Performance problem

YukuaiYukuai Italy Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231362Members
Hi all,

I love Subnautica but I've got alot of stuttering with the annoying "pop-up" behaviour when I explore the Subnautica world, how can I fix these problems?
I've got an i7 as CPU, 16Gb RAM, recently updated my Nvidia 470 to a Nvidia GTX 970 and I've got still these problems ... please someone help me!


  • SkopeSkope Wouldn't you like to know ;) Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218212Members
    Paging @0x6A7232 to the thread, paging @0x6A7232 to the thread.
  • Racer1Racer1 Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9615Members
    Install Subnautica on an SSD
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Racer1 wrote: »
    Install Subnautica on an SSD

    This and, oddly enough, sometimes setting quality higher has been reported to help. Try it, anyways. If it makes it worse, set it back. If nothing else works, try clearing your cache (second link in the second line of my signature below ▼).
  • HarringtonRHarringtonR Join Date: 2017-06-29 Member: 231467Members
    Once you move it to an SSD (happening as we speak) does manually changing the RAM load for Subnautica help? I've tried to change the load settings through Steam to increase it to just under 4gb RAM allocated. Is this pointless to do for the popping/loading or is this a CPU problem (same specs as the guy above oddly enough)
  • YukuaiYukuai Italy Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231362Members
    I swapped on my SSD and it runs better. I hope that the team will work about some performance tweak in the next release date!
  • UhggUhgg US Join Date: 2015-02-20 Member: 201461Members
    So I was watching the performance moniter while playing and it looks like the lag spikes (which only happen while exploring) coincide with large disk usage spikes. I'm going to try the SSD fix, but it seems like there must be a better way. I have 24GB of RAM available... Do I really have to be limited to using only 4? It seems like it wouldn't be that hard to have an in game option to set the loading distance, or something to choose how much RAM to allocate to the game?

    It just needs to load far enough that it can be loading more of the map in the background while you traverse into an area that is already loaded but not visible yet.

    I don't think its a performance issue on my end, I have a good processor and a GTX 1060 and my framerate is fine once everything is loaded. Its just moving into new areas that everything gets put on hold until it gets pulled off the drive (my theory anyway).

    I get that not everyone has the specs to do it, but I think 8GB is pretty standard nowadays. Surely you could set the game to use a little more ram.
  • GuillimanGuilliman Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231357Members
    Performance hasn't been looked at much duo to the game being in active development. Soon they're starting a 2-3 month performance pass to optimize the game and fix all those weird graphics glitches and lag events. Worry not it's on their radar.
    Fixing performance is the last step as making new content could undo all your performance work, so best to leave it until last
  • HarringtonRHarringtonR Join Date: 2017-06-29 Member: 231467Members
    One of the ways I manged to get around performance problems was to press F1, and go to clip mapping and disable grass and use LQ shaders, this made the game much smoother for me, also allocated more ram to start up in steam menu, switched to SSD and it's very playable. NOTE: Using no grass makes things way easier to find and really isn't preferable to me, but it's better than getting stopped for 2-3 seconds when a Reaper is chasing you into another biome for load time
  • UhggUhgg US Join Date: 2015-02-20 Member: 201461Members
    Guilliman, good to know, thanks for the update.

    After switching to an SSD it has significantly reduced those lag events. It is pretty much smooth all the time now, thanks for that suggestion whoever said it.

    I'm still glad they are doing a performance pass because I think there are significant improvements that can be made, but for now its working well enough to be playable.
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