Seamoth ping indicator gets stuck

baronvonsatanbaronvonsatan TX, USA Join Date: 2016-12-01 Member: 224415Members
Experimental build #52665

Occasionally, no matter how far away you swim from the Seamoth the ping indicator gets stuck. On one save, I had it get stuck at 35m; on my latest, it got stuck at 33m. If you aren't careful, you can wind up drowning when that 33m is actually ten times that. I cannot reliably reproduce the steps needed to make this happen, but I've noticed it once after drowning and once after placing a power transmitter.


  • BreithanBreithan Join Date: 2017-08-30 Member: 232729Members
    Yup happens to me too
  • StoneE4StoneE4 Join Date: 2016-04-15 Member: 215783Members
    edited September 2017
    I've run into this myself... Not just the Seamoth, but the PRAWN too. In my experience, at least, it seems as though the Cyclops is immune to this bug.

    Has anybody found a workaround?
    Is this bug found on the experimental version too?
  • fenrir0wulffenrir0wulf Canada Join Date: 2017-09-10 Member: 232932Members
    Just happened to me. ONE of my seamoths is currently stuck at 6m. But somehow not the other 3. I noticed it after I used the teleport on the cannon Island (the one in the caves that leads to the floating island). It may have happened before though, I only noticed it then.
  • StoneE4StoneE4 Join Date: 2016-04-15 Member: 215783Members
    edited September 2017
    I've been testing to see if I can reproduce this bug in a new game in order to see if there is a specific action that causes it.
    It seems as though constructing a base component while a vehicle is parked in a moonpool will trigger the bug.

    The good news is I think I've found a solution...
    -Enter the vehicle that has its ping distance indicator stuck.
    -Without exiting the vehicle, save the game.
    -Quit to the main menu and reload the save.

    I was able to reproduce the bug on both a Seamoth and a Prawn, and fix both of their ping distance indicators by using the method listed above. (I had to use the method twice... Once for the Seamoth and once for the Prawn.)

    Can someone confirm the cause of the bug and also whether or not this solution works?
  • AnomalyDetectedAnomalyDetected Alterra Housing District: Planet Vicaron Join Date: 2017-04-19 Member: 229741Members
    Same has happened to me.

  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    This bug is incredibly frustrating and effectively breaks the game. I'm sure they'll figure it out eventually. But until it is fixed, you might as well just play the game with the 'Oxygen' cheat enabled at all times.
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