On the one hand I wouldn't mind a shiny squad five silver badge, on the other hand I wouldn't want it's value to be cheapened if it's handed out like candy. Would be unfair towards the people that actually worked hard for ns2.
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
edited February 2021
After an other full year of loyal services I would like to nominate myself for the next, and final squad [5] level: the gold item.
For the following new features (accepted and in progress):
* Gorges tools, and battle gorges (babbler AI rewrite, babbler egg mine, clogs on webs, webs, babbler bait and tons of fixes)
And also for seeding server, hours of coaching rookies 1v1 on a private server, flash lerks, waiting hours for my internet to upload crash dumps, for playtesting too much up to the point of not sleeping because you really really wants to go to EUPT and NAPT, and the Sentinel mod with its AI experimentation. I am also managing the nsl team TTO and handle training sessions frequently for players to improve.
And finally some pictures of the work along the way
Went you test hydras, you need more hydras
Good old ragdoll memories
A made a bridge, it's my bridge now
You piece of hydra, why can't I just drop you there ^^
Matrix mod enable !
Some stuff to know how big your hitbox is from the enemy POV
Just some artistic picture tried.
Attach dead bodies to ceilings above a napalm filled area ? because why not
2021 Edit: More than 2 years have passed and the following have been done:
* Writting a fully explained commanding guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2086636316
* Maintaining mods (it IS a lot of work)
* Working on new balance changes (MAC fixes, rework, and lifting building)
* Server moderation in game and admin work
* Active member of the balance team
* Minor wiki update, modding support and registering bugs for fixes.
pSyk0mAnNerdish by NatureGermanyJoin Date: 2003-08-07Member: 19166Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
I would like to nominate @AmbivalentAmbiguity ( [TA]Red ) for Squad 5 Blue for providing the TA servers, which are popular and well admin'd.
Just dumbed a lot of money into new servers and is not taking donations. Considering there are other server admins with Squad 5 Blue (SupaFred, Wooza), this shouldn't be too much to ask.
pSyk0mAnNerdish by NatureGermanyJoin Date: 2003-08-07Member: 19166Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
Nominating @Kasharic for ns2_unearthed and continuous support of ns2 and its (mapping-) community.
Don't give it to him before finishing that damn map tho!
After many years of service, giving both his time and money to hosting servers for over a decade, i'd like to nominate https://forums.unknownworlds.com/profile/clowning aka ClowningAround or just "Clowning".
Imo he deserves the maximum rank for his continued efforts.
Taz-AustraliaJoin Date: 2003-11-26Member: 23597Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
Coming back to this list after many years. Apart from a lot of quite confusing revisionist history when it comes to the Australian scene (quite a few ...creatively attributed recipients, and it was called AusNS2 not NS2Aus) the most glaring omission here has to be @clowning.
The only reason anybody still plays this game in the APAC region is @clowning. He has run the only server in the region out of his own pocket for the last 5+ years, one specifically chosen to be accessible to both AU/NZ players as well as those in SEA countries. This guy has been active and constructive in the Australian Natural Selection community since 2003, and I don't mean he's come and gone like most of us, he's been there the whole time somehow.
If there's a way to prove this whole system isn't a farce, it's to get @clowning on that list. Hell, take mine and give it to him, just make it happen please @IronHorse.
Server Ops that still tries to provide server in the Australian Region via their own pocket:
1: @clowning
2: Kid
Without these 2, Im pretty sure AusNS2 would be ded. They also tirelessly try to troubleshoot and tweak to help improve quality of life in their servers as well as providing another server for competitive play.
Because of the servers, New players are coming in and feel great they don't have to play with 200ping....etc.
These 2 Australians have tried to put competitive scene back into AusNS2. So far there has been more Competitive 6v6 Games in Aus. This helps "Veterans" have a place to play and helps separate High tier games from mixing with the lower tiers(Newcomers) So they don't get constantly rekt and feel like shit and also gives Higher Tiers a place to play among themselves(people know what they suppose to do....etc).
@AmbivalentAmbiguity ([TA] Red) even though there's no longer TA I spend a lot of my time there and is one of the longest, constantly populated operating Servers "internationally" people can play in. Not to mention you can even request to customize your badge via discord
RedNight here, my name is bladepk3r because thats what i used to use a long time ago and i dont know how to change it.
Anyway i would like to nominate @Clowning because of all the effort hes put into NS2, Hes hosted servers for many many years out of his own pocket which has provided a place for the OCE community to play together. Plus hes an extremely nice and helpful guy making sure new players dont get yelled at and can enjoy the game .
I'd like to nominate @AmarHanoscia for all his hard work making the awesome AmarBot in Discord. It has definitely contributed to an overall sense of community in the Oceania scene and I have no doubt it's had a similar effect across all communities. Thank you for rolling it out on the Sydney NS2 Ground Discord
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
I would nominate @AmarHanoscia as well for the first squad level, for all his work on his bots (which AFAIK has been done for pub and competitive, the delay stats, fun facts, and so much I forgot the list), and for developing special tools working along some of my mods with a discord bridge for me to get notifications.
ThesaltyseacaptainCanada Join Date: 2018-07-11Member: 242113Members, NS2 Community Developer
I would Like to nominate @Zavaro for his passion for ns2 and the community. He is always willing to lend a helping hand and develop assets with skill and care. Zavaro can very often be found in the Spark Crafter Collective discord, helping out mappers and being incredibly positive and thoughtful. He is a integral part of NS2's community and should definitely be recognized as such.
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
edited May 2021
I would like to nominate t0by#7896 and NoM#8164 (discord names, nobody is using the forum anymore) for the squad five for their amazing work on ns2panel on top of the new heatmap feature we can now see for every round.
On the one hand I wouldn't mind a shiny squad five silver badge, on the other hand I wouldn't want it's value to be cheapened if it's handed out like candy. Would be unfair towards the people that actually worked hard for ns2.
Meh, that one doesn't really have that ring to it... "You're squad faaaaaaaaivee", one squad to rule them all!
For the following new features (accepted and in progress):
* Gorges tools, and battle gorges
* Weapons don't expire near an armory anymore
* WIP New bio8 khammander egg upgrade
* WIP Jetpack low fuel auto jump to increase the skill floor
* WIP Alien 'buy once' upgrade improvement to increase versatility
The following fixes accepted and a few still in progress:
* console "create" command is faster and doesn't created stucked entities anymore
* Mitigating the stacking of alien buildings when moving them as a group
* Fixed some edge case commander placement
* Fixed a weird bug where the commander couldn't build anything at all
* Fixed ragdolls blocking bullets (hydras in a vent, a dying hydra would soak 30 bullets before allowing the shooter to reach the one behind)
* Commanders selection improvements
* Fixing some range circle not displayed as commander
* Fixed a weird issue with entities being destroyed too soon (leading to strange issues and potentially crashes)
* Fixed invalid kill feed icons
* Fixed dead jetpack looping sound
* Fixed flinch building effects with weapons dealing 0 damages (healspray vs buildings)
* Adding a move button for ARCs
* Fixed RR players heatlbar lua errors
* Fixed healspray not building if the target entity is in a corner or edge
* Fixed lua error spam if a marine somehow has no weapon at all
* Fixed hydras blocking each others LOS
* Fixed gorges not able to consume closed tunnel entrances
* Rewrote the welder target priority, so it welds what you are aiming at first
* Babblers now stay attached to you even if you evolve or go commander
* Fixed Khammander not able to drop buildings (or even the hive), because too many entities
* Allow marines to axe a web
* Fixed most unkillable or under the map cyst placement
* Fixed the old old welder flickering bug
* Fixed some beacon issues
* Missing infestation between cysts
* Aliens bots
And also for seeding server, hours of coaching rookies 1v1 on a private server, flash lerks, waiting hours for my internet to upload crash dumps, for playtesting too much up to the point of not sleeping because you really really wants to go to EUPT and NAPT, and the Sentinel mod with its AI experimentation. I am also managing the nsl team TTO and handle training sessions frequently for players to improve.
And finally some pictures of the work along the way
Good old ragdoll memories
A made a bridge, it's my bridge now
You piece of hydra, why can't I just drop you there ^^
Matrix mod enable !
Some stuff to know how big your hitbox is from the enemy POV
Just some artistic picture tried.
Attach dead bodies to ceilings above a napalm filled area ? because why not
2013 First contribution.
2016 Blue nomination: https://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/comment/2265830/#Comment_2265830
2017 Silver nomination: https://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/comment/2369195/#Comment_2369195
2018 Gold nomination: Hopefully
2042 Shadow nomination: (I know you are hidding somewhere)
2021 Edit: More than 2 years have passed and the following have been done:
* Writting a fully explained commanding guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2086636316
* Maintaining mods (it IS a lot of work)
* Working on new balance changes (MAC fixes, rework, and lifting building)
* Server moderation in game and admin work
* Active member of the balance team
* Minor wiki update, modding support and registering bugs for fixes.
Just dumbed a lot of money into new servers and is not taking donations. Considering there are other server admins with Squad 5 Blue (SupaFred, Wooza), this shouldn't be too much to ask.
Don't give it to him before finishing that damn map tho!
Imo he deserves the maximum rank for his continued efforts.
The only reason anybody still plays this game in the APAC region is @clowning. He has run the only server in the region out of his own pocket for the last 5+ years, one specifically chosen to be accessible to both AU/NZ players as well as those in SEA countries. This guy has been active and constructive in the Australian Natural Selection community since 2003, and I don't mean he's come and gone like most of us, he's been there the whole time somehow.
If there's a way to prove this whole system isn't a farce, it's to get @clowning on that list. Hell, take mine and give it to him, just make it happen please @IronHorse.
1: @clowning
2: Kid
Without these 2, Im pretty sure AusNS2 would be ded. They also tirelessly try to troubleshoot and tweak to help improve quality of life in their servers as well as providing another server for competitive play.
Because of the servers, New players are coming in and feel great they don't have to play with 200ping....etc.
These 2 Australians have tried to put competitive scene back into AusNS2. So far there has been more Competitive 6v6 Games in Aus. This helps "Veterans" have a place to play and helps separate High tier games from mixing with the lower tiers(Newcomers) So they don't get constantly rekt and feel like shit and also gives Higher Tiers a place to play among themselves(people know what they suppose to do....etc).
1: RedNight --> @Bladepk3r
2: Jimmoo --> @Jimmoo
On a side note:
@AmbivalentAmbiguity ([TA] Red) even though there's no longer TA I spend a lot of my time there and is one of the longest, constantly populated operating Servers "internationally" people can play in. Not to mention you can even request to customize your badge via discord
Anyway i would like to nominate @Clowning because of all the effort hes put into NS2, Hes hosted servers for many many years out of his own pocket which has provided a place for the OCE community to play together. Plus hes an extremely nice and helpful guy making sure new players dont get yelled at and can enjoy the game
See: https://ns2panel.ocservers.com/