Computer voices - unimmersive?
Terra Join Date: 2017-02-27 Member: 228342Members

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, we had computer voices somewhat on par with some of the automated messages in Subnautica. Given the era in which the game is situated, do you find it as unimmersive as I do that there are such archaic sounding "computer generated" voices?
Galaxy Class computer voice was neat, and Data confusing the computer was funny as well
TBH, the lack of a voice input for search is more infuriating than anything else
How about this thing
Reminds me of this, though:
If we could find a way to make that thing work with a modern PC, Markiplier's videos would become absolutely psychotic.
Talk about a blast from the past
Just not Clippy, please.
"Hi! It looks like you're trapped on an alien deathworld and have contracted a fatal bacterial infection! Would you like help with that?"
Heheheh, well at least Prody can sing you a song or tell you a joke
I think Marguerit's voice actor was very well done, I've grown to like Bart's voice actor (even though it doesn't make a lot of sense), but why is Paul Scottish?
Maybe it was the closest they could get to adding something about Aurora Falls into Subnautica.
Agreed and agreed. Paul practically gave me whiplash. "Cool! Now I can finally hear Paul Torgal. Maybe like a Ricardo Montalban doing Khan or...or...Scrooge McDuck? What the...?"
Marguerit was spot-on, and the re-recorded Avery Quinn was excellent as well. Praise where it's due.
I don't know, I really liked Avery Quinn's old recording. He sounded a lot more, "Oh come on, Alterra again?!"
Then again, that could be the nostalgia talking.
Hmm that's an interesting concept but if you think about it, that far into the future, they may be able to use natural-sounding AI voices. While that would be plausible, it would render that aspect of the game uninteresting.
But that's just my two cents of course.
Hey guys!
Wouldn't it be nice...
If we could
Maybe the current gen finds that retro computer generated voices help identify the speaker as a computer to contrast with fellow human speakers (cellphones at the time must be worn/implanted in the head, that's why we can clearly hear the PDA underwater).
Bear in mind that in a common setting you might have several different computers talking to you.
That's why Qmods exists.
Your pda sounds human and automatically synchronizes with most of your gear, and can cross-reference scans to extrapolate common ancestors. Your cyclops doesn't understand how to trigger its own fire suppression system.
Can't remember how the Neptune sounds, but it handles interstellar navigation for you at the touch of a button...
The neptune is the most "human" sounding of the computer voices. Less like text to speech and more like the computer from The Next Generation.
Have you seen google's TTS? I'm not sure how it works, but it delivers the most realistic voice I've ever heard come out of a computer. And it's free.
Or it could just be because Unknown Worlds thought it sounded cooler.
You're right. Old Quinn sounded FAR better. The re-recording is terrible. It's emotionless and dull.
I like the new Quinn though...
To me, he doesn't sound as emotionless as he sounds scared and nervous.
He says "it's coming from the surface" in the most monotone voice I've ever heard now. Utter lack of dramaticism. Before he actually sounded panicked. And don't even get me started on the awful "we have a saying" line.
Think of the computer in the PDA as GLaDOS, not really helping, just commentating.
Wait a minute, where are our weapons man, or at least the phonenumber of the TSF!