Censorship of dissenting ideas.
oregon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203493Members

Seriously? Closing a thread because people were criticizing the dev's decisions? The job of a forum moderator is to facilitate open and civil discourse, not shut it down because they don't agree with it.
This community has always been extremely close minded and prone to attacking anyone who criticizes the game in any way. And now the mods are in on it as well? Shame.
This community has always been extremely close minded and prone to attacking anyone who criticizes the game in any way. And now the mods are in on it as well? Shame.
This discussion has been closed.
However what exactly do you think is going to happen to this thread
Just teasing you, of course.
Speaking of NS2, do you have any cool video links you can show me? I bought NS2 but haven't really played it much. I think I need to watch some Let's Play on YouTube. Thanks.
Oh, I know full well what's going to happen.
But being the boss grants the ability to exercise authority, not the right.
Well, the NS2 related stuff I have linked up in my signature are mostly pre-release playtests and just some fun stuff... But I guess you could head to some of these gameplay and match channels to get an idea on the "how to play" part
https://www.ensl.org/forums/10 NSL forums
http://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSelection2HD (official NS2 channel)
Keep in mind the post dates as some videos are quite old and so is the version of NS2 that is being shown
True, still you're mistaking this for a democracy. Also "with great power comes great responsibility" xD
I do think that sometimes @Foxy is a tad bit overzealous, but that thread was getting a bit ridiculous. Constructive criticism is fine, and is usually handled pretty well around here. It's when some people just go "I see your reasoning, and it's stupid" that things get out of hand.
It's just a few topics that are really frowned upon, for Subnautica that would be Mutliplayer (although we have a mod now) and the gun debate. For NS2 something about healthbars and balance discussions about certain things
Thanks for the links @Kouji_San!
Theres a point when "constructive criticism" becomes pointless bickering wether its intentional or not. As stated above the whole "multiplayer and guns" debate is old and there is really no need for that kind of feedback right now.
Foxy is the only true guideing light and we all must worship it in its glory...
The "pacifism" thread just got closed for absolutely no good reason; it was completely peaceable, no insults, no drama, no reason for it to be closed. It had strayed off topic, must like this thread now has, but that's how conversations usually work. It should be (in my opinion) encouraged, not suppressed. If people want to engage in "trench warfare" then so what?
Now instead of having a peaceful thread where old ideas are being rehashed, we have a closed thread, anti-censorship thread and a lot of annoyed community members. Which is the more toxic environment?
(Censorship, whether unfair or not, will always be more toxic than any community behaviour or action. Especially in the long run. Even if a bunch of racist, sexist homophobes suddenly populated the forums, their behaviour would be a small term problem and the hatred of the 99% of the population would soon drive them out. However, to censor them closes the door on freedom of speech for all. It serves no purpose other than punishing everyone for the actions of the few, and the negative impact will be felt for ever more, long after those undesirables have gone.)
I would strongly suggest that this sort of over-zealous, unreasonable censorship is far more likely to drive away the "best and brightest idea people" as those sorts of people are usually intelligent and thoughtful, and both respect and require the freedom to both "think out-loud" and follow the natural path of conversation.
No free thinker has ever been in favour of censorship. The two ideas are absolutely opposed.
I get a notification when people report posts. If you see me do something in your thread it because at least one person thinks you stepped over a line and if I agree I'll always try to take some positive action to show that reports are acted upon.
If anyone has any complaints about anything I do on these boards please feel free to PM any devs, such as Obraxis and he will review my actions.
I don't know. As far as I can recall, someone had asked for the ability to craft Pointed Sticks ingame. And we all know what happens when you get Pointed Sticks.
Can you imagine Subnautica if the Peepers could weaponize Marblemelon? No one would be safe!!!
Although that's might be more a tuber than a fruit. Still there's always the threat from Lantern Fruit! Certainly, it's not like it's worth eating that much.
[ Any discussion can get out of hand. We're here to have fun. Let's have fun, eh?
(best views between 10pm - 6am local video time)
Just because I like Foxes.
Wowzers here come the memes.
AWESOME! You rock!
Much better than boring TV. Foxes!!
Well we already have a meme thread too so now this thread is answered, off-topic, and a duplicate.
When in doubt, ram it with your seamoth. Works well enough for me, and when the time comes you can upgrade to the Perimiter Defense and later still the Prawn Drillarm. Oh and using the Propulsion Cannon and any nearby fish to use as ammo. Just need to get creative
You're conflicting yourself again here.
Don't make me send you lot to the meme thread once more!
The safety reaper will drag you there if necessary
Do not resist it is for your own good!
The two posts are not conflicting and contradictory at all, no matter how cleverly you try to manipulate it. Sly as a fox, Foxy.
You're misquoting and misrepresenting two entirely separate comments by me and using them totally out of context. Come on dude, you're better than this amateur and low behaviour. You know full well the second comment was regarding an "insult" (which was clearly tongue in cheek sarcasm; acting like an upper class snob and calling console users "peasants"), and the second comment is regarding follow up posts in which my true opinions were made clear (I explained how console culture damages gaming as a whole).
And evidently, those opinions were not welcome. I accepted the consequence of the insult I made, the initial "warning" (which wasn't a warning at all, but never mind that now) but the follow ups I find harder to accept, not only because it's blatantly unreasonable to "warn" someone for one post and then immediately issue multiple follow up punishments for comments made hours before, at the same time as the initial comment.
"Citizen, I'm issuing you a warning because I noticed you have a busted tail light. Oh and I'm also issuing you another warning for having a busted tail light when I asked you to pull over. Oh and I see you still have a busted tail light, so here's a third warning. And when you leave, you'll still have a busted tail light so here's a fourth."
You have to make your mind up; was I "punished" for the first post, an insulting, albeit tongue-in-cheek comment... or was I punished for voicing my genuine opinions in follow up discussions?
I feel as though it was both, and that anything beyond the first incident was extremely unfair. If you're now admitting I was only punished for the first post, then why was I issued multiple "warnings" and not just one for the perceived "insult"? Which is it?
It doesn't really matter any way, it's done with and I no longer really care, as like I said previously, this isn't a free place, it's not subject to fairness and the owners of the site can moderate how they feel fit.
Regardless, please don't misquote me and take my comments out of context. In fact, don't quote private messages in the public forum at all. That's the one censorship rule we could all agree should be enforced. Shame on you.
This pretty much confirms everything I've said in this thread. There's nothing to be done about it, but it's nice to know for certain what kind of rule we're living under.
Anyway, moving on. I've got nothing against you personally Foxy, believe it or not I think you do an admirable job for the most part, and it's not you I dislike but the system. As an advocate for complete freedom of speech and the abolishment of censorship across the board this kind of thing is a pet concern whenever I run into it. But I think I've made my stance perfectly clear now, so I'm willing to drop it entirely.
What sort of logic is it anyway that when paying customers have asked for the same thing over and over and over again, or that the same debate has ensued over and over again, means that there is nothing to discuss? It means the exact opposite. The fact that many, many people have asked for weapons or changes in how players and mobs interact many, many times means that there is clearly a problem there, and the fact that a consensus has never been reached means that more discussion on the subject is clearly needed.
How long will you keep trying to insist your voice is the majority voice on the subject of adding more weapons to the game? It isn't. Just because you complain the loudest or most often doesn't make it so. Lots of us like the game just the way it is.
This is a closed subject. Play the game as is or don't play it. Those are your only two choices.
Isn't this ironic, offensive and obviously insulting post censor-worthy? I don't want him to be censored of course, but do you see how this works? Where does it end?
As for the gun discussion, the devs seem to be tired of these discussions. And as such, they'd rather not see the exact same points come up time and time again on their official forums. Points they've addressed time and time again as well, so you know... Carousels are only as fun as long as everyone's having fun...
Besides we do have ways of going on a murderspree already, mostly clever use of the subs and stasis rifle
Sometimes you just have to accept and move on o/
I don't know how your view of reality got so skewed, but you're just putting words in my mouth. Furthermore, the loudest voices have long been the ones saying "nu weapons, y r u a mass murderer, devs r perfuct and they said no, so fack off!11!"
I would agree with this, except apparently we can't voice our opinions and concerns in a constructive manner. At this point, weapons is just one possible solution to the huge and ongoing problem of the game being no fun.
I doubt that there are all that many people who want to play a game where whenever you encounter an enemy, you have to either:
A- just avoid it's immense aggro range, pretty much cutting off large sections of the map with overlapping aggro circles.
B- stop what your doing every minuet or so to exploit bad pathfinding to lose whatever is after you for a moment, or poke it with something sharp to get rid of it for a similarly short time, so you can go back to exploring or whatever.
C- Spend the next half hour of your life circle strafing and knifing it to death.
None of these are fun, and since decoys, torpedoes, Ect. don't work, there are your only options, and this is something that shows no signs of changing.
But, apparently we aren't allowed to discuss the massive flaw in the game, no matter how civil a manner we do it in.