Join Date: 2002-02-12 Member: 203Members

in Off-Topic
<div class="IPBDescription">No more gamez for a while</div>I broke my middle finger at a rave when I was blowing up this chick with a light show when she e-tards out, falls into me, and knocks me down. When I try to break my fall my finger bends in a way it really wasn't meant to. Finals are really going to suck ### as it was the middle finger on the hand I use to write with. <!--emo&:(--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo--> 3 weeks with a brace before I can get something flexable! and no more glowstix unless I can learn to use stringz. :'(
man typing with one hand is a real pain in the ###.
man typing with one hand is a real pain in the ###.
?? I don't understand all..? Explain?
and sorry about that of ur finger cant be very fun... but i have broken my right arm(the mouse arm) twice... those times really was hard couldnt play game for like 2 months each time i broke it...
wtf do you mean blowing her up? Was she a blow-up doll? and WTF is e-tards?
e-tarding (e-tard, so much like retard because that's how your thinking is when you're rolling) is what happens when someone blows up- their eyes flutter they get this really big goofy smile on their face, and if it's really intense, they can sometimes pass out from "pleasure"
so in laymans terms- there was this chick that was getting high off of watching my glowstick routine that I was doing for her, and she got so much of a rush from it that she passed out, fell into me, knocked my butt on the ground, but when I tried to catch my fall, my finger bent backwards and sideways. <!--emo&:angry:--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':angry:'><!--endemo-->
**on a personal Note**
while I am in the camp of I don't care what substances people do (unless it hurts other people like one close friend did <!--emo&:(--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->), I myself found the err in my ways of drugs and have been clean for over a year and a half. I will not tell people not to do drugs, as it is my personal opinion that 1st hand experience is the best teacher. I WILL tell people I know who do use drugs that it is bad for them and that one day they're going to have to realize that they have to stop.
besides they're too damned expensive.
I also had a girlfriend who tried E while we were dating... she actually stopped for me. That's love. I know she tried it at least once more after we broke up (her first time had been laced with acid and messed with her head - WHY don't I do drugs? Oh right, 'cause sh!t like this happens), but I don't know if she still does it ever.
To use or not use drugs is everyone's individual decision- One of my LAN party m8s is where I was a year and a half ago, but he's still able to function fine as a part of a programming team so he doesn't see why he should stop now.
"Remember kiddies- anything that's fun is probably either immoral, illegal, or will kill you one day. And if its not then the government's going try and take it away anyways <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->"
-Matt McGregor
Although coil- you CAN regulate how f-ed up you get on illegals if you prepare yourself with the knowledge of how drugs work within your body. There's certain legal drugs- over the counter- that effect the GABA and serotonin receptors within your brain in ways that can reduce the intensity of an acid trip, or reduce the effect of the highs of rolling.
The GABA and serotonin receptors are the only ones that will be significantly effected by the over the counter pharacuticals that I could find (the dopamine, canabinoid and other receptors don't respond well to over the counter drugs. FYI Acid effects mosly the GABA system and E effects mostly the serotonin systems)- if you're doing something besides Acid or E, then you have to look at perscription kinds of drugs to counteract the effects which can be <b>REALLY BAD AND EVEN AFTER TAKING SEVERAL PHARMACUTICAL AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CLASSES I WON'T EVEN TRY TO DO UNLESS ITS A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION AND THE PERSON NEEDS TO STAY ALIVE UNTIL THEY GET PROFESSIONAL HELP.</b>
er... yea, like I said- I'm a reformed druggie, but that doesn't mean my knowledge can go to waste- as a matter of fact, I'm working on a list of club drugs, date rape substances, and other forms of chemical pleasure that tells exactly how it effects the body in a complete phisiological summary of each of the systems within the body (nervouse, resperatory, digestive, etc.), what that means in laymens terms, street price, how it makes you feel (mostly from first hand experience but there's some things I never did try and won't others to even try like crack, heroine, morphine, and crank(PCP)), combinations that enchance the effects or can kill you, how to treat an OD, and the different variants of each kind- although those are usually dealer specific.
oi I'll shutup now.
(for those of you who don't know, Pimpy was (is?) a really samrt guy who used to frequent these forums and write really really long (like one to two page) posts.
My girlfriend has been smoke-free now for nearly two years... I'm really, really proud of her. (:
Total amount pot smoked- about 12oz
number of acid trips (that I remember) 9
number of times rolling 7
total number of cigarettes smoked: 0 (hey, I'm still tobacco free...)
<!--emo&:(--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->
which goes to show that cigarettes as a "gateway drug" isn't true.
I'm glad I gave up this #### a long while ago.
in to playing video games.
He could not smoke in the house and i "loaned" him couple
of good ones.
He played approximately 11 hours in a day.
Now he is smoke free but i nearly never see him in person.
Is it better to have a friend with lung cancer or a friend
you never see? <!--emo&???--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'><!--endemo-->
And sorry about your finger!!