Time Capsule voting
Join Date: 2007-08-26 Member: 61994Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts

Quick tip: for the new TCs to get accepted, we need them to be voted on first. Here's the website where it happens: https://subnautica.unknownworlds.com/time-capsules (you need to register / log in to vote).
I'm going through TCs with >10 positive votes each day.
I'm going through TCs with >10 positive votes each day.
Could you answer a couple of time capsule related questions?
2. They are downloaded on the fly
3. They appear randomly in pre-defined locations
Is there a way yet to make your own data logs/find your own time capsules?
I mean make custom ones that work like the TCs. Basically like the Aurora Survivors and such, but for you. You make your own logs and stuff.
I'm only asking because I haven't played in a bit.
If there's a DoubleJ around here, thanks for the seaglide!
Guess I'll have to give back a bit and vote on these
Out of the batch that loaded up for me, which was a total of 100 I think, I only upvoted 5 or so. I don't know, it seems people simply have no idea what these capsules are for or what to do with them. I haven't gotten to creating mine yet, so I do not know how the process goes, but perhaps some guidelines as to what is okay to put in there are necessary (as in: not the end-game stuff and only non-spoilery pictures) and what to write (again, no spoilers and keep it in-character: write as the survivor, not lonely Jimmy from the basement seeking friends through his email)...
I'm sorry, I'm just sad, I guess.
maybe you could add a sort of glow like those Data Boxes in the next update(bug fixing, performance fixing)
I spent about 45 minutes just scrolling... There are thousands just from the day of the launch. A lot of it is nice but not terribly interesting motivational messages, well wishes and personal thoughts, but there's also a lot of meaningless babble and spam, tons of "I'm finally getting off this f-ing planet," blank messages, messages in Russian and Chinese, and a lot of "Hope this helps!" which you can't possibly judge because can't actually see what they put in their capsule. More than one person wrote "REEEE" for so long that it stretched the page, and because it's all on the same page it just stays like that as you keep going down.
The images aren't much better. There are some nice screenshots and every now and then someone will have some original art, but there are also a lot of pictures of base interiors, good but spoilery pictures of the rocket, less good pictures of bubblegum pink and neon green rockets, random pictures of the seafloor, random pictures of the PDA that look like they were taken by accident, duplicate pictures, a couple pictures of Rick Astley (???), and about 1/4 have no picture at all.
It's mostly all the same past the first few "pages," but nobody goes down there, so most of them have no votes and will probably be there forever, and anything posted more than a few hours after launch may never see the light of day. There's far too much to read it all, and I actually think my browser might run out of memory if I tried.
Father was right... we shouldn't have gone so deep.
I also think some guidelines would be nice (not even rigid ones, just "We suggest..."), but I think you've got the right idea. I'm pleased with how mine came out and I hope whoever finds it enjoys it, but I'd be curious to know what other people think about what kinds of things they think would be good.
There's no rush to make yours, though. The contents of your capsule aren't locked in until you launch, so if you want to build it just to see how it works then you can do so and redo it as many times as you need to.
I also don't think it matters if the Capsules are canon or just friendly comments about the game, but perhaps the capsule could be marked by the player who creates them "Immersion friendly" or "Side Remark".
P.S Idea on the search system.
Picture: Yes/No
Items: Yes/No
Game Mode: Survival/Creative/Hard
Time Played: <-- that could be a good way to weed out bogus submissions.
Example: I just got a capsule with a huge promo-like photo of a guy (just how self-centered you have to be to want to put your own photo into other peoples' games?), and a few upgrades I shouldn't have had in my game yet. It kinda sorta screwed my enjoyment of discovering the upgrades later on and felt a lot like cheating. Sure I could just toss the items away and pretend I never got them, but that's not really a solution here, plus I'll forever have that photo stuck in my log now.
Don't get me wrong, I really do like the idea of capsules and I'd LOVE to have them in my game, but only if they do not break immersion with real-life photos and do not contain end-game items.
And sorry, I know I post a lot about this subject recently, but I just really want the capsules to work well and enhance the game rather than spoil it.
Will this effect my chances of my TC appearing in-game because people won't be able to vote it?
Because getting down to the <1 Day submissions is really hard.
Could there be a search system?
Some things I think it really does need:
* Proper text wrapping, for those "REEE" messages.
* A way to see the contents of the capsules' inventories.
* A way to jump ahead to a certain page, so you don't have to scroll for half an hour to get back to where you left off.
* Highlight the up/down arrows after we click them, so we know what we've already voted for.
* The ability to change our vote, for those times when you think something looks good, vote for it, and then read it more closely and realize that it's actually awful.
UWE could probably also stand to feature the voting page more prominently (somehow, without drawing new players to it and having them spoil the game for themselves).
I also feel that requiring the capsule to be prepared before launch is perhaps a mistake, as it seems like there are a lot people who throw some random stuff in there just to get off the ground when they otherwise wouldn't bother. Yes, there is an option to opt out of submitting your capsule, but if laziness is the problem then asking people to go out of their way to self-moderate isn't the solution.
There's an absolute metric shitton of spoilers though, I know most probably wont make it into the game, but maybe there should be a little message when the player first get's a capsule to help stop the spam of rocket pics lol
From my understanding the Voting is just to bring good Capsules to the attn of the Devs.
No you're not alone I noticed the same thing. I expect with so many players the system is inundated with time-capsules (Especially given the "submit online" option is toggled on by default so unless people consciously disable they will upload a time capsule every time they finish the game).
I'm curious to see if mine even worked (I spent a fair bit of effort a custom image especially for it, so it'd be a shame if it were discarded before it saw the light of voting.)
I'm guessing they probably cull stuff over a certain age, so that the next bunch of capsules appear higher up the list, hence the sheer volume of 3-day-old capsules and nothing newer. So our capsules will probably be visible in 3-7 days time.
In that case - a humble request: do not allow photos to be added. Screenshots, edited screenshots, drawings are all perfect, but not actual real life photos of people who want to force their faces into someone else's game.
I wonder, Alterra developed Neptune specifically to allow Aurora crew to save from the planet. It is one-seated. If there would be multiple survivors, Alterra basically force them to clutter planet with time capsules.
I would like to have a way to search for certain things, or to browse through the approved ones.
Just out of curiosity, how would that work? I mean I understand your request, but how would the game/computer/OS differentiate a .JPG game screenshot and a .JPG real-life photo? I myself have used Steam's Screenshot cloud storage to upload non-screenshot photos as a means to share photos with Steam friends, with who I don't have a means to share photos with otherwise (email, phone number etc).
Although it's a noble idea, I just don't think there's a way to filter out photos the way you would prefer to (and believe me, I agree with you) without just eliminating photos from TCs completely.
Yeah there are a few plot holes with the Time Capsule. The one I sent in has nothing to do with the Rocket or Alterra. Its written from the point of someone from another ship from an undetermined time that just let behind a few "last words" and some items he was able to fabricate before he fell too sick.