How To Effectively Defend Multiple Outposts

OrcristOrcrist Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11050Members
<div class="IPBDescription">or:How to let your team have all the fun</div> That turrets alone are not nearly enough to defend a base against a half-decent alien team is a commonly accepted fact. That means that someone is going to do some guard duty if your team wants to win. This following guide will not change the fact that it is very, very boring to be stationary for longer then 5 minutes, while reading text & death messages from your teammates who get to have all the fun. But any selfless marine will gladly do that for his team <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo--> Instead with this guide I want to learn (new) players how to make a difference as the second most important member of the marine team. Because what good is a hive lockdown when any lerk can unlock it just as easily?

<b>Before going off to the outpost</b>

First: Make sweet space-marine love to that armory! This is the one occasion where you WILL need to load up, and after those 300 rounds you will find yourself phasing back to base for more. Secondly, a welder is strongly recommended. It may take away your pistol and cost 10 res, but if a skulk manages to get a few bites in and you can't repair the damage, your base is not going to last very long. So how about mines you ask? They will help a bit, but don't rely on them too much. They are good for alarming you in case you don't have motion tracking, but it is hard to sufficiently rig a doorway to keep them out after the first suicidal skulk. A carapaced skulk can survive one mine. Mining a building works, but again, don't rely on it too much. They'll detonate a few and go back like nothing has happened. Let your commander decide.

<b>Picking the spot</b>

Pick one spot, and stay there. Naturally, you'll want to have a spot with your back to the wall, a clear & level field of fire, and as much distance as possible from the entrances to the room. But, it's also important to keep your distance from the base you are defending. You must avoid dying at all costs, because an unmanned base is a hell of a lot easier to take down then one with a guy in it, wounded or not. Another thing to keep in mind if you have motion tracking researched is that you will want maximum coverage of the entrances and the hallways leading up to it without turning your view too much, so you can see them coming as early as possible.
Also note that elevated positions usually don't work to your advantage, as you'll have to aim your gun down to track your target (and thereby increasing your chance of missing.) Try to keep the place where all the fighting is going to be level and unobstructed.

<b>When they come</b>

Do not run out in the open with guns blazing. Instead, try to hold back and stay unnoticed until they acquire their target. It's part psychological: Once a skulk starts chewing on something he is not expecting to get shot, and often they don't want to let go. On top of that, it also wins you a bit of time, your target is stationary and biting drains a bit of energy from them. Only downside is that the building(s) will get damaged, so don't wait too long. <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
Sometimes the attackers will run off after a failed attempt. Do not pursue them, because you are nothing more then slow moving skulk food out there. Plus that their might be more skulks nearby.

<b>After the fight</b>

Quickly get out your welder when things clear up. You'll usually see quite a long interval between attacks, probably because there are only a few guys trying to attack your position who will have to respawn. A lot of skulks will give up after a few tries. It also helps to let them know you have a welder, and any damage they do to buildings will be repaired the next time they rush. It discourages them greatly.

If you are wounded you will notice that your commander will be more then happy to drop you a few med packs. If you died, don't worry just run back and pick up your welder. Phase back to base to fill up on ammo again and go on like usual.

<b>How to survive groups of skulks, lerks, and fades</b>

Dealing with skulks is done best by trying to keep them as a group and take them down one by one, while keeping them in the turrets field of fire. Lerks and fades however require 'psychological' warfare to fend off. You may remember the times that your commander has screamed 'Rush the fades!', well, when you are trying to defend an outpost on your own this doesn't apply. If you die rushing them they will quickly regenerate and go back. Instead, you must keep in mind that they spend quite a lot of resources on evolving, they had to save up for that and will be reluctant to die. That means that most lerks will take the hint that they are not wanted. Against fades the most you can do is hold them off while your teammates phase in.
Also keep in mind that every alien player is less likely to enter a base with someone defending it, whether it is a poorly equipped marine or not. Turrets are slow and predictable, but a marine hidden in a corner shooting awfully accurately is often reason to retreat. I've killed fades this way on several occasions.

<b>Cycling through the phase gates</b>

Turrets and turret factories are only as good as the guy that keeps them welded, and in most cases you will have to do it all by yourself. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> As if holding one outpost isn't difficult enough. But experience will learn that one outpost will be under heavier attack then others, so you will generally have a good feeling of where you should be spending most of your time. Be sure to cycle through all phasegates regularly and listen carefully to any reports from your commander about enemy movements. If the enemy try's to probe the defenses or spike your buildings, it's vital you tell them to stay the hell out of there. (Keeping them focused on one outpost will work in your advantage.) Again, it works psychologically too, if you make it appear as if every base is garrisoned.

<b>Other notes</b>

1. Don't call for your teammates when you are only being attacked by a single skulk. A stationary marine with turrets nearby definetely has the advantage over a single skulk. Two skilled skulks that approach from different sides may be a problem, so if you feel a bit unsure you can ask for someone to help you out. Although, if you take one down, the other will probably die to turret fire shortly after. Just respawn, go back and pick up your welder.

2. Intimidation. At every dull moment, whenever you are bored, remember that one word and think up of new ways of intimidating your enemy. Try to make it appear as if the outpost is heavily defended when there is only one turret factory and 3 turrets. If at all possible, make it appear as if there are more person there. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> If you manage to pull it off, it will delay them greatly of course. Don't provoke them, but fend them off furiously.

3. Don't be intimidated! They may have 2 hives, level 3 carapace, celerity, even Fades, but don't be afraid. It is out of your control; trust in your teammates to take care of it. Hang in there!

4. Tired of your LMG? HMG is the best alternative once it becomes available. The shotgun is plain useless for defending, and though it is very useful for holding of fades, the GL is very difficult to use against skulks. If you go for the GL, have your commander drop an armory at the outposts and get yourself some HA.

5. From the commanders perspective: Drop med packs and welders if he needs them. In terms of upgrades, he'll benefit most from early Motion Tracking and Weapon upgrades. Later on give him an HMG, and HA if you can spare it.

If you disagree with the above, go ahead and prove me wrong. I've fortified 2 poorly defended hives with only myself many times, scared off the occasional fade, and of course killed plenty of incoming skulks. As an alien I know how annoying a properly positioned marine can be, and more importantly, how badly most defenders fail <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->


  • DenialDenial Join Date: 2003-01-08 Member: 12033Members
    You are right. When I'm a skulk and run into one of those brainy defending marines, I usually parasite them and run away or die. After that, attackers will focus on the marine, killing who is pretty much the only way of doing any damage to the outpost he's at.
  • surprisesurprise Join Date: 2003-01-16 Member: 12382Members, Constellation
    great post, nicely summarized.
  • DingyDingy Join Date: 2003-02-14 Member: 13545Members
    You don't know how many newbies I direct to the ns forums for posts just like this. Fantastic job.
  • VimstlVimstl Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10145Members
    Excellent post. I often take on the guard duty role. It is not as exciting as attacking hives, but you see a surprising amount of action.
  • PfhreakPfhreak Join Date: 2002-11-14 Member: 8612Members
    I'm glad someone finally got this up, typed nicely, intelligently, and precisely. It is near impossible to try and explain this to people in game. I comm quite frequently, and marines on pubs rarely decide to defend for awhile. I'll send them here. Fantastic post.

    It works well at home too. In ns_caged, one of the best spots to sit is near the node. No aliens ever seem to rush that way.

    You are right about the skulk thing, Denial, I always try to parasite that guy if I can see him. The counter to this strat, of course, is to get several (like 3) skulks together and get the guy, then go for the phase. If the outpost is far enough away, you usually have time to take it down.

    Nice post though.

  • Lord_Of_The_PingsLord_Of_The_Pings Join Date: 2003-02-27 Member: 14079Members
    Im sort of new to NS but i'm a seasoned fps player so I should be reasonably good at this game.
    The guide was very good but there are a few questions: first i'd like to know what a lock down is and secondly I'd like to know where the decent servers are.

    c ya don't wanna be ya <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->??
  • OrcristOrcrist Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11050Members
    Thanks for the feedback <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Lord_Of_The_Pings: A hive is locked down when the marine team has build a phase gate and one or more turret factories fortified with turrets. As for your second question: Try clan servers.
  • Thanatos121Thanatos121 Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 10923Members
    Excellent post. I'm usually on guard duty as well, mainly because no one ever wants to do it. Some exceptions exist (Proximae kicks ****).

    Two more points to add:
    If you're incredibly outnumbered (say, 3 skulks coming in), it might be prudent to actually evac the base and wait for some backup. It'll take some time for the aliens to do any decent damage and you have a better chance if you phase back in with 2 other marines on your heels.

    I personally like using mines - as you said, it can give you some early warning and serve as a safety net. When defending inside a base, I prefer to place them on the floor, all over the base. They're not obvious to aliens (especially when they're trying to concentrate on the TF) and work great against skulks.

    But I make sure that I'm not standing anywhere near them. A skulk can easily take a marine out with his own mines by skillful planning (or more often than not, complete accident).

    The only problem now is to overcome the mentality that tells people: "Playing = attacking". If we had more base defenders, defence would be so easy!
  • XenogearzXenogearz Join Date: 2003-03-04 Member: 14323Members
    The key to defend multiple outpost is MOTION TRACKING! You have to make sure to get your marines there before the skulk reaches the vicinity! The comm has to keep his eyes on the red dots on the mini map to make sure no sudden rush appears
  • MustardMustard Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 10953Members
    Very nice post.

    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->The key to defend multiple outpost is MOTION TRACKING! You have to make sure to get your marines there before the skulk reaches the vicinity! The comm has to keep his eyes on the red dots on the mini map to make sure no sudden rush appears <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Yeah, I finally figured this out, after commanding for a while. Now in my spare moments I just gaze at the minimap and try to figure out what the aliens are up to and give the marines advance knowledge of alien movements and build ups or try to work out which little red dot is the gorge and send someone off to 'get the fatty'. I find that by the time the voice alerts come thru and you have hit the space bar to check it out, its pretty much too late. Phasing through to an outpost with five skulks chomping on the phase gate doesnt work too well.

    When you have a cool base defender like the guy above has posted about, you can send him off on all types of missions. Knock out a lerk, repair a sentry gun or a phase gate or build a siege gun. I like to drop an armoury in the outpost for them so they are fairly independant, except for a few requests for health packs.

    When I play marine, I tend to fill this role myself. I am always happy with my little welder and the cover of some turrets when I am fighting skulks. I always do as he described to, and sit off to one side in a corner somewhere and wait for the skulk to get busy chomping, before I shoot him...heheh..much easier to take them out when they stand still. When I get spare mines, I like to drop them in an area, in which I can lead the skulks into them as they attempt to close and engage. I just back up through my minefield and have a chuckle as they blow up. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
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