New behaviours for creatures

FlanpanFlanpan UK Join Date: 2017-05-22 Member: 230681Members
edited September 2017 in Ideas and Suggestions
So I've seen quite a few people talking about how the creatures in the game don't behave like realistic animals, and also don't feel too dangerous individually because they simply make a beeline for you.
Suggest new AI and or attacks for creatures to differentiate them from other species and able to deal with situations.

Here are some suggestions to start off with:
1: Stalking bonesharks
Bonesharks are a fairly all rounded predator, but it would be nice to see a couple of them not just see you as a threat, but actual food and thus follow behind you silently from a fair distance away. Think of how terrifying it would be to look back and see one of them just slipping in and out of view in murky water.
2: Headbutting Ghost Leviathan
I was a little disappointed when I saw that the Ghost Leviathan just charges at you and bites with such a unique design. Since one of the primary ways to escape a leviathan is to just move to one side when it's attacking, it would be great to see them have countermeasures to this in some form.
My idea here is that when it's charging and you start moving in a direction to the side, the Ghost Leviathan would be able to swipe at you with its "horns" as it moves past.
3: Crabsquid staring
This one is fairly self explanatory, but I'm pretty sure a lot of us think it's very creepy to see a crabsquid staring at you from outside one of the Degasi bases. I think making it into an actual mechanic and have them not always attack, maybe just tailing you until you made a sudden movement, either making them attack or letting off an EMP blast.

Any criticism is welcome! Feel free to talk about passive creatures and how they interact with one another.


  • PhantomRider187PhantomRider187 Join Date: 2017-08-28 Member: 232692Members
    Infected Creatures:
    I think it would be very interesting to see creatures that are infected with the carar behave differently than how they used to. Perhaps, they swim slower than usual and only attack other creatures if they get really close. I also would love to see leviathans that are infected with the carar but that could be a bit challenging for the developers to change textures on the larger creatures of Subnautica.

    Territorial Behavior:
    It would be very interesting if bone sharks and stalkers were like wolves that attack in packs whenever they hear each other's battle cries or if they feel like their turf is being intruded on by other predators.
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