A Balanced Round?
Join Date: 2003-02-23 Member: 13870Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">Give your opinion!</div> Now that NS has been out for a few months now, most commanders/gorges have smartened up their act, and they realise that the first 5 minutes of a game decides the round. One of the reasons I play NS is because I like to play in mammoth 1 hour-long rounds; but the chance of having a long balanced game is minimal (in my opinion), as the outcome of the game is determined in 3 ways:
1) The marines cap 2 hives at the start, usuallly thanks to the Com re-locating in a hive and 'Rambo' capping the other hive. This round lasts for 30 mins despite the certain outcome (marine victory) as those little blighters (skulks) can still stop the marines in their tracks until JP/HA is researched. RESULT: MARINE VICTORY (45 mins)
2) The aliens cap 2 hives. Dont really need to go into detail with this one. Time for the marines to stick their heads under their **** whilst feebly hoping that the 4 SGs in the base hold up against the adv. evolutions of the kharaa. A single fade appears and wipes out the marines. RESULT: KHARAA VICTORY (15 mins)
3) The aliens cap a hive and the marines cap a hive; but thanks to the mobility of the kharaa they cap twice as many res nodes as the marines, and when 2 fades evolve, they wipe out and decimate the marines. RESULT: KHARAA VICTORY (40 mins)
...My gripe with this is that either the marines cap 2 hives at the start - or they loose. (I know the Onos is meant to finish the game off for fun, but the fades seem to have this ability too. This is because of their great mobility, high endurance and mean firepower.) Now surely for a 'balanced' round each team should cap one hive each - but when this happens the fades always seem to trounce the marines despite numerous tactics of different commanders
I know a lot of you are going to say that a HA/HMG marines cancels out a fade, but it's unlikely the marines can cap enough res points to spawn a team of Heavies' because even a skulk can nail an un-defended RT quickly, and it costs 77 res (1 TF & 3SG) to (weakly) fortify a res tower for the marines, where as for the same efect for the Kharaa it costs only 42 res. Big difference. Oh and let's face it, theres no way a com can ask a marine to defend a res point through out the game
So in summary: in my opinion the fades attacks should be re-designed (no splash damage on the bile weapons) and/or they should have 50pts less armour; OR SGs should be quicker to fire (its annoying to see a fade appear from a doorway, shoot an acid rocket at an SG, then hide behind the wall whilst the SG does jack. [Repeat till desired effect is achived (i.e. destroyed SG)]
P.S. before y'all have a **** at me for slagging off the fades, take a look at my post count! and have mercy on the 'n00b'
Cheers [B][/B][B]
1) The marines cap 2 hives at the start, usuallly thanks to the Com re-locating in a hive and 'Rambo' capping the other hive. This round lasts for 30 mins despite the certain outcome (marine victory) as those little blighters (skulks) can still stop the marines in their tracks until JP/HA is researched. RESULT: MARINE VICTORY (45 mins)
2) The aliens cap 2 hives. Dont really need to go into detail with this one. Time for the marines to stick their heads under their **** whilst feebly hoping that the 4 SGs in the base hold up against the adv. evolutions of the kharaa. A single fade appears and wipes out the marines. RESULT: KHARAA VICTORY (15 mins)
3) The aliens cap a hive and the marines cap a hive; but thanks to the mobility of the kharaa they cap twice as many res nodes as the marines, and when 2 fades evolve, they wipe out and decimate the marines. RESULT: KHARAA VICTORY (40 mins)
...My gripe with this is that either the marines cap 2 hives at the start - or they loose. (I know the Onos is meant to finish the game off for fun, but the fades seem to have this ability too. This is because of their great mobility, high endurance and mean firepower.) Now surely for a 'balanced' round each team should cap one hive each - but when this happens the fades always seem to trounce the marines despite numerous tactics of different commanders
I know a lot of you are going to say that a HA/HMG marines cancels out a fade, but it's unlikely the marines can cap enough res points to spawn a team of Heavies' because even a skulk can nail an un-defended RT quickly, and it costs 77 res (1 TF & 3SG) to (weakly) fortify a res tower for the marines, where as for the same efect for the Kharaa it costs only 42 res. Big difference. Oh and let's face it, theres no way a com can ask a marine to defend a res point through out the game
So in summary: in my opinion the fades attacks should be re-designed (no splash damage on the bile weapons) and/or they should have 50pts less armour; OR SGs should be quicker to fire (its annoying to see a fade appear from a doorway, shoot an acid rocket at an SG, then hide behind the wall whilst the SG does jack. [Repeat till desired effect is achived (i.e. destroyed SG)]
P.S. before y'all have a **** at me for slagging off the fades, take a look at my post count! and have mercy on the 'n00b'
Cheers [B][/B][B]
It was great <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
The marines relocating to a hive and properly fortifying can make a game last a hell of a lot longer.
A skilled Marine team can fight fades very effectivly, if they have a couple upgrades, but usualy all the money goes into siege bases or turrets, instead of shotguns and upgrades.
Fades have far too little health to survive for along against HMG fire.
Plus if you res get killed and a gorge builds there !BLAM! dead gorge and your res node is back.
i had a game where we had one hive and res enough to supply around 5 ppl HA, HMG and welders to us all.
they had 2 hives and fades were around, we were trying to push them back but even with us all working together, welding each other, shooting at primary targets, setting outposts ECT we just couldn`t push back 3 fades with dc around the corner! <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo--> and mabye the wol <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo-->
Hive 2 does not mean the game is over, but if the commander decided to try and lockdown hives, it definatly is, as the marines tech level is at that of the start of the game, whereas the aliens have their upgrades (2nd hive) and can now own the weak, unupgraded marines. From what I have seen on pubs lately, the hive lockdown strat almost never works, because the aliens are getting smarter and actually paying attention to the situation going on in their hives. If the hives get locked down, the aliens are noob and will lose because they have been cut off of their tech advancement.
The problem with pub games is that one team rarely effectively discovers the strat of the opposite team and works to counter it, they just run around killing aimlessly, complaining about the commander building stuff, or upset at the gorge cause he hasn't dropped a D chaimber yet...
Honestly I see it as being a stronger game now, though the Aliens still have a better advantage. Its become about resource control. Sure those Fades are nasty, but you aren't going to see too many Fades if the Aliens only have 2 resource points. Now the Marines have to play the Aliens game.
The typical "born to lose" Marine two hive rush usually proceeds thusly:
1) Marines rush 1-2 hives and try to plant PGs down at both and carefully use their slow trickle of money to lock down the hives with turrets.
2) While this happens the skulks are on a rampage and eat up anything outside these 2-3 spots, the Gorge/s, having free reign, happily plant resource points everywhere and have plenty of resources to drop Walls of Lame wherever they want.
3) Eventually, the Skulks/Lerks manage to break through the defense somewhere and free a hive.
Right there is the beginning of the end. Now the Marines only have 1 Hive, 2 res points, and have spent most of their money on welders, turrets, etc and not on upgrades. They rapidly try to re-secure the hive, but the Gorges, fat on Resources, have managed to throw up insta-WOLs which slow down the Marines a ton. Marines try to siege through but are constantly harassed by the Kharaa till the Hive goes up, all the Kharaa switch to Fade/Lerk, and wipe the Marines out completely.
The key NOW is to secure the res. Instead of trying to ninja two hives, the Marines merely need to keep the Kharaa from getting all three hives while controlling most of the resource points. If the Marines can control 3-4 Resource points, they have a really good chance to tech rush before the second hive goes up. Good marines with JPs and HMGs will decimate the Kharaa hives. If the Marines manage to control more resource points the game should be won, the Commander can upgrade, drop all sorts of equipment, and when its time to crack open a hive he can drop insta-turret farms.
Therein lies the problem. Since it becomes about area and resource control, the Kharaa have a lot more advantages than the Marines. They ALL know instantly when one of their res towers (or any towers) are being hit, their primary beginning troop (skulk) is faster than a Marine, not to mention they can climb and use vents with impunity for the first half of the game. A skulk has no problems getting past the "standard" turret farm (3 turrets), whereas a Marine trying to get past a wall of 3 OTs has a very low chance of making it past alive, much less with decent health (and a smart Gorge would build 2 OTs on the front line, then one OT behind them to catch the ninjas).
These advantages mean that some maps are VERY Kharaa-friendly, and some maps are Marine friendly (basically any map where the Marines can secure multiple resource nodes, thereby using less resources/men to secure more stuff). Some are even based on WHERE the Kharaa start (i.e. ns_nothing, if the Aliens start in Powersilo they are pretty screwed, if they start in Cargo Foyer, they will probably win, keeping the Marines away from one spot where they secure one hive and THREE resource towers).
There's not much that can be done about this, its the Kharaa's game to deny Marines resources long enough to get to Fades/Umbra before the Marines get HA/HMG/GL and 3/3 weap/armor. Its the Marines game to secure as much resources as possible so they can get all that before or during the Kharaa's Fade/Umbra stage, because then they will walk all over the Kharaa.
Seriously, you either ninja-rush at the beginning, get lucky and win, or you play "starve the enemy" by controlling as much res as possible, then using that res to just swamp the enemy.
First I secure one hive and dont even worry or try to get the second(send marines to keep the aliens busy). Then i proceed to get rts and tell marines to guard them. At about this time about half of my marines are swearing at me and calling me a freaking idiot and we need to go for the second hive or we automaticly lose the game. Afew minutes go by rt flow is pretty good(mainly because i didnt waste money on trying to get 2nd hive then losing it) half the marines are still swearing at me the other half(mostly regs on the server) tell them to shut up and play and that i know what im doing. im teching and have 3lvl upgrades and have everything upgraded and waiting for a good stock of rts.
This is around when aliens get fades... and omg it never fails some marines will always yell out "OMG THEY HAVE FADES ITS OVER ALL BECAUSE WE HAD A **** IDIOT COM THAT DIDNT GET THE SECOND HIVE. LETS JUST ALL F4 RIGHT NOW." this is when i proceed to tell them that they have level 3 upgrades and they can take careless fades down easy(most fades r careless at this point because they think that won).
Then fun starts i say to marines have fun and drop ALOT of hmgs nades heavy armour and say have fun(1on1 a heavy full upgrade marine kills a fade, skill makes this very), just work in groups and make your way to rts or hives(most of the time i can give everyone something) I dont know if you guys have ever played had heavy vs fades wars but it is so much fun. I think its the most fun part in NS. Most of the time after the game my marines will tell me that that was the most fun game theve ever played in.
using this tatic i have won almost every game that i can recall except one and that was because there was a server/map bug and i couldnt upgrade the tf and siege. and ofcourse one of my marines used non-team chat tsay and said "What do u mean u cant build siege" then after that aliens just proceeded to OC/DC rush all my outposts with fades(now that is very deadly)
this game last along time most of the time and is the best type of game you can play in ns in my opion <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> (note: i was also venting the fact that marines are NEVER up to this strat.
<!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/asrifle.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tiny.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->
From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.
-- Sir Winston Churchill
i had a game where we had one hive and res enough to supply around 5 ppl HA, HMG and welders to us all.
they had 2 hives and fades were around, we were trying to push them back but even with us all working together, welding each other, shooting at primary targets, setting outposts ECT we just couldn`t push back 3 fades with dc around the corner! <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo--> and mabye the wol <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well, if even ONE of you had a GL instead of all HMG...you could have easily killed them all. Grenades are far and away required front line "push" weapons. Fades either run AT you, and die...or away, allowing you to advance and destroy.
Pray that acid fades continue to be whored. (EW! Bad mental image. But I digress). You DON'T want melee Fades to be whored; they'll kick your backside faster and better.
ShuflY: You said you don't secure hives, and don't build turrets. I've often thought that an alternate way to win would be to secure res and tech up. How do you secure res without turrets? More to the point, how do you stop your marines being eaten for breakfast while on the way to a node, or while trying to build at a node? I've seen marines try to to this from the perspective of skulk, marine and commander and it never seems to work. What's the trick?
How do you secure res without turrets?
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It's never effective to secure res with turrets unless you can cover several nodes with a single TF, and even then it's debatable. You 'secure' res nodes by mining them, and then giving the aliens something else to worry about other than chomping your res nodes - ie. you attack their hive.
Edit: why aren't quote tags working all of a sudden?
I think the best marine tactic out there right now is to LET the aliens grab the hives they want. The marines just need to secure 3-4 additional nodes, HOLD THEM, and tech up. Then they have HMG/JP and HMG/HA by the time the second hive comes up, and they can either knock it down immediately (and secure it, quick marine win incoming unless the aliens are really well organized), or be on par with the fades that come rolling out. Then the INTENDED battle for the third hive can proceed properly: HMG/HA vs Fades.
I think more and more commanders are realizing rush strats dont work so well anymore, and are switching to teching. However, this will probably COMPLETELY change with 1.1.
Not saying your wrong as such, but what are you basing that statement on ?
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That's a good point.
Also consider the minimum res. required to produce a single fade, and a single HA/HMG:
1 hive: 80 res
Evolve to Fade: 54 res
TOTAL *134 res*
Weaps Lab: 45 res
Proto Lab: 45 res
Research HA: 50 res
Adv. Armoury: 35 res (or is it 25?)
Produce HA: 25 res
Produce HMG: 25 res ( i think i got HA/HMG cost wrong - might be more?)
TOTAL *225 res*
There ya have it. 134 res for a fade, 225 for a HA/HMG. Plus i left out the cost of building an armoury in the 1st place
In my experience (and all my experience comes from pubs, BTW), when the mariens cap one hive, they have just as much chance of winning the game as the aliens. I've done it several times as commander. The trick is (as someone pointed out above) to get your marines upgraded NOT with HA/HMG, but to 2nd level ammo and armor from the arms lab. So long as you have a phase gate in a strategic position in between the hive you control and the next one you're trying to take, your mariens can cover both. Mariens do NOT need HA to counter fades. You just need HA to fight fades without losses. But in volume, LMG/LA mariens with upgrades can keep fades at bay long enough to get the upgrades needed to push THEM back.
The point is, so long as there is a stalemate between the two hive aliens, and the single hive controlled marines, time is the aliens biggest problem. Once the aliens get their second hive, they're as powerful as they can get until they get the third hive. The mariens, on the other hand, grow stronger with each minute that passes, assuming the commander is being smart and using his resources for arms labs upgrades, and not giving out HMGs that get lost easily. Stretch time out long enough, and the mariens will win almost any game, especially if they have a hive under their control.
First I secure one hive and dont even worry or try to get the second(send marines to keep the aliens busy). Then i proceed to get rts and tell marines to guard them. At about this time about half of my marines are swearing at me and calling me a freaking idiot and we need to go for the second hive or we automaticly lose the game. Afew minutes go by rt flow is pretty good(mainly because i didnt waste money on trying to get 2nd hive then losing it) half the marines are still swearing at me the other half(mostly regs on the server) tell them to shut up and play and that i know what im doing. im teching and have 3lvl upgrades and have everything upgraded and waiting for a good stock of rts.
This is around when aliens get fades... and omg it never fails some marines will always yell out "OMG THEY HAVE FADES ITS OVER ALL BECAUSE WE HAD A **** IDIOT COM THAT DIDNT GET THE SECOND HIVE. LETS JUST ALL F4 RIGHT NOW." this is when i proceed to tell them that they have level 3 upgrades and they can take careless fades down easy(most fades r careless at this point because they think that won).
Then fun starts i say to marines have fun and drop ALOT of hmgs nades heavy armour and say have fun(1on1 a heavy full upgrade marine kills a fade, skill makes this very), just work in groups and make your way to rts or hives(most of the time i can give everyone something) I dont know if you guys have ever played had heavy vs fades wars but it is so much fun. I think its the most fun part in NS. Most of the time after the game my marines will tell me that that was the most fun game theve ever played in.
using this tatic i have won almost every game that i can recall except one and that was because there was a server/map bug and i couldnt upgrade the tf and siege. and ofcourse one of my marines used non-team chat tsay and said "What do u mean u cant build siege" then after that aliens just proceeded to OC/DC rush all my outposts with fades(now that is very deadly)
this game last along time most of the time and is the best type of game you can play in ns in my opion <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> (note: i was also venting the fact that marines are NEVER up to this strat.
<!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/asrifle.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tiny.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
what servers do you normally play on? you sound like a fairly good commander
Someone suggested mining the Rts. Sounds like a good idea, ive never done it before as a com, but when they explode won't FF (whether mp_friendlyfire is 1 or 0) damage the RT (as a tripped mine can kill a marine in the blast)> also when they have fades u are buggered (although 2 fades will win the game for aliens so losing a res tower doesnt make much dif.)
Mines are incredibly effective with RTs. There might be some friendly fire, but a mine only does 33% of its 100 damage to friendly groups, and the RT has 5,000 hit points anyways. So I wouldn't worry about it. It's very, very effective. There has been many a time I've come across an RT as a skulk, blown up, and realized that the RTs are now mined. When I come across another RT (or the same one), I'll maneuver carefully against it, and invariably be blown up by the skulk who was not <i>quite</i> as careful in maneuvering against the RT.
I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top.
-- An English Professor, Ohio University
he usually gets level 2 upgradess, jet packs and a few hmgs by the time the 2nd hives starts
if the server has 20+ players the marines neednt even leave their base except to cap one more res point, the res model is so unbalanced.
give up on two hive lockdown, just rush res points then keep the aliens distracted by going on the offensive. few aliens have the sense to chomp ur res nodes when someones shooting the hive with an lmg.
as for the fades+umbra - the point of this strat is that u will have jp+hmg b4 the 2nd hive is operational. aliens don't get a chance to go fade if u tech rush.
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That's a good point.
Also consider the minimum res. required to produce a single fade, and a single HA/HMG:
1 hive: 80 res
Evolve to Fade: 54 res
TOTAL *134 res*
Weaps Lab: 45 res
Proto Lab: 45 res
Research HA: 50 res
Adv. Armoury: 35 res (or is it 25?)
Produce HA: 25 res
Produce HMG: 25 res ( i think i got HA/HMG cost wrong - might be more?)
TOTAL *225 res*
There ya have it. 134 res for a fade, 225 for a HA/HMG. Plus i left out the cost of building an armoury in the 1st place <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Fade: + 3 * 14 for Defence Chambers + 3* 14 for Movement Chambers + 4 res to get cara and adrenaline
=> 222 res
if the server has 20+ players the marines neednt even leave their base except to cap one more res point, the res model is so unbalanced.
give up on two hive lockdown, just rush res points then keep the aliens distracted by going on the offensive. few aliens have the sense to chomp ur res nodes when someones shooting the hive with an lmg.
as for the fades+umbra - the point of this strat is that u will have jp+hmg b4 the 2nd hive is operational. aliens don't get a chance to go fade if u tech rush. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
LOL. You're not getting the POINT of this topic are you? EVERYONE knows that JP/HMG whoring is the easiest way for marines to win in 1,04. What we're exploring here is an ALTERNATIVE to it so not every game will be exactly the same. With the current discussion people are talking about how to hold one hive and tech up to fight fades.