that regard, I would like to see the Seamoth gain the ability to move the Lifepod - or better yet, let us move it around as a vehicle once it's repaired. The new update gave the Lifepod an "outboard motor" sound effect once its power is restored, so that would seem to indicate it should be able to self-propelled. Also since it also has its own ping (like the Seamoth, Exosuit and Cyclops do) then I feel it should become a mobile vehicle as well. At the very least, since it's a mobile base of sorts, it would be nice to give it more of a practical use once you finally move out of it and into your new seabase home.
  • justi18562justi18562 Join Date: 2017-02-28 Member: 228386Members
    Just another idea it would be cool to have a latch inside the moonpool to close it and make there be a floor to stand on. But not place anything kinda like the cyclops dock walkway it's there but it's not a good idea to put anything on them. The latch could be that one on the rocket and the floor could close allowing you to repair and access inventory easier. It would also improve the game if a vertical connector could be placed on 2 of the corners and place a ladder going up.
    Placing of ladders should improve to being able to rotate them to separate 90 degree angles. Instead of a walkway having a ladder in the middle of it have it place like the elbow walkways.
  • isthisreallyneededisthisreallyneeded Denmark Join Date: 2017-06-28 Member: 231426Members
    i would like this to be a thing :wink::smiley:

    in this new abandoned sea base there would be a code to disable the gun and also a way to scan lots of things. A cool idea could also be that you could repair the other abandoned sea basses, the repairing would need a repair tool, half the the titanium it normally would cost.

    the broadcaster would be made with 4 titanium, advanced wiring kit, computer chip, power cell and a copper wire.
    you would be able to find the blueprint of it in the new sea base you would use it like the communications relay, you click on it and type the thing you want to broadcast to your home planet and get home (this would result in a second ending)

    the video will be up soon so you could watch it :)
  • isthisreallyneededisthisreallyneeded Denmark Join Date: 2017-06-28 Member: 231426Members
  • justi18562justi18562 Join Date: 2017-02-28 Member: 228386Members
    I would be cool to fix up the old bases and have a new location for it somewhere plain in sight but hidden as well like how did I miss that situation.
  • isthisreallyneededisthisreallyneeded Denmark Join Date: 2017-06-28 Member: 231426Members
    edited June 2017
  • tommy21toestommy21toes Subnautica Join Date: 2017-05-21 Member: 230666Members
    Great ideas, and well thought out. You sir, get another Awesome. Mirrors are a cool idea, but I would want to make a hall of mirrors and that is going to be scary to process :wink:
  • Gamechanger3849Gamechanger3849 Flying an ARC-170 above Planet 4546B Join Date: 2017-06-17 Member: 231153Members
    Necrovore wrote: »
    Floating Foundations. With the intent of allowing us to build floating bases on the surface. Instead of hull strength, it would be weight that needs to be balanced out so the base doesn't sink. Foundations and antigrav systems...maybe silly things like giant balloons, to keep everything floating.


    I love it since the terraformer is being removed I wont be able to build my own island.
  • Nukewolf97Nukewolf97 england Join Date: 2017-06-28 Member: 231442Members
    i had an idea of a jet surfboard to go to and from any surface bases, the aurora, life capsules and land masses quicker than anything else
  • justi18562justi18562 Join Date: 2017-02-28 Member: 228386Members
    Something bigger than the seaglide with storage but smaller than the seamoth, the manta ray surfer. Props to Nukewolf97
  • isthisreallyneededisthisreallyneeded Denmark Join Date: 2017-06-28 Member: 231426Members
    i could be a water jet.

    you put it on your back and it has 3 x 3 storage
  • DragoWhoovesDragoWhooves UK Join Date: 2017-05-30 Member: 230836Members
    I like all the ideas expect the "Revisiting the planet" save that for Subnutica 2
  • NecrovoreNecrovore Twisty Bridges Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231359Members
    I like all the ideas expect the "Revisiting the planet" save that for Subnutica 2

    I figured it would fit better under their possible expansion instead of sequel as I don't think I would actually want to come back in the sequel. We resolve the main purpose of the planet in the current storyline, and the expansion would just be a good excuse to toss in the biomes that couldn't be implemented in time for initial release. Unless we are dealing with something like the return of the Precursors or tracking down a Degrasi survivor, I don't think there is a standalone games worth of storyline left on the planet that wouldn't feel overly shoehorned into the content. A sequel should not be a reskin of the first game it should always move beyond it. Heck, the sequel could take place in space instead of the water. Maybe we finally get to build that jump gate we were supposed to be working on in the first place, or tracking down other Precursor planets.
  • WolfGamerWolfGamer Join Date: 2017-07-03 Member: 231565Members
    maybe we crash on a new planet for another reason (aka not a weapon) like the complete opposite all jungle and desert and mountains and small bits of water
  • 5m4llP0X5m4llP0X Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231356Members
    WolfGamer wrote: »
    maybe we crash on a new planet for another reason (aka not a weapon) like the complete opposite all jungle and desert and mountains and small bits of water
    Sounds like a whole new game.
  • WolfGamerWolfGamer Join Date: 2017-07-03 Member: 231565Members
    5a4llP0X its like a sequel
  • NecrovoreNecrovore Twisty Bridges Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231359Members
    Hmm, possible modification to the base control idea. Being able to turn modules and rooms on and off from a control module would require an entire UI setup that could be quite time consuming to do, off loading it to a secondary option in the builder tool however, would be far easier. Just add a hotkey while using the build tool that will disable the room/object that it is currently showing an interact option for. Mouse over a room and be able to turn out the lights, mouse over things like the alien containment or aquarium and hit the hotkey to turn them off.
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