Creature training, an advanced fabricator and two ships
Turkey Join Date: 2017-06-06 Member: 230973Members

I came across this game on Fedupsamania and until today i'm watching it like a very peaceful tv series from the begining (Early Developmen, May 2015). When i watch it, things came to my mind. Probably you already thought of these things i'm gonna write about but i can't help myself
- [Creature command] Surface!
-- After command, creature will grab us and unlike air bladder it will carry us to surface even we are in a deep sea cave. The time of reaching to surface is related to the creature's size (muscle) and it's speed.
-- Petted then tamed creatures going to gain this ability via training for a specific period of time. Character will pet; computer based hologramic tamer or character can tame and only the character can train any captured creature.
-- First stage is Petting. It consist of feeding or healing the creature's wounds. Second stage is taming. This includes a series of movement with the creature when it follows us (or holographic copy of us acting as tamer) with a light source on our hand or head. Every successful movement should be finished with feeding the creature [this can be done by a food dispenser with holographic tamer]. When the taming complete; stage 3 aka. training begins. Every command to be gained by the creature has a training needs to be completed. Training duration [prefentially] depends on the creature's classification.
- Transporting Fabricator:
-- It can teleport known materials (used by the fabricator for a specific period of time [complex materials needs more period of time in total]) in range of 100 meters (upgradable). Living materials can not be transported in the game (at least not until Subnautica 2). This way our character will never need to collect [or order other creatures to collect] needed materials if the material in range of our ship.
- Nautilus: After lots of research on marine life, computer gives us a battle submarine design similar to this creature¹. It can be just a similar design or it can be an organic-metal hybrid. To my suprise Google's similar feature showed me a very similar picture² in my mind. Tentacles will work like motors. The design gives a great maneuver capability unlike all the vehicles in game.
-- Size: [One of these
-- Speed: [Not the best, because maneuver capability is going to be best]
-- Weapons: [Much like a war submarine]
- Kraken: The ultimate dream of mine from Subnautica. This work of art will be designed to battle with all of the game bosses. Also it can capture almost any biggest creatures of the ocean and this way we can bring them in to gigantic fish tanks to pet then tame then train to teach commands when they follows us. And the computer won't say this joke when we enter it: "Kraken released captain."
-- Size: [Epic!]
-- Speed: [Classified]
-- Weapons: [Classified]
Hopefully i'll have a new computer that runs this game at full quality settings when it came out
Take care.

- [Creature command] Surface!
-- After command, creature will grab us and unlike air bladder it will carry us to surface even we are in a deep sea cave. The time of reaching to surface is related to the creature's size (muscle) and it's speed.
-- Petted then tamed creatures going to gain this ability via training for a specific period of time. Character will pet; computer based hologramic tamer or character can tame and only the character can train any captured creature.
-- First stage is Petting. It consist of feeding or healing the creature's wounds. Second stage is taming. This includes a series of movement with the creature when it follows us (or holographic copy of us acting as tamer) with a light source on our hand or head. Every successful movement should be finished with feeding the creature [this can be done by a food dispenser with holographic tamer]. When the taming complete; stage 3 aka. training begins. Every command to be gained by the creature has a training needs to be completed. Training duration [prefentially] depends on the creature's classification.
- Transporting Fabricator:
-- It can teleport known materials (used by the fabricator for a specific period of time [complex materials needs more period of time in total]) in range of 100 meters (upgradable). Living materials can not be transported in the game (at least not until Subnautica 2). This way our character will never need to collect [or order other creatures to collect] needed materials if the material in range of our ship.
- Nautilus: After lots of research on marine life, computer gives us a battle submarine design similar to this creature¹. It can be just a similar design or it can be an organic-metal hybrid. To my suprise Google's similar feature showed me a very similar picture² in my mind. Tentacles will work like motors. The design gives a great maneuver capability unlike all the vehicles in game.
-- Size: [One of these

-- Speed: [Not the best, because maneuver capability is going to be best]
-- Weapons: [Much like a war submarine]
- Kraken: The ultimate dream of mine from Subnautica. This work of art will be designed to battle with all of the game bosses. Also it can capture almost any biggest creatures of the ocean and this way we can bring them in to gigantic fish tanks to pet then tame then train to teach commands when they follows us. And the computer won't say this joke when we enter it: "Kraken released captain."
-- Size: [Epic!]
-- Speed: [Classified]
-- Weapons: [Classified]
Hopefully i'll have a new computer that runs this game at full quality settings when it came out

Take care.


On the topic of creature taming, I've heard that creatures hatched in an alien containment are passive towards the player, so that could be a starting point for the taming process. Find an egg and hatch it, and then go from there.
EDIT: Can't edit firs post. I think there is a time limit to edit so here it goes:
-Creature Training: [gamer1000k]
--There will be 2 ways to train a creature.
---Wild adult creatures born in the wild needs to be captured to begin first stage of become a pet (See first post).
---Most of the wild creatures leaves their egg to their nest. [More the creatures abilities and stats (HP, speed etc.) becomes rare, it'll be harder for us to find and reach their nest.] Once the egg grabbed, it should be carried to "Hatchery" in a specific duration. [If the required time passes, egg's going to be dead.] Computer will find and set the needed conditions in the Hatchery.
----Once the creature is born, we can pass the first "petting" stage and start from second "taming" then third "training" stage.
----Their taming and training durations going to be very less considering captured adult wild creatures.
---Some creatures (especially the 'big' ones) will born directly from their mothers. So these creatures need to be captured before they reach adulthood. If that's so, their "petting" duration will be less than adult wild creatures. Also "taming" and "training" durations will be less than adult wild creatures but more than 'born in the hatchery' creatures.
-- Nautilus should be a research ship. It's not a hybrid of organic and inorganic material but a replica of sea creature consist of inorganic material. It's tentacles mimic ocean's creature and will work as ship's motors. That way it'll gain very high maneuver capability.
--It will only have advanced defencesive weapons/ technologies.
--Size: [Classified]
--Ship computer should make that joke only on some occasion like with random chance when we enter to the ship.[I like that joke. Too on the nose but just like a joke an A.I. could
Fabrication could be streamlined. But you're not taking edge cases into account, players could potentially have ridiculous numbers of lockers near a fabricator, which could result in performance issues when it has to search 1000 lockers for materials. Plus, what if you do NOT want to use certain materials? Would that then require tags on every locker, or linking, or other stuff?
Now, if a MFR/Cyclops could be outfit with a resource dump of some sort? One that holds large amounts of materials? That is ONE location for a fabricator to search, and any materials that you don't want to use, you just leave them in a locker. If a player has 10,000 lockers in a massive nest of MFRs, it's still just one location, and you can leave whatever else in the lockers if you don't want to craft with them.
I didn't completely understand what you're saying but my Subnautica experience is very limited to a youtuber's early experience (19974 Jun-15) so probably that's why.
Maybe these will solve the problem you're talking about:
- Transporting Fabricator can only be placed on Command structure/ship. This building is damaged and can't move at the start of the game. But maybe we can upgrade it later in game so it can move. It has very limited small space so many locker's won't be an issue.
- Transporting Fabricator will require ridicilous amounts of energy so you can use it only once or twice in a day. For gamers who want to use more, there will be a secret energy efficient transporting fabricator [Trek Transporting Fabricator] design hidden in game. Maybe in a cave that home to very dangerous sea creatures.
More accurately, it goes so far out of it's way to avoid violence that it sacrifices believeability completely and makes huge cuts into having actual fun gameplay.
[2. Alternate] Kraken: The ultimate dream of mine from Subnautica. This work of art will be designed to capture almost any biggest creatures of the ocean and this way we can bring them in to gigantic fish tanks to pet then tame then train to teach commands when they follows us. And the computer won't say this joke too much when we enter it: "Kraken released captain."
-- Holographic tamer won't work on these captured creatures so this vehicle will work as a tamer and there will be no automation. Player must complete all the stages by himself/ herself.
-- Size: [Epic!]
-- Speed: [Classified]
-- Weapons: None
I know just enough about programming to be slightly dangerous. If a transporting fabricator searches lockers, it takes time. Each slot in each locker needs to be checked for each item the fabricator wants. So if it needs 3 items, it needs to check ALL the lockers 3 times, until it finds those 3 items. Every time you ATTEMPT to craft, not just when it can actually work.
So the worst case scenario is, it has to search hundreds of lockers full of stuff that nothing matches, which could easily result in noticeable stutter EVERY TIME that you attempt to use the thing.
If all the stuff is in one location, it just needs to search a single array (look up "data type" and learn about them...).
Making it take more energy is not a good solution. Cost as a balancing factor is a very poor choice of balancing solution for anything.
Now i think i understand what you're saying. I didn't specify where the transporting fabricator create, "search" then put the created item. It won't put in locker. It will just put it in player's inventory. So every time an item created it will only search for player's own inventory.
BtW Transporting Fabricator will run like this: Player wants to make a Reinforcement. He/she will go to the T.F. but will see that Lithium x1 is missing, Titanium x2 is present on his/her suit's inventory. TF will start to search for 1 Lithium... NOW i get what you're talking about! TF should be smart enough to search lockers too, not just the Ocean or Island! ... Yeah that is a pickle ^_^. I hope developer's discover a method to overcome CPU overload or i hope PC tech will improve enough until Subnautica 2's release.
Thanks so much for your help. Take care.
Yup. The fabricator needs to (potentially) search EVERY SINGLE STORAGE CELL that it can access. If it can pull from 3 lockers, and each locker has 48 slots, it has to check (up to) 144 slots. For EACH ITEM that it wants, so it might do that 3-5 times.
If there are 100 lockers, it has to check up to 4800 slots. Each slot has to be compared to what it wants.
So, if a recipe has 5 required items, and there are 50 lockers, it needs to search and compare up to 12000 times. The load multiplies due to several factors. And it has to do this each time you try and craft something, succeed or fail. Also, it needs to find each locker near it as well!
Now, if there was a CENTRAL storage solution, that just tracks each item, and has a number for each item, the fabricator just needs to search a single array, once. (An array data type would have a list of two numbers, one number refers to each specific item, and the other refers to how many of each item it has.) So it would just go through the array, and pull the count for the one item it wants, which is quite fast, and requires zero searching for individual lockers.