When Can We Expect Gorge_eject Command?
Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7713Members

I just played a game this morning where we had two people go gorge, and then sit in the hive doing nothing but sucking up res. We had to get a 3rd gorge *cringe* to try and salvage the situation (me).
Anyways, all it would need to do would be force evolve the player into a skulk, or kill them. Then when they respawn, they cannot go gorge anymore.
I just don't understand why there is no tech for this in game yet, considering you can eject a bad comm, you can't eject a bad gorge.
Anyways, all it would need to do would be force evolve the player into a skulk, or kill them. Then when they respawn, they cannot go gorge anymore.
I just don't understand why there is no tech for this in game yet, considering you can eject a bad comm, you can't eject a bad gorge.
Won't help though unless it is installed to server you play on
I'm against gorge-eject for the same reason I'm not really happy with Commander-eject; it's there to prevent llamaing, but it ends up getting used to kick newbies out of strategically important positions. A person should not be penalized for trying to learn comm/gorge. I would prefer to see gorge kicking limited to admin action - that is, calling for an admin if a gorge is being a llama.
And on the server I play on, a newbie com WILL lose because the aliens are so well organized they will litrally shred him to bits.
There isn't one. I just wish it weren't used to hurt well-meaning but inexperienced players.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->And on the server I play on, a newbie com WILL lose because the aliens are so well organized they will litrally shred him to bits.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Perhaps, but losing is as much a part of learning as winning is. The question is whether his teammates are understanding enough to enjoy the game as a game, rather than hating the world unless they win every time.
Just say <b>NO</b> to a "kick gorge" feature.
new players can easily stay skulk/marine and ask questions. lots of players are willing to answer them and give them an idea about what to do. they can also watch, listen, and learn. so in the end, it saves everyone's sanity to learn from the outside.
And on the server I play on, a newbie com WILL lose because the aliens are so well organized they will litrally shred him to bits.
BlueGhost<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Alll yak yak but no actual suggestions. HOW shall the newbie learn to command when jaded players hit the EJECT vote the split second after they sense the comm is a newbie? Please, enlighten me.
And on the server I play on, a newbie com WILL lose because the aliens are so well organized they will litrally shred him to bits.
BlueGhost<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Alll yak yak but no actual suggestions. HOW shall the newbie learn to command when jaded players hit the EJECT vote the split second after they sense the comm is a newbie? Please, enlighten me.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
lol; I agree with you totally. No positive suggestions, just yak yak yak; nag nag nag.
Those ways.
Besides on most public servers if you couldn't eject vote a bad com then there would ALWAYS be a bad com.
It seems that 90% of the time the first person to jump in the com chair is a newbie or a lamer that just spams command chairs. It's not just eject voting newbies but also people that try to ruin games on purpose. I've also seen plenty of gorges that sit around and waste res building chambers in regions of the map that no one would ever go to. Then they laugh about it and continue doing it untill either an admin comes or they get killed.
The first few times this might not be so bad, but if there was no eject vote you would have to put up with it almost every game.
It helps you analyze how the game is played and helps you understand what you did wrong, so that you can change your strategy and get better.
| Votes <b>NO</b> for Gorge_eject. |
I am just lookig for a time when I won't be YELLED at for being an offensive gorge (IE webs/babblers). With the current alien system, there is just no way to do this without making an entire team of enemies. You can't build and attack at the same time...
I honestly see a problem: the ONLY way that an offensive gorge can be viable is in VERY late game where building is done anyways. I just wanna entrap some pitiful marines <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
Please make it all better, Flayra!
I can't hold 'em!
<!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/asrifle.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
Well, this IS a team game. So, what you do can / will affect your teammate's game. Perhaps it would be better to ask / inform your team of what you are doing? If they don't like it, then maybe you shouldn't? If a comm gives you and your marine buds a waypoint, and you decide "No, I'm gonna play marine different than you" and you run off somewhere else, leaving your team in the cold... How would the marines like that?
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I am just lookig for a time when I won't be YELLED at for being an offensive gorge (IE webs/babblers). With the current alien system, there is just no way to do this without making an entire team of enemies. You can't build and attack at the same time...<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well, if you are using babblers, the game is over anyways <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> (either case, explain to your team what's going on). I go offensive gorge ALL the time. I simply inform the team of what's going on, and I never have trouble. You are also the gorge though, so you gotta be sure that it isn't more important that you are somewhere else dropping movement chambers or something. What would it be like if a comm just hopped out of the chair, and did his own thing (while the marines were off getting killed since there was no support)? It's the same thing, if you gorge, you gotta keep gorging. If 3 fades say "Hey fatty, come help us take out this base" then you go help them. But you should never do things on your own (that goes for any player, alien or marine)
If he plays enough games and listens to what the gorge says and watches what the gorge does, he WILL learn how to be a gorge himself. All he has to do is get the hang of the game, understand how much each chamber costs and what it does, see what other gorges do and he'll understand. We want him to get the maximum training possible before actually becoming a gorge himself. This is the strategical aspect of being a gorge.
For actual game mechanics, he can just load up a LAN server and play cheats on. Practice putting stuff up, runnig around jumping shooting.
If he does both these things before actually being a gorge, his first few games as a gorge will be MUCH easier to learn from and much more succesful.
Same goes for commanders. Be a marine a whole lot. Get the hang of the game. Play on LAN with cheats on. Then try out being a commander.
Asking only helps at the moment you ask. Later on when you have been playing gorge a while(and doing well) 2 of your teammies go gorge. This is where the whining begins even tho you asked to play gorge earlier. And you know what? Those two new gorges will be the first to yell for you to get off gorge no matter how kickbutt you are as gorge.
It doesnt matter how good of a gorge a person is, it doesnt matter how long the person has been playing, it doesnt matter how polite the person is, you go gorge and you are gonna get yelled at by idiots on your team that dont know thier butt from a hole in the ground. Happens ever single gdamn Khaara game I play whether I am gorge or not.
Im not bitching about ppl that complain about ppl going gorge when we dont need another gorge. No Im bitching about ppl that b*tch when other ppl go gorge when we need them! For example just yesterday I was playing on a team of 9 with one gorge. The map was Caged. I stay skulk because we dont really need another gorge, or so I thought at the time. We were spawining in Vent hive. I see that the Shipping Tunnel door has not been blocked nor has the ST RT been bilt. I mention it to the gorge. No response. I wait....I wait.....5 min goes by..I mention it again. Still no response. I see that the gorge is bilding OCs near the Marine spawn, mind you no DCs either. I watch the gorge get killed. He spawns and as soon as he can he goes back to gorge and bilds OC w/o DCs yet again right outside the Marine base. His towers die rapidly because he cant bild them fast enuf as he has to keep running away so as not to die from Marines. He of course gets killed agian. I seize the oppurtunity to temporarily go gorge while he is dead so as to block the ST door and bild the ST RT. I bild the RT and just as I start up the ladder to the ST door I hear Marines in the ST. I frantically place a DC to block the door just in the nick of time to keep them from entering our hive(which would entail my death, the loss of the RT and even more importantly the loss of the hive/game). This is when the first gorge who has by now spawned starts screaming at me because Im gorge. Telling me how I suck, how I am a noob, how I shouldnt be gorge because I dont have a clue as to what I am doing and so on when it is in fact I that knows enuf to cap the ST RT and block the ST door. What was he doing? Wasting precious resources(the OC's and his life/evovling). In my eyes I had every right to go gorge because 1) The other gorge hadnt taken care of basic necessities(the ST door and RT) 2) I saved our butts 3) the only other gorge was dead and I was only going gorge temporarily for reason #1. Such bs has this happens in almost every single game. I left the game shortly thereafter because he would not shut up. He just kept bitching and bitching and bitching. I muted his mic but alas his chat still continued.
As for the Marines comment.....Marines have a different play style than Khaara so your point is not valid. Of course Im not gonna run off as a Rambo on Marines...duh! Marines require a more tightly woven form of teamwork whereas the Khaara still need teamwork but allow for a certain amount of freestyle.
damn censors! Strange that it censors b*tch but bitching is not censored.
| Votes <b>NO</b> for Gorge_eject. |
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Defeat is the better instructor.
You learn the most by playing someone who's a bit better than you. He'll expose the flaws in your strategy, and force you to learn new techniques to overcome his. An opponent who is significantly better than you teaches you little (being crushed doesn't give you the opportunity to experiment, react, or analyze), and stomping newbs doesn't exercise your skills (jogging a block doesn't do you any good when you can run 5 miles with ease).
There's also the problem of the voting system itself (specifically for marines here). When everyone gets 1 vote, and it takes 4 or 5 to eject, that usually leaves the next comm invulnerable to kicks, with the votes used up. The next guy in the seat may be a better comm, but he might also be a llama who recycles the IPs, makes 5 CCs, while his teammates can only watch. So, really you need admins to resolve llama/n00b situations
I was in a game once, where a player kept going gorge. This wouldnt be so bad, if he didnt spam movement chambers as a defense instead of OC's, built anything but RT's on Res points and all manner of buildings on other players. Not only this, he laughed about it and bragged about it. Needless to say, it was infuriating. At first, we thought he was new, but after I and many others tried to guide him in the ways of gorging, he still seemed unable to find the "Offence Chamber" button, and seemed unable to fathom what an offence chamber was. He then started spamming the chat with profane language about how "l33t" he was being, and how aliens were the spawn of the devil...
I'm not against new players, I'm against Idiodic saboteurs, that is why I support the Gorge Eject Feature. It has to happen to you for you to understand it, having a perfectly great game of NS being ruined by an idiot is just not fun...
{Edit: Sentence Structure}
It isn't really the actions, but the reason behind them that make a bad gorge bad. If it is a newbie gorge, then he's doing it through shear newness. It it is a griefing gorge, then he's doing it out of hatred. A newbie gorge will learn (or hopefully will have watched other gorges). A griefing gorge will NOT. He knows how the game works, and is purposely trying to hurt the team.
Sure, there are differences between Comm and Gorge, but in the end, the gorge is as close to a comm as you can get. He places structures, heals teammates, decides on strategy, etc... If this alien is working against the team, there's a good chance you'll lose the game. Not through good marines, but through bad gorge. NO ONE likes a game like that. The marines don't feel good winning like that, and the aliens don't like losing like that.
A newbie will not know how to play the game, but should hopefully have played some kind of FPS before. Is willing to communicate with the rest of the team in order to learn how to play.
A n00b, if they have played an FPS before, they make it look like they haven't (sometimes they appear to be playing using only the keyboard). They will not respond to any form of communication, run off on their own and die. If they go gorge or commander, they usually sit there and do nothing or build things you don't need.