Area missing. Entirely.

Dragoncat99Dragoncat99 United States Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233188Members
I came across something pretty crazy and game-breaking in version 53518.
Here's a video I made showing it and giving some possible explanations (Sorry about the poor quality and low volume):

In case you didn't catch it or would simply rather to see it laid out, here's the deal:
A huge chunk of the Quarantine Enforcement Platform was missing, in such a way that I couldn't continue through the building without the help of yet another glitch. I've had a similar issue before, but I've always been able to fix it by saving, exiting to the main menu, and reloading the map. However, no matter what I do, it won't seem to fix itself this time. I've tried:
Leaving the area and coming back,
Exiting to the Main Menu and reloading,
Restarting the game,
& restarting my computer.
I'm not sure what else to do beyond screwing around with the save files themselves, and I didn't want to try that if I had no clue what I was doing.

I haven't done anything in this save file that I haven't done a million times before, so I have no clue what caused this. If it would help, I could try giving my save file to anyone who's interested, but beyond that I have no info to give on its possible origins aside from what I talked about in the video.
If anyone knows a way to fix this, that'd be lovely. Losing 2 hours of work isn't fun.


  • 000_Tragic_Solitude000_Tragic_Solitude Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233182Members
    Can you copy your output_log.txt in the Subnautica_Data folder to pastebin then post a link back on here for the devs to check into?
    First though, silly but important question, have you tried going to another location then coming back to the QEP? E.g.: If you use "goto base1" then use "goto gun", does that fix it?
    Might just be an issue that can be fixed if you force the cells to despawn then reload in game.
    Otherwise you should try backing up your save file, then just clearing out the cache. As a personal quick fix. And you can find steps to do that, here.
  • Dragoncat99Dragoncat99 United States Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233188Members
    Here's that output_log pastebin you requested:
    As for leaving the area, I did, but I didn't use commands to do so. Do you think that using "goto base 1" would work even if manually traveling back to my base didn't?
    As for your final two suggestions, I haven't tried clearing the cache yet (I'll go ahead and try that now. I already have everything backed up), and I don't know how to force the cells to despawn.
  • 000_Tragic_Solitude000_Tragic_Solitude Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233182Members
    Okay cool, this should help the devs a bit. To see what might have caused it, anyway.
    Well it depends on how far your base is from the QEP. I more said "base1" because that's at least 1000km away from the QEP, so it should be far enough. The goto command is just quick teleport.
    I don't know exactly when it does it, but the game will naturally despawn areas that you're not in, so it doesn't eat up system resources. (Think Minecraft and chunks) So if your base is far enough, that you can't see the island, using "goto base1" won't really change anything if you already went to your base and back.
    Definitely try resetting your cache, in all honestly that should clear it right up.
  • Dragoncat99Dragoncat99 United States Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233188Members
    Um... bit of a problem with emptying the cache... I tried to follow the link's instructions, but according to my SavedGames folder, I only have two save files.
    ...I have about six in-game.
    I checked the screenshot images for both, and neither are the one I'm looking for. In fact, if I'm recognizing the picture right, both are old saves I haven't used in forever. I think one's even incompatible with the current build. Both were apparently last edited on Sept 4 (My current save wasn't even made back then), and both folders seem to be incomplete, missing the folders the instructions say to delete.
    I have no clue where my game is saving my data if it's not saving it to the SavedGames folder. Maybe it's saving the data on Steam's servers? I have no clue. Maybe I should try loading Subnautica in offline mode to see if my games are still there.
    Either way it doesn't really look like I'll be doing much cache emptying.
  • 000_Tragic_Solitude000_Tragic_Solitude Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233182Members
    Huh, that's pretty odd.
    Have you tried using Steam's Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files... ?
    If you changed where Steam keeps its game library, then you should check there. The C:\ is just for default Steam users who are fine with their games being on their main drive.
    Like for me, my Steam library is on an external drive S:\Games\SteamLibrary. Since my main drive is freakin tiny after my last one died.
  • Dragoncat99Dragoncat99 United States Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233188Members
    All my files are in my 'D:' drive, and that's where I've been looking this entire time. I changed where Steam keeps stuff long before I got Subnautica, so it's not like the files got lost in translation....
    *Sigh* I have no clue.
    (P.S. My base is directly below my lifepod, so it's definitely far enough away.)
  • 000_Tragic_Solitude000_Tragic_Solitude Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233182Members
    And I assume using the Steam method for browsing your local files lead to the same incorrect directory?
    Maybe on install, Subnautica defaulted to the old install directory? Because I know you can't get rid of the default C:\ Steam directory since that's where it runs.
    Maybe check if there's any extra directories that snuck on under Steam > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders ?
    And yeah, then it's definitely far enough to have not made a difference if you teleported.
  • Dragoncat99Dragoncat99 United States Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233188Members
    Wait... yeah! I tried the Steam 'Local Files' thing and they're there now. How? I don't know. As far as I can tell, it's in the exact same location, but they only appeared when I searched through Steam. I'll try to find the file, back it up, and empty its cache.
  • 000_Tragic_Solitude000_Tragic_Solitude Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233182Members
    Huh, that's incredibly bizarre. Well, compare the directories just to be sure they are the same. Then you should probably use Steam's "Verify Integrity of Game Files" listed just a bit below the "Browse Local Files" button. Because if they are the same it'd seem Steam's having some issues writing your save files for some reason.
    But if they're different well, at least you now know where they are. But here's to hoping that clearing the cache fixes your problem!
  • Dragoncat99Dragoncat99 United States Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233188Members
    Yup! That fixed it!
    I still have no clue what the deal was with the files (I double-checked. I'm pretty positive they're indeed in the exact same place), or the glitch in the first place, but all's well that ends well.
    Thanks so much! You were a great help!
  • 000_Tragic_Solitude000_Tragic_Solitude Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233182Members
    Well I'm glad it worked out regardless! If it happens again, at least you now know what to do.
    And no problem, it's the point of the forums right? Haha, have fun!
  • Raggy04Raggy04 Join Date: 2017-12-20 Member: 234530Members
    I just made this account and cant really post a forum yet, but my problem is simular to this. I Was screwing around in normal looking for an area to explore in my mec, when I found this huge ditch I thought was below 900 feet. Turns out I feel 2000 God damn feet before I died. I didn't even hit the groun it was an endless down hill mountain. Any reasons..?
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Raggy04 wrote: »
    I just made this account and cant really post a forum yet, but my problem is simular to this. I Was screwing around in normal looking for an area to explore in my mec, when I found this huge ditch I thought was below 900 feet. Turns out I feel 2000 God damn feet before I died. I didn't even hit the groun it was an endless down hill mountain. Any reasons..?

    You might have just fallen off the edge of The Void.
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