If the game sells well which it looks like it does, then the team has every funding and with this time in the world to develop further content. Nobody says that they have to give it out for free then. They could make a dlc which would include a multiplayer mode and moddingsupport with extra additional tools and gameplaymechanics custumtailord for modding and multiplayer and the new biom and sell it for idk 15-20 dollars. And alot of people would buy it.
You started off (looking back at the first post) not talking about DLC but about the nature of Subnautica as it is now. You really enjoyed it. And you discussed the nature of survival games. But you came back talking about why Subnautica as initially developed and released didn't take a different path. A path that seems to me to be wanting more without taking the cost of that path and that cost's impact into consideration.
And leave Feyman out of this, he would turn in his grave if he could witness the way you try to build arguments.
Well, Feynman wouldn't show up as the new guy, not experienced with something, find something good, but then try to say effectively to the game's developers (each with at least 2 successful games released) I think you might be doing it all wrong. All in the space of a few days.
But you do have some thoughts on the nature of survival games. Rather long posts. Perhaps if you have phrased your arguments differently, they'd be received more openly.
How often do i have to tell you that, i do not care what you or this Morph_Guy think about my argumentation.Im here to provide feedback for the developers on how to improve the game. And if they accept some of this feedback or not is their thing, i cant influence that. I have no problem at all paying 20 dollar for good additional content as almost all other people who have bought the game. You will find no post from me where i say they must give this content away for free. I also find it funny how you cant distinguish your opinion from others at all. How you think that just because you dont like my topic that automatically all others also do not like it or to say it in your words:"Perhaps if you have phrased your arguments differently, they'd be received more openly." You are just one ot of many people here and they all have their own different opinion. I dont know why this is so hard for you to accept , but i also really dont care
Im here for example to try to convince them from stuff like:
- that the controlles and movement of the prawn suite are way to clunky to be fun. It controlls like a brick, the mining takes forever and you cant even pickup normal items when you are in the suite, orelse you have to lose either your grappling arm or your drilling arm and walking around without grappling arm is even more painfull. But even when you have the grappling arm equiped then you also lose alot of momentum by constantly bouncing against objects (look at the grapplin hook out of titanfall 2 and how it is implemented in comparison ), you cant even catapult up a hill or large rock if you are standing on the botton, because no matter how much boost you give, you always ending up bouncing against the rock and loseing all of your momentum. You also can only very unreliable bunny hop after ther grappling and keep your momentum that way. On the same note: If there would be a upgrade for the seamoth which lets you get a external robot arm for the seamoth so that you dont have to get out of the seamoth everytime you want to pick up one peace of copper or titanium. That would make the flow of the game so much better.
Even Sacriel, the streamer which did the release live stream for them on twitch, agrees that the prawn suite controlls extremly underwelming , here you can watch his reaction , the first time controling the prawnsuite in this vid:
at 2 hours 24 min and 44 seconds into the video ....just watch him 10 minutes play with it and watch what happens when he has to find out that he cant pick up items in the prawn suite without losing the grappling arm and how long the drilling process takes.
A full list of my feedback wishes you can read in this topic here:
@turtlefrog I've seen others besides @Morph_Guy who wouldn't support some of your arguments. It's not just me, so that's why I phrased my replies that way.
However, those critiques of the PRAWN suit are right on target. I've never gotten the hang of that suit.
It's especially disturbing as it's almost required to use the PRAWN suit in the deepest parts of the map, essential for the story. I've put off going to the Lost River and below partly due to wanting to wait for release (and kept restarting the game to discover changes in the early game), but also partly because I was frustrated with the PRAWN suit I make right after visiting the Aurora and right before going deep.
Guess I'll just have to find a way to muddle through with the PRAWN suit when I get to it in my next post-release game.
There are plenty of things I like about Subnautica or am fine with and will defend, especially ones that constantly have posts made about how they should be different. But there are still plenty of things I dislike about Subnautica, I just don't post about them as often.
How often do i have to tell you that, i do not care what you or this Morph_Guy think about my argumentation.Im here to provide feedback for the developers on how to improve the game. And if they accept some of this feedback or not is their thing, i cant influence that. I have no problem at all paying 20 dollar for good additional content as almost all other people who have bought the game. You will find no post from me where i say they must give this content away for free. I also find it funny how you cant distinguish your opinion from others at all. How you think that just because you dont like my topic that automatically all others also do not like it or to say it in your words:"Perhaps if you have phrased your arguments differently, they'd be received more openly." You are just one ot of many people here and they all have their own different opinion. I dont know why this is so hard for you to accept , but i also really dont care
Im here for example to try to convince them from stuff like:
- that the controlles and movement of the prawn suite are way to clunky to be fun. It controlls like a brick, the mining takes forever and you cant even pickup normal items when you are in the suite, orelse you have to lose either your grappling arm or your drilling arm and walking around without grappling arm is even more painfull. But even when you have the grappling arm equiped then you also lose alot of momentum by constantly bouncing against objects (look at the grapplin hook out of titanfall 2 and how it is implemented in comparison
Even Sacriel, the streamer which did the release live stream for them on twitch, agrees that the prawn suite controlls extremly underwelming , here you can watch his reaction , the first time controling the prawnsuite in this vid:
at 2 hours 24 min and 44 seconds into the video ....just watch him 10 minutes play with it and watch what happens when he has to find out that he cant pick up items in the prawn suite without losing the grappling arm and how long the drilling process takes.
A full list of my feedback wishes you can read in this topic here:
However, those critiques of the PRAWN suit are right on target. I've never gotten the hang of that suit.
It's especially disturbing as it's almost required to use the PRAWN suit in the deepest parts of the map, essential for the story. I've put off going to the Lost River and below partly due to wanting to wait for release (and kept restarting the game to discover changes in the early game), but also partly because I was frustrated with the PRAWN suit I make right after visiting the Aurora and right before going deep.
Guess I'll just have to find a way to muddle through with the PRAWN suit when I get to it in my next post-release game.