Network 42 Gaming Community

XLII_WintermuteXLII_Wintermute Join Date: 2002-12-14 Member: 10763Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Not a clan, better than Pub play.</div> Network 42 is a long running gaming community dedicated to playing online games the way they were meant to be played. We are not a clan and require nothing more of our members than that they have the right attitude. What we do offer is an escape from the rubbish you find on most public servers. Our members do not whine, cheat, use abusive language and know how to share a joke.

We work together as a team to complete the game's objectives and this is where you see the big difference in the style of play. The voice comm does get used for effective communication, but it is never spammed. Commanders know what they are doing, and support their marines, and vice versa. There are no rambos on our servers. I could go on, but you need to play it to find out what we are like.

We currently have Counterstrike, Ghost Recon, America's Army, Raven Shield, QII LMCTF, and QIII RF as well as our Natural Selection server.

The NS server is currently public, but well admined and will become private in the near future. All members will be given the password.

To become a member, visit our forums and then fill out an application (NS applications will open within a week or two).

#N42 on quakenet

It doesn't matter if you are a complete n00b or a pro gamer. We have members from all over the world, young and old. See you on the server at

N42 NS admin


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