Bind ability combinations to the ability keys
The Lighter Side of Pessimism Join Date: 2002-03-02 Member: 263Members, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow

This is essentially advanced weapon switch. At the moment switching abilities only changes the ability bound to LMB. Abilities bound to RMB or other other ability keys will always stay the same. I'm suggesting that switching should change the abilities bound to LMB, RMB and any other ability keys. Using this, abilities that are often used together could be grouped up. Which would mean that they player wouldn't need to switch as often.
Using the lerk as an example:
LMB: Bite
RMB: Spike
LMB: Umbra
RMB: Spore
@Tachi suggested that this could be configurable by the player to allow them to set up for specific situations. For example, alongside the two I've mentioned a player might also have custom combo bound to 3:
LMB: Bite
RMB: Spore
Using the lerk as an example:
LMB: Bite
RMB: Spike
LMB: Umbra
RMB: Spore
@Tachi suggested that this could be configurable by the player to allow them to set up for specific situations. For example, alongside the two I've mentioned a player might also have custom combo bound to 3:
LMB: Bite
RMB: Spore
However if we are reimagining controls, I'd rather have the ability activate when you press its designated key, and remove the weapon switch for aliens all together. So when I press 2, it umbras or parasites without me having to fire ie.
Either way, a legacy option is pretty mandatory on this. A lot of people would be upset if you imposed new controls on them.
Having secondary key bind options would also be great. I apologize if the second idea is implemented now as I haven't played in 12 months or so and can't remember.
I use x-mouse to allow a mwheeldown bind for jump in the game but it's not the greatest because it overloads the mouse and causes serious tracking jitter. It's the main reason I haven't played in a while.
Increasing the 200 fps cap would be beneficial as well for people with 240hz+ monitors and hardware.
This one is already done.