UPDATE 332 - Released! - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Update 332 is large and in charge, with a slew of fixes, balance changes, visual improvements, optimizations and more! Oh and don't forget those new skins!
But I must say I am still very unhappy with the Web rework. To me this pretty much comes down to basically removing Web from the game. I don't like the limited uses, I hate the loss of parasite and I am annoyed by (yet understand) the change in placement.
Also the Tooltip for consuming Tunnel Entrances is still not fixed and I don't feel that the old (and still current) Tooltip for Vampirism befits the current effect of the ability. But those are just minor blemishes that, at worst, mostly effect inexperienced Players and newcommers.
Haven't tried the patch yet, so no opinion on limited uses, but parasite for webs while a big nerf shouldn't have been added in the first place. Maybe if there was a research cost to it, but it was overbuffed like mines and had to come back down. Anyway, feedback goes to discord. Its in the news post and everything.
Thanks for the reminder.
While you're at it, maybe change the typo in "entrace" aka entrance too.
Try running repairgame.exe first
If that doesnt fix it, please run techsupport.exe located in the same /x64 folder and then send me that zip file if you can.
@Webtrance you have a bigger chance finding help in the ns2 discord https://discord.gg/SQYbxZ
Its intended to help res bite and clear PGs. It's supposed to put pressure on marines to not let aliens sit on 2 hives