Keep specing same player [Enhanced Spectator]
When spectated player dies, its spectators normally get switched to someone else.
So I really like to continue spectating same player, so here a little mod:
So I really like to continue spectating same player, so here a little mod:
Maybe I just don't know how to to it, but when I am spectating in freelook mode, I would like to be able to jump to certain area by clicking on the minimap or switching back shortly to the commander overview mode without having to fly there through the entire map, or by selecting a nearby player in commander overview mode and then switch to player-cam -> freelook cam quickly.
Yes would be nice, I can imagine, that you would need to press c (the map overview key), and then u would be able to click on it. Else I don't see how to decouple the mouse from freelook - in a intuitive way.
But currently there are quite a few "problems" with switching from freelook to overhead to firstperson.
- it does not keep the player selected
- in overhead it does not keep following when a player dies
- switching from firstperson to freelook, reorients the view to north
Features I had in mind:
- a console command to spec someone, #spec [steam_id|name|part of name]
its interesting for a shout-caster.. one could bind multiple keys for each player..
- able to spec MAC's and babblers
- tilt view in overhead mode - maybe a performance problem
- cleanup/improve UI (specially for ns2_large .. with enough players, the overhead mode does not show all players in the left/right list
More things to improve:
- in overhead, all flashlights are perfect horizontal oriented. But I am not sure yet if that is the case? And maybe it was done intentionally with good reason.
Well so I started already with the switching between modes, but my original fix "only" affected about 3 lines of code in 2 files.
Fixing that switch stuff, the changes required increase a lot. Not that I cannot do it, but chances for bugs increase, and chances for incompatibility with future updates and other mods does suffer also.
So I am not sure yet how to approach this, besides I do not have much time for this. But motivation is still here
you can use the keyboard shortcut for that:
- hit 2 to use the top view
- click on map or minimap to jump to the position you want
- hit 1 to go to freelook
- hit 2 again to use top view, click on the commander name on player list (left or right of the screen)
12 keys to bind all players that would be a lot. Currently you can click on the player name while in top view.
then go back to first person with spacebar or with the key 3.
the problem is that if you hit multiple times the spacebar or if you hit ZQSD, you lose the track and the next time you switch to first person, you spectate another "random" player.
Its even worse on bigger servers, its just that I got the habit from Wolfenstein:ET to use console to spec a player.
But you are right, the feature is not really useful for shout-casters.
Maybe for shout-casters, the keypad could be used, like NUMPAD_1 => follows first player from Marines, SHIFT+NUMPAD_1 follows first player from aliens (well its an idea).
Regarding the switching from first person to overhead and back, it will not lose track anymore. Unfortunately, it will not continue to follow in overhead, nor will it highlight the selected player. Yet switching back to first person continues to follow.
Its on my to-do list, although probably I will make a alien vision next
Current progress (copy paste from workshop):
@Mephiles possible yes, as it seems even trivial, the required "code" exists already.
The only problem is, how can a spectator switch between limited info and full information. Have to find a way to toggle it. Well basically its just gona be a keybind.. but still it makes it more complicated for me.
As I believe it is a requirement for server admins, to get full information, for "human" anti-cheat.
Is done!
Not toggle able, but will see if I add that.