Subnautica on Nintendo Switch - massive savegame problems
Join Date: 2020-02-07 Member: 257674Members

Hi guys!
First of all, I love this game, I played it on PC hundreds of hours.
But the Nintendo Switch version suffers massive samegame problems.
1st playthrough: savegame got corrupted after 10 hours.
2nd playthrough: savegame got corrupted after 5 hours.
3rd playthrough: savegame switched from freedom to survival mode after round about 3 hours...
Usually I´m pretty patient but this freaks me out.
First of all, I love this game, I played it on PC hundreds of hours.
But the Nintendo Switch version suffers massive samegame problems.
1st playthrough: savegame got corrupted after 10 hours.
2nd playthrough: savegame got corrupted after 5 hours.
3rd playthrough: savegame switched from freedom to survival mode after round about 3 hours...
Usually I´m pretty patient but this freaks me out.
I'm hopeful this can be fixed by the devs, but I also know the savesystem never was a shining star, even on PC ^^
Also a couple more hours into this game cannot hurt me :-D
There was a building I tried to deconstruct, but that got stuck at 80% and I could not deconstruct it further (or re-construct it). I then saved and re-loaded the game, and now the game crashes every time as soon as I approach that building.
Really looking forward to that patch...
Game crashes almost every time I try and save.
I really want to like this game...but getting Cyberpunk 2077 flashbacks.
I've already started playing on the switch now it's out,
I have an 18+ hour save file and now it's not letting me get back into it
the save loads to about 40% and crashes, stating it's a software error
even after the update two/three days ago, it's not loading back in
the last time I saved, I was in the containment facility in my prawn suit,
if that has anything to do with it
is this happening to anyone else? is there an easy fix I'm missing?
I really don't want to lose my progress
Everytime you save while you within a vehicle (Seamoth, Prawn, Cyclops) the chance of getting a corrupted savegame is pretty high.
After a couple attempts I'm almost through the game after round about 30 hours and never got a corrupted savegame anymore.
You just need to get out of the vehicle before you save.
Maybe they bring out a oatch to fix broken savegames.
Just be patient and cross fingers...
P.D. el lugar donde tengo la piscina es en el bioma donde esta la cápsula salvavidas, justo al lado de ella en una pequeña explanada, informo de esto por si el bioma tuviese algo que ver; también intentaré construir otra piscina lunar en otro sitio.
creo que es evidente, pero por si acaso informo de que si, es la versión de switch
Respecto al error anterior, encontré una solución provisional (en caso de que a alguien le pase lo mismo o de que sirva de ayuda para un posible parche). No tenía muy claro que podía intentar hacer, primero pensé en construir otra piscina( cosa que no intente por falta de materiales) así que decidí usar el prawn para inundar la base y entrar en la piscina una vez inundada, esto último funciono, entonces probé a sacar el seamoth y arreglar la base, y tras esto el juego ya me permitía acercarme, entrar, o salir de la piscina sin problema.
El error entonces, debe ser que la piscina no puede tener vehículos dentro.
Hope this will get fixed soon.
What a massive PITA.