Arctic Biome?
New York, NY, 10003 Join Date: 2015-05-09 Member: 204307Members

I believe this has been discussed before, but I would love to see some sort of frigid Ice Biome. Maybe have some floating icebergs that occasionally drift into the other biomes, or maybe giant jellyfish-like creatures that float in the frigid water. What do y'all think?
>Already talking about expansions
It is common practice to think about continuity when producing a movie, a game or even a book. It's not uncommon for trilogies such as Back to the Future and Lord of the Rings to have all movies filmed simultaneously.
The same applies to many great franchises in games.
I agree with @jamintheinfinite_1, the game is practically out. It's not like they are doing sh!t like:
- finishing the game
- cleaving it in pieces
- selling said pieces as additional content
Which, unfortunately, has become common place among many great companies.
The only authentic solution what I can image now is to hide a precursor teleporter somewhere which leads to the north/south pole (optional or part of storyline?) I hope devs will plan it carefully to fit into the world properly.
That's why they did the dead zone. First of all it makes it more belivable than a invinsible wall, and it allows you too easily add some biomes, just by cutting off a bit of the dead zone.
That and some of the things they wanted to do some of these things but found they didn't have the resources and time to get it all done before 1.0.
What'd really be bad is if they started selling expansions before the game was even finished. I've seen games do that before, while still in EA and with some pretty big issues here and there, and they start selling expansions packs while still working on the base game. Which I guess is sort of like what you mentioned, minus the 'finishing the game' part.
*cough* ARK *cough*
Exactly the game I had in mind when I was typing that post
Having plans for when the game goes 1.0 is fine, but selling content for a game that hasn't even hit 1.0 yet is a totally different matter.
The best solution I see is to make the rocket malfunction on the end, crash it at polar latitudes and make the player restart the game keeping his blueprints, but at very different biomes. Add a few more blueprints (precursor tech) and finally find a portal back to the mountain location (or even better, a portal blueprint). Then the player could access the polar biomes through the portals.
Nowadays most people think about expansions as needing to fit into the game like a small bonus. To me expansions should feel like almost new games on itself.
Actually, based on some of the dev's notes on the rocket-escape cinematic, an arctic landmass is apparently supposed to be visible in either the same hemisphere as the Array or at least close to it. So it might not actually be all that far off as opposed to just needing to search for it.
That being said, there's also another major possibility; the floating island possibility - instead of being solid land, the arctic biome might just be a huge glacier that's been set adrift. Maybe there's even Precursor tech inside that's keeping it supercooled so that it doesn't melt in warmer waters, which the exploration of would be the end-goal reward for going there. Too early to say for sure, of course, but still.
I'm still betting on it being reached via teleporter or something. Or maybe entering coordinates into the cyclops or such and then "Fast Traveling" to the location. Most likely the Teleporter though.
You dare defy the Tweet that has been written by one of the Subnautica overlords?
Actually work on whatever type of expansion their doing will probably have already started within a month after release.
where would you guys put an arctic biome ?
add "more map" on the north or south ?
You answered your own question buddy and also that's why there's the void so they can add biomes when they want to
Like loading different terrain maps. Upon entering certain teleports, during the teleport, unload v1.0 world and load in Arctic world. Either way you do it, you'd also want to save old progress (bases, etc) the player created from v1.0