Update 324 - CATALYST - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Update 324 is the start of something exciting! It’s the catalyst to our new development cycle! Over the last few years we have made changes and fixes to further develop...
^make pic a spoiler or a tab u have to click to see it i know u dont like when they show up in comments but i forgot the text i need to write for it to work^
Also my only criticism of this patch so far is the loud idle sound that tunnels have, sounds like a bloody vacuum.
Curious, do you use surround sound headset? they worked a lot on the idle sound and last I heard it was pretty quiet, but sometimes I know the surround sound mechanism in the headphones can do weird stuff with ns2.
My recommendation is to set that ingame volume to the highest always and then adjust your OS, headset /speaker volume as needed.
Also, that sound should only be loud if your essentially directly on top of it. Just outside of bite range it should be almost inaudible while walking.
How long is the dlc going to be available? I don't have my wallet ready
Love everything about this! Buying this later today just for the toxic skins! The rest is just a bonus XD
It is my hope and dream to have an exclusive taunt pack from this
we've talked about it, so who knows
The only one I'm interested in is the green gorge. I'd rather pay $6.29 NZD for a Toxin pack later than $15.49 NZD for a Catalyst Pack now.
Ooooh. Congrats to @Kasharic and @pSyk0mAn !
I read the trello, lots of cool ideas! And most of them are like "I never thought about this because I used to what things are now but NOW I WANT IT BADLY". Thank you UWE, very cool. I also have a suggestion that instantly came into my mind when I read this: https://trello.com/c/cxRUwLPW/60-reminder-pop-up-that-you-can-purchase-a-lifeform-with-your-pres-amount — add small tokens or whatever symbols to denote how many upgrades you can buy together with that life form. I often don't buy a higher life form the moment I have the pres but wait a bit to also take an upgrade or two (if having the life forms isn't a pressing matter of course).
lol yas
Great update by the way, just bought the DLC
I believe it wasn't the spark engine, I think it was the previous engine and they had to move away from that to get the functionality they wanted... but I could definitely be wrong.
Actually I think you're right. I just found the video and he states that it is being generated over a standard Half Life 2 BSP level. I don't believe the Spark Engine is equipped to render those types of environments.
So I change my question; can I formally request that this type of dynamic infestation be added?
Video for reference:
* Nothing you do during the round other than winning the game has any effect on your skill level. This means that there’s no incentive to rack up kills at the end of the game rather than finishing it, or to play skulk instead of gorge, or to go offense rather than build.
* The effect on your score is determined by the time you spent playing the round rather than your points, with the beginning of the game weighted much higher than the end. This means that it doesn’t harm you to join a game that is already lost, because you’ll have played for a very small fraction of the weighted time spent in the game.
* If the two teams have a different number of players, this is compensated for automatically by normalizing by the total time across both teams rather than just within a team, and the model predicts that the team with more players will win.
* Larger games contribute less to each player’s skill level because the presumption is that each player has a smaller effect on the outcome of the game.
* If you are a highly skilled player on a low-skill server, the best thing you can do for your skill ranking is to join the underdog team, and lead them to victory.
In short : its a prediction, and solely based on your team winning or losing.
Here's your stats to track
Because you can get 0 kills, die 50 times, have a score of only 43 (after an hour long game) and otherwise do nothing helpful at all, yet your hive score will go up if your team wins...
Tis an extremely frustrating thing to see... Wish there was a way to "fix" it.
Hiveskill / Hivescore is just a number that shows how likely it is whether You can make your team win in your average environment.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Except that in the big picture, people change team...
They usually follow the big heads (or at least the ones they know).
You will always find someone like that in any game.
Did you ever see the graphs I made showing various rookies or veterans hive skill values overtime. I mention this because it shows how much each players hive skill oscillates.
Here is a collection of 20 of the graphs. These are in no way a random selection of players.
Ironhorse also gave a few details that explain why it is really hard to inflate your elo by switching teams, or joining the more skilled players.