Subnautica PS4 Update 1.06 Released - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

A new Subnautica update has been released on PlayStation 4! 1.06 makes the following changes: Improved world streaming performance Fixed a crash that occurred during gameplay Fixed an issue causing...
well....fixed gameplay crashes......that usually corrupted the save so YA, they did address it
Improved world streaming is always a good thing.
The actions now occurring on keydown should fix the annoying issue where you place a locker then immediately open it, even when you don't want to, right? A minor but appreciated fix.
I look forward to you guys hopefully getting all the issues fixed this year. Once that's done, I hope you'll release, if not actual expansions and such, then at the very least a QoL patch to remove some UI inconsistencies and improve the inventory management a bit etc.
Thanks for the amazing game.
I've had a little play around with the 1.06 patch installed (on the base PS4) and jerky frame rates and missing terrain issues do seem to be present still, but reduced somewhat. Hopefully these issues will be fixed completely soon! We're not quite there yet, though.
The rendering errors are still heinous. Requires a quick reboot. Reminds of gaming back in ol 95, when everything was bugged.
But I'm still experiencing framerate drops in the safe shallow. And the little purple plant floating that has a million of itself overlapping just crashed my game after blasting it away
Not true, saves were getting corrupted without ceashes and according to this thread still are. I've yet to try the game since the update, but I'm hoping I don't need to start again like I did with the last update.
The problem is when this game gonna have a bit of stability ....och well what ever .
As it stands, the game is quite fun from a survival, base-building, exploration gameplay perspective. The music is awesome. The voice acting is really good. The biome, flora, fauna, and world designs are all diverse and interesting to see and explore. In fact, the game is quite good in many aspects. The issue is that it suffers from SEVERE technical problems. I"m sure most of you are aware of this, especially those who have been playing since early access. Now, the game was updated today to fix some of these apparent issues. The problem is that it really didn't fix anything, at least, not that I've noticed. In fact, things have gotten worse.
Since I started playing the game a week ago, it has crashed on me 7 times, 4 of those 7 times being in the past hour I've been playing today alone. I've lost about 4.5 hours of progress because of these crashes. This is completely absurd. There is no reason a game should be allowed to be sold in such a poor state. It's pure lunacy. This is the most poorly optimized game I have ever played. I don't understand why the developers do not fix these problems. On top of this, the game hitches and lags almost constantly. Any time I enter or exit any building or vehicle, it lags and/or hitches for several seconds. Any time I open an inventory menu, it lags and/or hitches for several seconds. Sometimes when I open an inventory menu, the game freaks out and my character (idk if he has an official name or not) will raise his left hand as if to raise the PDA, but instead, the PDA is absent and just his hand is there. Other times it will be his hand morphed with the item I have in my other hand or from a random item in my quick select bar. There was also a time where I went to open the inventory menu for an exterior growbed of Gel Sack that I have right outside my main base and the game glitched out so badly that I ended up being unable to move and my character had contorted and twisted into a polygonal mess. I had to reload to fix this. The rendering/draw distance is absolutely horrible. I've collided with things that I cannot see until the last second because of how slow the game renders its chunks. There have been times where I got physically glitched into mountains and walls and had to reload because of it. Going anywhere near my main base, especially near my Moonpool area, is basically asking for the game to crash. The FPS drops to the low double digits when I'm over in or near that area, so it seems anyway. It may even get into the single digits, idk. Items that I drop still fall through the floor. I literally just dropped some Marblemelons on accident and they all fell through the floor, so this update clearly didn't fix that, despite saying that it did.
All in all, my experience with the game has been good, but there is a lot to be desired from a technical aspect, most of which should be a no-brainer for lead game developers. Even some basic QoL changes, if implemented, could make the experience just that much better, if ever slightly. As it stands, I want to finish the game because I'm so close to the end, but I may take a break and finish it before tomorrow ends because the amount of crashes and wasted time I've had to deal with today has rendered me too angry to care about playing the game right now.
Is the PS4 just bad at handling this game or is it the actual game? I've heard that since it uses the Unity Engine that it just sucks because the Unity Engine is just not a good engine, but I know of other games that use the Unity Engine that run better than Subnautica does. So idk. Anyway, I'd like to hear and read your opinions and experiences with the game and if there are any workarounds to making it a smoother experience, even if by just a small margin. Honestly, if the crashes would just stop, I could handle the rest of the tech problems and almost overlook them. The consistent crashing is just way too much of a problem to ignore and let slide.
EDIT: Started playing the game again. Played for about 20 minutes and it crashed yet again. That is the 8th time. All of these most recent crashes have taken place inside the PCF (Primary Containment Facility). I guess the game just cannot handle this area very well or something. I'd also like to add that my character tends to move forward on his own a lot even though I am not touching the joystick. This also affects my inventory and other menu navigations, as the controller thinks I'm moving the joystick up when I am not. Now, this could clearly just be an issue with my controller, but seeing as how it has only ever done this for Subnautica, I believe it's an issue with the game itself. I usually have to wait a few seconds or readjust the left control stick before being able to move properly again. Another glitch that happened was related to the Cuddlefish. I released it from my inventory in open water right next to my base and it immediately sped off into the distance and disappeared, so I didn't even get to interact with it. Lastly, as of right now at least, I also came upon another glitch where items that I have eaten or used in my inventory are considered eaten or used, but still remain in your inventory, take up their respective slots, but you are unable to select that item, resulting in a reload or reset.
EDIT 2: Still playing the game. It has crashed on me again, so that is the 9th time. The last 25% of this game has become a mess. It has been a complete chore, slog, and monotonous grind to complete all because of technical problems. It has crashed on me 6 times during this final segment, 5 of those crashes being within the PCF (Primary Containment Facility). I've lost over 5 hours of progress due to all 9 crashes. I have further complaints too. Why does the game insist of not resetting resources, but will reset entire zones or areas that you've already explored and opened doors in? For example, the Aurora, even though I have explored it, resets all of the fires, doors, and chambers so I have to reopen or clear the way all over again. That's stupid. Furthermore, once I got to the QEP (Quarantine Enforcement Platform) to shut down the laser, the force field to enter the building was still there, even though I had deactivated it days ago during the beginning of the game. So I go back to my base over 1,000 meters away to get a Purple Tablet. I come back to the QEP and the forcefield is down... why? Like, the game just tries to waste my time. I then make my way through the QEP to the laser deactivation panel and the forcefield to that chamber is active for some reason, so I use the Purple Tablet I brought with me to deactivate it. I make my way back outside and my Seamoth has glitched through the water and beach and is not obtainable, so I have to make my trek back to the rocket with my Seaglide. As soon as I get to the rocket platform, the game crashes (that was the 9th crash I mentioned above). So the game reloads me back when I reached the Mountain Island the first time to shut down the laser. I check on my Seamoth behind me and apparently it's stuck on the sand (even though it's in the water) and so it cannot move at all no matter what I do, and so it's now unusable. When I return from the QEP after shutting down the laser, the Seamoth has disappeared into the sand again, so it is not usable. Consistent glitches and bugs abound.
I finished the game. I got the platinum trophy. The game, from a gameplay standpoint, is quite fun. The game, from a technical standpoint, is a complete and utter mess of a thing. It shouldn't even be on the market with how badly optimized it is, at least on the PS4. I don't know if other people have experienced as many issues as I have, but I cannot recommend this game to anyone on the PS4. If you want this game, get it on a different system. Even then, you're still going to have issues with it, I'm sure. That's just the nature of the game. Subnautica is fun and has a lot going for it, but it is the most poorly optimized game I have ever played. There are PlayStation 2 games that work better than this amalgamation. As it stands, Subnautica, with all of its problems, gets a 6.5/10 from me. Without all of the tech problems, it'd probably be an 8.5 or a 9, but the technical issues ruined the last 25% of the game for me and as an overall experience, soured the game greatly. Let's hope that these things get addressed and that Subnautica: Below Zero uses something other than the trash that is the Unity Engine.
hopefully that works for you guys who have the same problems as me!
All in all keep up the great work on this amazing game!
In any case, thanks for the feedback.
When either the seamoth or the prawn will dock it sometimes it will dock with out the door opening and will do the anamations then after that I’m stuck in the vehicle making me go out and quit my game with out saving
Is there anything I can do or can you fix this Please
You don't need a new game for these benefits, but the overlapping plants in safe shallows should have been addressed in the 1.05 patch. Were these overlapping plants in safe shallows?
Can you check in Settings > Storage > Saved Games > Subnautica and see if there are any corrupted saved games in there?
I'll be reaching out in a direct message shortly.