Some ideas brought together for a possible "Base 2.0" update (After release)



  • McBooMcBoo Join Date: 2017-05-15 Member: 230513Members
    edited May 2017
    McBoo wrote: »
    I thought this was a cool idea because it's something you see for undersea bases in movies.

    Transport room - A round room with a transport pod at it center. The transport pod is a glass sphere that is basically the glass bubble cockpit of the Seamoth with a small touch screen in place of the steering wheel. The touch screen is the control panel for the room. Through the control panel a player can travel between transport rooms along a pneumatic glass tube either horizontally or vertically.

    Each transport room is capable of supporting a maximum of 5 transport tubes. Transport tubes can be built to go up, down or radiate out from the hallway leading to the room. So if the hallway connects on the north side of the room you can set up transport tubes headed up, down, east, southeast, south, southwest and west. The pneumatic transport tubes are kept sealed and therefore have minimal effect on the structural integrity of your base. The two remaining wall sections are left opened to offset a reduction in the structural integrity of your base. The exterior underside of the tubes have built in lighting to illuminate your immediate surroundings at night or darker depths.

    All transport rooms are equipped with a built in console that allows players to fabricate a transport pod or call a pod to their location. You can have multiple pods but you cannot travel to a room occupied by an existing pod. The control panel in the pod will display which rooms are currently available.
    I can imagine what you want to get out of this, but besides the "coolness" factor would it really speed up your movement through your base? You would need to build really huge bases to have a benefit speed wise or not? I think from a graphics standpoint it would look awesome and paired with some nice animations it would be pure eyecandy. But function wise it would make not that much sense I guess. So I am a bit split here opinion wise...nice idea though. :smiley:

    Doh! I wasn't clear on the fact that while this could be used for short travel between base levels it is meant to connect bases and provide risk free travel across large distances. You could build a base above or near the surface at the mountain island and then build a transport tube to a transport room and moon pool at the entrance to the Lost River biome or connect transport rooms placed near each teleport gate. The tube sections would be either straight or elbow and be somewhat resource heavy (enameled glass and plasteel) and building a single tube could be a fairly large project. Transport rooms are admittedly more of an end game feature for base builders but I'd love to see them added!
  • McBooMcBoo Join Date: 2017-05-15 Member: 230513Members
    McBoo wrote: »
    Allow us to control ladder placement or even place one in the center of the multipurpose room.

    You can do this as of now, but it takes the place of a reactor or containment chamber (I wouldn't do it, it's a waste of space). Also a unique vertical movement method in a stack of MP rooms is by building an Alien Containment chamber in each MP floor and a hatch in each. It's a bit cooler looking, but takes up more space.

    Yep, my bad. We can place ladders in the center of the MP room but we cannot change the facing of the ladder which is a sore point for me.
  • ThePassionateGamerThePassionateGamer Germany Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218219Members
    McBoo wrote: »
    McBoo wrote: »
    I thought this was a cool idea because it's something you see for undersea bases in movies.

    Transport room - A round room with a transport pod at it center. The transport pod is a glass sphere that is basically the glass bubble cockpit of the Seamoth with a small touch screen in place of the steering wheel. The touch screen is the control panel for the room. Through the control panel a player can travel between transport rooms along a pneumatic glass tube either horizontally or vertically.

    Each transport room is capable of supporting a maximum of 5 transport tubes. Transport tubes can be built to go up, down or radiate out from the hallway leading to the room. So if the hallway connects on the north side of the room you can set up transport tubes headed up, down, east, southeast, south, southwest and west. The pneumatic transport tubes are kept sealed and therefore have minimal effect on the structural integrity of your base. The two remaining wall sections are left opened to offset a reduction in the structural integrity of your base. The exterior underside of the tubes have built in lighting to illuminate your immediate surroundings at night or darker depths.

    All transport rooms are equipped with a built in console that allows players to fabricate a transport pod or call a pod to their location. You can have multiple pods but you cannot travel to a room occupied by an existing pod. The control panel in the pod will display which rooms are currently available.
    I can imagine what you want to get out of this, but besides the "coolness" factor would it really speed up your movement through your base? You would need to build really huge bases to have a benefit speed wise or not? I think from a graphics standpoint it would look awesome and paired with some nice animations it would be pure eyecandy. But function wise it would make not that much sense I guess. So I am a bit split here opinion wise...nice idea though. :smiley:
    Doh! I wasn't clear on the fact that while this could be used for short travel between base levels it is meant to connect bases and provide risk free travel across large distances. You could build a base above or near the surface at the mountain island and then build a transport tube to a transport room and moon pool at the entrance to the Lost River biome or connect transport rooms placed near each teleport gate. The tube sections would be either straight or elbow and be somewhat resource heavy (enameled glass and plasteel) and building a single tube could be a fairly large project. Transport rooms are admittedly more of an end game feature for base builders but I'd love to see them added!
    Ah ok that puts your idea under a whole new light. So you want it to a fast travel option. That would be nice, I always hoped that we could get some kind of fast travel. But since they already got those alien teleporters I guess they won't add another fast travel option. Maybe we get the option to build base-teleporters one day who knows.

    I slightly disagree with the amount of resources and work you would need to connect just two bases. Unless your are able to pick a start and ending point which then builds the connecting tubes over time itself (drone vise or something else), I don't see this beeing something I would wanna build if it got implemented in the game. For me personally it would be too tedious to build by "hand". Still cool to kinda get shot through those pipelines as an fast travel option. Maybe we get the option to build base-teleporters one day who knows.
  • PowerPistonsPowerPistons Neverland Join Date: 2017-08-07 Member: 232266Members
    edited August 2017
    McBoo wrote: »
    I thought this was a cool idea because it's something you see for undersea bases in movies.

    Transport room - A round room with a transport pod at it center. The transport pod is a glass sphere that is basically the glass bubble cockpit of the Seamoth with a small touch screen in place of the steering wheel. The touch screen is the control panel for the room. Through the control panel a player can travel between transport rooms along a pneumatic glass tube either horizontally or vertically.

    Each transport room is capable of supporting a maximum of 5 transport tubes. Transport tubes can be built to go up, down or radiate out from the hallway leading to the room. So if the hallway connects on the north side of the room you can set up transport tubes headed up, down, east, southeast, south, southwest and west. The pneumatic transport tubes are kept sealed and therefore have minimal effect on the structural integrity of your base. The two remaining wall sections are left opened to offset a reduction in the structural integrity of your base. The exterior underside of the tubes have built in lighting to illuminate your immediate surroundings at night or darker depths.

    All transport rooms are equipped with a built in console that allows players to fabricate a transport pod or call a pod to their location. You can have multiple pods but you cannot travel to a room occupied by an existing pod. The control panel in the pod will display which rooms are currently available.

    I think that this is a great idea for HUGE bases that cover large distances. I think that the transport room should connect to like a cable car ( but underwater) and it could travel through more expensive glass tubes or a rail. (less expensive). this could be like the shuttle from Narcosis.

    Edit: Took me a while to fix the spoilers :'(
  • darntrooldarntrool Россия, Амурская область, город Благовещенск. Join Date: 2017-07-23 Member: 231983Members
    Мне бы хотелось что бы стыковочная станция получила расширение то есть к ней можно было бы приставать циклоп. Я себе представляю это что то вроде престыковке сбоку и к нему тянутся ремонтные руки. Идей с комнатой для ресурсов мне понравилась. После того как долго играешь начинает надоедать вытаскивать из шкафчиков большое количество ресурсов. А вот если бы они вытаскивал ст из хранилища это бы решило проблему .
  • LulzesLulzes Join Date: 2017-07-25 Member: 232050Members
    Arbitor wrote: »
    I feel making dedicated rooms would dull the imagination of players. thus why they have multipurpose rooms to do what ever you wish, maybe expand upon the rooms that now exist, larger multipurpose rooms etc, different types and sizes, bottom line is i feel leave it up to the imagination of the player not the structures at hand.

    I agree, plus it would be much more coding work to get these new MP rooms to change function depending on what you place. Any modification should be done by placing interior pieces.

    Here's is my bucket list for bases:
    - larger MP room, same size as Moonpool, with the ability to place 2/3 interior modules (reactors, containment etc.) side-by-side. Maybe there could be double-/triple-width modules designed, so if you placed a second module it would merge with the 1st one and form a larger module (i.e. a larger bioreactor, with one screen but double the capacity, or an oblong, double sized Alien Contaiment)
    - Bubble Window
    - Storage module, with a unified storage accessible via filters (i.e. lockers for minerals, plants, chemicals all accessing a large unified storage space)
    - Scanner Room 2.0 with the ability to generate 3D maps
    - a Flora Research centre, like alien containment, but with a growbed that has slots to fit one of every single plant (one for marine and one for land).
    - more variety in shape and size of all growbeds/planters. Let us arrange the plants in more varied fashion, and have a variety of biome bases (corals, rocks) to work from.
    - light switches in every room!
    - if the devs are going to make every ladder have a climbing animation, I want a glass vertical connector so at least I can watch the view as I'm clambering up.
    - the Water Filtration machine should take up less space inside the base and more outside. Make the bulk of the machinery protude from the exterior, with just a control panel and storage inside.
  • iliaboone2015iliaboone2015 California Join Date: 2017-08-10 Member: 232343Members
    So I was sitting here thinking I know on the Aurora in one of the areas designed For eating thy some how connected the signal wall shelf to the lab counter I wish players had a way to instect objects kinda like the sims becose we could come up with so many ways to use the limited furniture we have for our bases
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