Join Date: 2002-09-16 Member: 1323Members

<div class="IPBDescription">........... -read- ............</div> Okay, this is not a duplicate of the thousands of Marine commander bibles that are out there. Merely a question: What strategys work best for you?
I want to hear the stories of successful Marine commanders. I personaly lack the courage and concentration for it, but my bud comms and he's quite good. The problem is he cannot win. This astounding phenominon is in part due to the lack of skilled marines, as well as a general defficiency in executing tactics. He tries tech rush, and tends to fail. He tries portal - hive - lockdown. That fails too. JP rushes are to be quite honest an effective strategy, but he cant stand to use it because of the cheapness factor. He also is not fabulous at them either.
But I digress, my original thought was that you people would be able to direct me somewhere to find tactics that work NOW in 1.04. The guides I have found have become obsolete because of 1.04, and I need a source. Please include detail, I'm a slow kinda fella.
I want to hear the stories of successful Marine commanders. I personaly lack the courage and concentration for it, but my bud comms and he's quite good. The problem is he cannot win. This astounding phenominon is in part due to the lack of skilled marines, as well as a general defficiency in executing tactics. He tries tech rush, and tends to fail. He tries portal - hive - lockdown. That fails too. JP rushes are to be quite honest an effective strategy, but he cant stand to use it because of the cheapness factor. He also is not fabulous at them either.
But I digress, my original thought was that you people would be able to direct me somewhere to find tactics that work NOW in 1.04. The guides I have found have become obsolete because of 1.04, and I need a source. Please include detail, I'm a slow kinda fella.
Rather than ask us to rehash some boring strategies here, mess around and find out what works best for you. Since you'll eventually come up with *your* personal best strategies, you'll be able to make minor deviations depending on the skill of your marines.
You'll enjoy NS much more than if you just try to copy someone else's seemingly uber strategies. You'll probably win too, as aliens adapt their play style to the most popular strategies. I mean, what alien player *isn't* expecting a JP/HMG rush now?
Good luck!
The main reason winning on Pubs as comm is difficult is that marines rarely put pressure on the aliens. So here's what my ideal game strat would be, deduce what you will.
Firstly make IP/ARM/OBS/PG, during this time aliens will probably rush and get shot. Drop a few mines, then split the team, most go to a known free hive. However 1-2 go gorge hunting and generally annoy and distract the alien team. Bagging an RP and a gorge in the first few mins, will make the game alot easier.
In the other team, drop the RP en-route to hive, drop PG in hive then RP. Mine PG in hive. Now half the team guard the base and outpost. The other half go to the other hive take it if its free, if its occupied already cap some more res. Half the team continually pressures the aliens, the other guards. I'd make a TF at hives, not go crazy on turrets though.
If you got the 2nd hive you've probably won, just take the last hive with seige/tech/anything.
If not you should be able to afford a seige outpost (TF, turrets, PG) to take the least defended hive.
Obviously upgrade when you can. It's not the'perfect' strat but there's no cheesiness and should make for interesting games.
1. Communication: Have a mic, and use it lots, be a chatter box, Cater for the noobs... Tell your team over and over again to stick together, not go ahead, defend what you just build while waiting for res, etc...
2. Be assertive with your commands
3. Be good with deploying health, must have a button configured and be in the health menu for quick deployment
Tactics Include
Try relocating the main base straight away to a hive (not one that upgrade bugged) risky... but works well. Cargo with the three nodes is tops for this. You also must determine (listen) for their main hive straight away and direct marines accordingly.
Standard: One Defend Base - Get Resorse Point - Rest Goto Hive - Phase gate - Turret Factory - Turrets...
Teching up works sometimes, but you need lots of res, only try this if you get double or triple res defended. You must slow the aliens if your trying this, kill their res.
loads more, but gonna keep this short as resquested
heh i found that funny <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
anyway back to the serius post...
tell him to get motion tracking early, it will help his marines greatly and will allow him to see where the aliens are planning an attack, if he is dieing because 1 skulk eats a base and 4 marines, well there isnt much u can do about n00b marines.
Getting MT early will allow him to see what the aliens are doing, say 5 of them rushing a hive and he will be able to send re-enforcements to the hive with orders to prepair for an assault. its great watching 5 skulks massacerd by marines prepaired.
oh and also mines, mines are the commanders best friend on public servers, as 90% of players will run into one.
The bad thing about motion tracking is the 70 res it takes up and the amount of time it takes to upgrade.
With this res you can have an arms labs up and have lvl 1 guns upgrading.
With this you can simply send 3-4 marines to occupy aliens at their main hive or maybe even kill enough to have them spawning one at a time.
The other marines you have that doesnt know how to shoot very well can be used to build res nodes all over map.
1. Communication: Have a mic, and use it lots, be a chatter box, Cater for the noobs... Tell your team over and over again to stick together, not go ahead, defend what you just build while waiting for res, etc...
2. Be assertive with your commands
3. Be good with deploying health, must have a button configured and be in the health menu for quick deployment
Tactics Include
Try relocating the main base straight away to a hive (not one that upgrade bugged) risky... but works well. Cargo with the three nodes is tops for this. You also must determine (listen) for their main hive straight away and direct marines accordingly.
Standard: One Defend Base - Get Resorse Point - Rest Goto Hive - Phase gate - Turret Factory - Turrets...
Teching up works sometimes, but you need lots of res, only try this if you get double or triple res defended. You must slow the aliens if your trying this, kill their res.
loads more, but gonna keep this short as resquested <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Moving to a hive is outdated!!!
... but dont relocate to eclipse hive <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
Before last night, I haven't commanded a full game since v1.03, but what I've learnt is to not be too controlling of your marines at the start of the game because if they're any good, they'll go off and attempt to secure a hive. Just keep monitoring each of your team all the time, and if any of them manage to get safely to the hive, drop medpacks and a phasegate.
Another important thing, don't drop Heavy Armor <b>before</b> dropping heavy weapons, it's usually a waste. When the res is flowing in, spend, spend, spend, don't be afraid to spam the base with excess medpacks, welders, weapons, armor and jetpacks if you can afford it, it really does pay off. <b>Drop lots of welders</b>, most players know what to do with them.
1. Communication: Have a mic, and use it lots, be a chatter box, Cater for the noobs... Tell your team over and over again to stick together, not go ahead, defend what you just build while waiting for res, etc...
2. Be assertive with your commands
3. Be good with deploying health, must have a button configured and be in the health menu for quick deployment
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Yeah, communication is key. I don't care if I lose as marine if the commander talks all the time and makes it seem like he knows what to do. if the commander shows that he is aware by talking alot over voice comm, and makes you understand the strategy and battlefield situation, and seemingly does everthing right, then the marines can only blame themselves for alot of blunders. An assertive, chatty comm is the best, even though he may be only an average skilled comm. A silent comm is the worst, unless, in a rare case, he does everything perfectly. Even then, you feel like you're being ignored.
In a clan match a 2 hive lock down would never work due the co-ordinated team work of the alien team, in fact all the clan games I've played were over by the time the second hive went up win or lose. Got to go fade for the first time today in a clan match <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->.