Base Leg Glitch.

Number35Number35 Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224491Members
edited March 2018 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
The base Legs from foundations and Moonpools appear and dissapear. for e.g. The foundation will not show its legs even though it is very close to the surface. The moonpool will display its legs even though it is around 10m - 20m from the ground maybe more.

Contents of Bug report:

Subnautica Version - Version: 59963
Description - Room Leg pieces display/Are not Visable at the wrong time
Reproduction steps - Build a base that stars on a foundation that is as close to the surface as possible. with that base connect a Moonpool to it away from the ground.


  • frogman2frogman2 Join Date: 2019-02-13 Member: 250911Members
    Same happening to me — one of my bases has one of four of its legs showing, oddly enough. Persists upon reloading game. None of the legs are showing anymore. Running on mac.
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