Rescue the saves

RboxRbox Belgium Join Date: 2018-03-17 Member: 239227Members
Okay, I put this up so everybody that needs this can upvote. Having only one save slot in a game that easily gets 70+ playing hours is suicide waiting to happen. Imagine losing your one save. Accidentally saving at a moment when you are stuck (easily possible after hitting the Start button), making you lose the entire game. There are may instances where you could lose or make useless your one and only save. Seriously, I cannot comprehend why they decided to have only one slot. But the game does have multiple New Game slots. Which makes the one save slot (per game) even more incomprehensible


  • QuafferQuaffer Broadview Heights Ohio Join Date: 2018-12-24 Member: 246947Members
    edited December 2018
    I made the mistake of saving in the innactive lava zone. I was too deep for my prawn, looking for kyanite, and I had all of my power sucked out. I'd already used all of my backup power cells, dealing with creature attacks. No way to get to the surface. Death returns to an unpowered cyclops. Grrrr. A save from a safe location would have saved me from a restart.
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