Is there any real threat to sea bases?
Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42471NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation

As far as I can tell, there is only one real threat to your sea bases which is building without enough reinforcements, but even then you just fix the leaks and its back to business as usual.
Do fauna attack or destroy your base?
It seems to me like the sea base system isn't complete and should be re-worked into something like this:
1) The water pressure that comes with higher depth is the primary threat to sea bases. Higher depths means more reinforcements needed for each sea base piece to compensate, rather than taken as a total of the connected base as a whole. So for instance, at 1000m your base will mostly be made up of reinforcements and maybe a minimal scattering of windows or observatories.
2) When placing reinforcement pieces or windows, you will see the "structural integrity" of areas on a color sliding scale of green - yellow - red to denote its strength. You can certainly have areas of weakened structural strength, but they have a much higher chance of attracting hostile fauna to them, or a random chance (proportional to depth) of a window or wall breaking and flooding the room.
3) Now that water is flooding into your base, all structures in the room and connecting rooms not protected by bulk heads begin taking damage and will eventually be destroyed. After the leaks are fixed & windows replaced the room will drain like normal, ejecting any fish outside again. You will have to repair any objects that aren't dead with the welder.
4) Spotlights reduce the chance of hostile fauna attacking your base, but have a significant power drain to operate. Different biomes fauna represent different challenges. For instance, leviathans don't hesitate to attack even the strongest pieces of your base, so you'll need adequate defenses to deter them. Other biomes that have enemies like shockers will drain portions of your bases power supply and attack weak portions.
Overall this means you can have relatively open "safer" bases in shallower areas, and hardened bases at deep depths that will need to protect more against fauna as well. The game could probably use more defensive structures for seabases too like shields that defend against hostile fauna but take a lot of power to keep online.
Do fauna attack or destroy your base?
It seems to me like the sea base system isn't complete and should be re-worked into something like this:
1) The water pressure that comes with higher depth is the primary threat to sea bases. Higher depths means more reinforcements needed for each sea base piece to compensate, rather than taken as a total of the connected base as a whole. So for instance, at 1000m your base will mostly be made up of reinforcements and maybe a minimal scattering of windows or observatories.
2) When placing reinforcement pieces or windows, you will see the "structural integrity" of areas on a color sliding scale of green - yellow - red to denote its strength. You can certainly have areas of weakened structural strength, but they have a much higher chance of attracting hostile fauna to them, or a random chance (proportional to depth) of a window or wall breaking and flooding the room.
3) Now that water is flooding into your base, all structures in the room and connecting rooms not protected by bulk heads begin taking damage and will eventually be destroyed. After the leaks are fixed & windows replaced the room will drain like normal, ejecting any fish outside again. You will have to repair any objects that aren't dead with the welder.
4) Spotlights reduce the chance of hostile fauna attacking your base, but have a significant power drain to operate. Different biomes fauna represent different challenges. For instance, leviathans don't hesitate to attack even the strongest pieces of your base, so you'll need adequate defenses to deter them. Other biomes that have enemies like shockers will drain portions of your bases power supply and attack weak portions.
Overall this means you can have relatively open "safer" bases in shallower areas, and hardened bases at deep depths that will need to protect more against fauna as well. The game could probably use more defensive structures for seabases too like shields that defend against hostile fauna but take a lot of power to keep online.
Nope. No defensive tools required. Just send your guard dogs--er, Stalkers. They will make short work of any attacking Leviathans.
Which attack you too. Making them useless. We need proper weapons or shields to make base attacks viable. Lights still badly drain bases power.
This looks like a job for @DaveyNY! I do believe, that if it's Minions that you're wanting, I dare say Davey has the market cornered on them.
Maybe he could get you a discount on some of them...
They're actually pretty easy to dodge. I dance around when scanning fragments beside them and maybe lose a quarter health if I get sloppy and there's 2 of them in close proximity.
I might be able to spare a few till Halloween...
But I want them back ASAP!
As for the topic at hand...
I really don't want Them to add "Creature Base Attacking" to the game, unless They only put it in 'Hardcore'.
The point is grown ones shouldn't. I planted one near my rear exit and it attacked me. I was like: I can't use this for decoration.
Murphy's law of combat #32
Tracers work both ways.
I believe that is a quote from the US army ordinance.
With destroyable bases, you'd probably quickly lose any base built in the Underwater Islands by the huge packs of bonesharks that live there.
I prefer being able to build wherever you want. It will be dangerous while you are actually doing the building, but once you have a moonpool, then your vehicles will have a safe spot and you can watch the large predators safely.
Man, they LUV to chew on the ass of my Seamoth when it's docked!
2. I prefer if the leviathans didn't attack the bases. As it would get annoying that you cant be cool and have a base near a hostile leviathan but can have one near a or defensive leviathan
Tiger plants will damage your base if one of their thorns misses you, learned that the hard way.
Crashfish - when you build your moonpool too close to the sulphur plants.
That, and running with scissors.