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WTH is warhammer 40.000???
Warhammer 40.000 Primer
A synopsis of 38.000 years of warfare and strife
In the 41st millennium Mankind struggles for its very survival. Belligerent alien races, corruption of the soul and common human ambition threaten to destroy all that humanity has accomplished down the eons. The battlefields stretch across humid jungles, arid deserts, ruined cities both ancient and futuristic, and to the very stars themselves. And Humanity is losing.
For countless thousands of years Mankind has been guided by the political might of the Empire of Man, spanning the entire galaxy. The Empire was forged by a being known now only as The Emperor, from the primitive warring tribes left behind after the Dark Age of Technology, when mankind first spread across the stars, gave way to the terrible Age of Strife,.
Rising from the savage warrior cultures of Old Earth, The Emperor welded those ancient soldiers into a united whole, then struck out into the galaxy, bringing planet after planet into the Imperial fold. The Emperor was not only a military genius, but a psychic adept of never-before-seen power, using these gifts to aid in his quest for a unified Humanity. This feat could not have been achieved without the might of two powerful military establishments: The Imperial Guard and The Space Marines. The Imperial Guard served as the regular army of the Imperium, a huge organization consisting of billions of soldiers and supporting staff, every planet contributing to the masses of the Guard. The Space Marines were bio-enhanced shock troops, far less numerous but infinitely more ruthless and effective than the Imperial Guard.
Just as the Imperium was establishing itself as the dominant human force in the galaxy, everything was almost lost for eternity. In its search for faster-than-light travel, Mankind had stumbled upon an alternative dimension, a reality of pure thought and energy that defied all the laws of our physical universe. The technical wizards of the Dark Age of Technology called this dimension Warp Space, or just The Warp. A ship traveling through The Warp was not bound by the chains of relativity or other physical laws, and thus could leap light-year in a single moment.
But that which freed Mankind from his small home system came very close to destroying him. For within the Warp creatures existed. Creatures of pure energy and thought, of alien morals and intentions. Creatures of pure evil. These creatures, spawn of the chaos of the Warp, once discovered, were called daemons, after the ancient fictitious enemies of humanity. All in the physical universe was abhorrent to these daemons, and led by four massive, monstrous Powers, they strove to destroy all that lived in our own dimension. Many humans, those showing any psychic ability at all, were susceptible to possession by the thought-devouring creatures of Chaos, creating portals into realspace from the Warp, rendering entire planets open for destruction.
It was when the Emperor's drive to unite Humanity was at its hieght that Horus, his warmaster and general of his armies, was subverted by the seductive powers of the daemons. In the blink of history's eye Horus turned almost half of the Space Marine Legions to the side of Chaos, and these Traitor forces began a drive back towards Earth and the now besieged Emperor. On countless planets the Imperial Guard were also turning their coats, and entire systems were falling with little or no conflict as the Powers of Chaos grinned on from the Warp.
The forces of Horus tore through every loyal unit set against them, and closed ever-faster on Old Earth until the very skies of Mankind's homeworld were darkened with the forces of an alien evil. In the darkest hour of the siege, even as the outer defenses of the Emperor's Palace were breached, the Emperor led a desperate last-bid offensive against Horus himself. Accompanied by a hand-picked corps of Marines and his last remaining military advisors, The Emperor teleported onto the very bridge of Horus' command ship. In the ensuing battle most of the loyal Marines were killed. In single combat The Emperor defeated Horus, but was himself mortally wounded.
With the fall of the traitor warmaster the attacking forces, lacking any central command, fell apart and ran from the terrible avenging anger of the loyal hosts. The Emperor's body was returned to the Palace and placed in a massive life-support apparatus called The Golden Throne. Upon the Throne the Emperor has now sat for over twenty five thousand years, unable to physically confer with the ministers that rule the Imperium in his name, but still waging a terrible psychic war within the very realm of his enemies, still battling the foul Powers of Chaos in the very Warp itself. If the Emperor were to ever die the true death the daemons would surely come flooding back into realspace. There would be no stopping them this time.
After the Horus Heresy the organization of the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard was changed, decentralizing command and transportation functions so as to limit the autonomous power of any one commander. Aside from the original Traitor Legions, all new Marine Chapters, each now held to one thousand warriors each, are fiercely loyal to the Emperor and the Imperium despite inter-Chapter rivalries. The Imperial Guard, for the most part, is also loyal. However, lacking the strict moral and religious indoctrination of the Marines, it is not uncommon for a Guard Commander to suffer a fatal attack of ambition, leading his army corps in rebellion until he is crushed, either by the Marines or by other units of the Imperial Guard. Other military units available to Imperial authorities include the Sisters Sororitas, militant religious orders answering to the religious guardians of the Imperium, the Adeptus Ministorum; the independent armies of the Inquisition, tasked with guarding against ANY threat to the future of humanity; and the peace-keeping troops of the Adeptus Arbites.
Even with the defeat of Horus and his abortive rebellion, Chaos is now a terrible reality in the 41st millennium, barely held in check by the powers of the Emperor-God. Mankind must be ever-vigilant against the terrible Powers. There is Nurgle, Chaos god of disease; Tzeentch, god of magic and forbidden knowledge; Khorne, god of blood and war; and Slaanesh, hermaphrodite god of pleasure and decadence. The daemons of these Powers crouch just a thought away, ever-watchful for a moment's chance to leap into our reality and rend anyone insufficiently wary of the danger in their own minds.
The Traitor Legions, too, are still a threat. After their defeat at the hands of the Emperor these cursed outcasts of Humanity fled to an area known as the Eye of Terror, a zone of overlap between the material and energy universes. There they continue to pose a threat to Humanity, staging raids on out-lying planets and preparing for the day when they can once again challenge the united might of the Imperium itself.
Of the alien menaces facing Humanity, the oldest is the Eldar. Themselves victims of the Chaos Powers, the Eldar are very similar to humans, only taller, more frail, and more psychically aware than the majority of Mankind.. The Eldar were once the undisputed masters of the galaxy, rulers of all they surveyed. But they fell into sloth and decadence at the hieght of their power, and the sibilant call of those countless billions of psychically adept, pleasure seeking minds reached into the Warp, where they swirled in the amorphous stuff of chaos, and called into being the mighty god Slaanesh. Reaching back into the material universe, Slaanesh wrenched the souls from the writhing bodies of its unwitting devotees, blasting thousands of planets lifeless in a moment's orgasmic release of destruction and sensation. In a single night the might of the Eldar was reduced to a few refugee clans wandering the galaxy on huge ships called craftworlds. Now they are a shadow of their former glory, each generation smaller and more fey than the last, knowing what fate awaits even the most revered, enlightened members of their race, despite every effort. Lurking in the Warp, Slaanesh awaits the souls of its children, who are inexorably absorbed into its loathsome being as they die.
The most numerous and mysterious of humanities enemies are the Orks. Green skinned savages, Ork appear to live only for conflict. Technologically backwards and intellectually challenged as a race, the Orks' major advantage over Humanity is their sheer numbers and a brute tenacity that refuses to admit defeat even in the face of overwhelming odds.
Actually a differentiated multi-race, Orks are large humanoid green-skins, bigger and tougher than the average human, although lacking in individual initiative and intellectual ability. Orks are invariably accompanied by their smaller green-skinned cousins, the Gretchin, usually used as slave labor, servants, and sometimes target practice. Even smaller than the Gretchin are the Snotlings, animal-like creatures incapable of independent thought, these Orky creatures are trained for minor repair services, herded before the Orky armies for screening purposes, and sometimes kept by Orks and Gretchin as pets. Smallest of the Orky cousins are the Squigs, who are themselves broken down into countless different types, used for everything from scouting and guarding to ammunition and food.
There are so many Orks in the galaxy that, should they ever unite, no other race could stand against them. However, Orks are famously aggressive, even with each other, and recognize no central Orky authority. Ork society is divided into tribes and clans, with each tribe comprised of members from many different clans. Technologically erratic, the Ork armies use many strange weapons that defy common sense and sound military principles, often causing more damage to themselves than to their enemies. But woebetides the enemy of the Orks on a day that their weapons actually work, for on those days no power in the galaxy can stop them. Occasionally a powerful warlord will arise from Orky society, forging from the diverse warring tribes a terrible army, and strike out into the galaxy, crushing all in their path. These expeditions are called Waaghs, and usually last until the warlord is killed, either by his enemies or by his own soldiers, or until the Orky forces run out of material with-which to continue their advance.
Easily the most alien of Mankind's foes are the terrible forces of the Tyranids. Relative newcomers to the galaxy, the Tyranids are a biologically diversified race, infinitely more varied than the Orks. All Tyranid technology is biologically based, using bio-engineered creatures for transport, weapons, food and communications. The enigmatic Tyranids' only goal in this galaxy seems to be to absorb all other living organisms, so as to use their genetic material to further the expansion of the Tyranids. These six-limbed monstrosities will hit a planet with overwhelming force, devour all living material on it and speed on to the next inhabited world, leaving behind a completely lifeless rock, devoid of even the most basic bacteria. There is no negotiating with the Tyranids, no reasoning with them, as they only recognize their own right to exist, and all other biological matter exists only to be assimilated into the insect-like race of bioengineered conquerors.
Scouting out ahead of the advancing Tyranid fleets are the Genestealer cults. Genestealers are ferocious Tyranid bioconstructs who infiltrate a planet's population, using overpowering psychic manipulation to create small secret cults of followers that treat the Genestealers as gods. The Genestealers multiply by injecting their followers with their own genetic material, causing the followers to give birth to Genestealer hybrids, breeding more true to Genestealer patterns with each subsequent generation Actual Genestealers are usually born in the fourth generation, giving the cult an array of members, from the mindless, brainwashed followers to human-looking first generation hybrid back through to actual pure-strain Genestealers.
Once it is larger enough, the Cult will attempt to infiltrate planetary governmental offices and the military establishment, stretching its power over as broad a spectrum as possible. When the Tyranid fleet approaches, the cult will spring from hiding, attacking from within as the horrible bio-warriors fall from the sky on the unsuspecting population. Cultists who have successfully established themselves in high-ranking positions wreak havoc on the planet's attempt to defend itself from within, further plunging the poor inhabitants into chaos and terror, making it even easier to defeat the demoralized defenders. When the planet is successfully pacified, the Cult, heady with victory, is in turn devoured by its masters, their genetic material as welcome as anyone else's.
Finally, there are the scattered, mutated decedents of Humanity, those who were never found in the Emperor's original re-conquest. These races, called Abhumans, are the populations of planets whose hostile atmospheres caused drastic genetic drift over the thousands of years that they have been isolated from the rest of Humanity.
Chief among these races are the Squats, the name given to Mankind's descedents on many high-gravity desert planets. Suffering from thousands of years of high gravity and harsh living conditions, these humans have become much shorter and more stout than the Imperial averages. Usually descended from the members of technologically advanced mining colonies and isolated from the rest of Humanity, the Squats never suffered a Dark Age, and thus are technologically superior to the Humans of the Imperium. Fiercely independent and quick to take offense, these short, bearded warriors are wary allies of their Human cousins, but harbor bitter hatreds for both the Eldar and the Orks.
Lacking the centralized identity of the Squats are the other two major Abhuman races, the Ogryn and the Halflings. Ogryn are descendants of harsh, inhospitable former prison planets who were left to die or evolve when the initial Human settlements from Earth were abandoned in the Age of Strife. They are huge, brutish creatures, usually twice the height and many times the weight of the average Human. What they gained in physical stature, however, they lost in intellectual capacity. Often small squads of Ogryn are used by the Imperial Guard as shock troops, led by a bioenhanced, artificially intelligence-boosted Orgyn sergeant.
The Halflings are human descendants from large agro-worlds. Short and fat in relation to Imperial averages, the Halfings are usually pleasant, happy people, the children of worlds where food was plentiful and war uncommon, until the Imperium returned. Although usually non-aggressive, Halflings are quick, quiet and extremely dextrous, making excellent infiltrating snipers. Many times enterprising Guard Commanders will field small squads of Halflings for just this purpose, promising very high pay and food far above the average Imperial Guard chow to entice these pacifist farmers away from their homeworlds for short tours of duty.
This, then, is the galaxy of the 41st millennium. Mankind strives to maintain its far-flung Empire while fending off the continuing depredations of the Traitor Legions, crushing hubris-initiated rebellions by Planetary Governors and Imperial Guard Commanders. Meanwhile inimical alien races push in from all sides. The effete, enigmatic, technologically superior haughtiness of the Eldar. The vicious, primitive green tide of Orkdome. The gibbering madness of the Warp. The inexorable, seemingly unstoppable advance of the alien Tyranids. And what of these rumors of another alien menace, the skeletal, mysterious phantoms known only as Necrons? How can humanity possibly be expected to survive against such a varied array of foes, never mind prevail? But how can Humanity, having struggled for so many eons, give up that struggle now, no matter what the odds?
WTH is warhammer 40.000???
Warhammer 40.000 Primer
A synopsis of 38.000 years of warfare and strife
In the 41st millennium Mankind struggles for its very survival. Belligerent alien races, corruption of the soul and common human ambition threaten to destroy all that humanity has accomplished down the eons. The battlefields stretch across humid jungles, arid deserts, ruined cities both ancient and futuristic, and to the very stars themselves. And Humanity is losing.
For countless thousands of years Mankind has been guided by the political might of the Empire of Man, spanning the entire galaxy. The Empire was forged by a being known now only as The Emperor, from the primitive warring tribes left behind after the Dark Age of Technology, when mankind first spread across the stars, gave way to the terrible Age of Strife,.
Rising from the savage warrior cultures of Old Earth, The Emperor welded those ancient soldiers into a united whole, then struck out into the galaxy, bringing planet after planet into the Imperial fold. The Emperor was not only a military genius, but a psychic adept of never-before-seen power, using these gifts to aid in his quest for a unified Humanity. This feat could not have been achieved without the might of two powerful military establishments: The Imperial Guard and The Space Marines. The Imperial Guard served as the regular army of the Imperium, a huge organization consisting of billions of soldiers and supporting staff, every planet contributing to the masses of the Guard. The Space Marines were bio-enhanced shock troops, far less numerous but infinitely more ruthless and effective than the Imperial Guard.
Just as the Imperium was establishing itself as the dominant human force in the galaxy, everything was almost lost for eternity. In its search for faster-than-light travel, Mankind had stumbled upon an alternative dimension, a reality of pure thought and energy that defied all the laws of our physical universe. The technical wizards of the Dark Age of Technology called this dimension Warp Space, or just The Warp. A ship traveling through The Warp was not bound by the chains of relativity or other physical laws, and thus could leap light-year in a single moment.
But that which freed Mankind from his small home system came very close to destroying him. For within the Warp creatures existed. Creatures of pure energy and thought, of alien morals and intentions. Creatures of pure evil. These creatures, spawn of the chaos of the Warp, once discovered, were called daemons, after the ancient fictitious enemies of humanity. All in the physical universe was abhorrent to these daemons, and led by four massive, monstrous Powers, they strove to destroy all that lived in our own dimension. Many humans, those showing any psychic ability at all, were susceptible to possession by the thought-devouring creatures of Chaos, creating portals into realspace from the Warp, rendering entire planets open for destruction.
It was when the Emperor's drive to unite Humanity was at its hieght that Horus, his warmaster and general of his armies, was subverted by the seductive powers of the daemons. In the blink of history's eye Horus turned almost half of the Space Marine Legions to the side of Chaos, and these Traitor forces began a drive back towards Earth and the now besieged Emperor. On countless planets the Imperial Guard were also turning their coats, and entire systems were falling with little or no conflict as the Powers of Chaos grinned on from the Warp.
The forces of Horus tore through every loyal unit set against them, and closed ever-faster on Old Earth until the very skies of Mankind's homeworld were darkened with the forces of an alien evil. In the darkest hour of the siege, even as the outer defenses of the Emperor's Palace were breached, the Emperor led a desperate last-bid offensive against Horus himself. Accompanied by a hand-picked corps of Marines and his last remaining military advisors, The Emperor teleported onto the very bridge of Horus' command ship. In the ensuing battle most of the loyal Marines were killed. In single combat The Emperor defeated Horus, but was himself mortally wounded.
With the fall of the traitor warmaster the attacking forces, lacking any central command, fell apart and ran from the terrible avenging anger of the loyal hosts. The Emperor's body was returned to the Palace and placed in a massive life-support apparatus called The Golden Throne. Upon the Throne the Emperor has now sat for over twenty five thousand years, unable to physically confer with the ministers that rule the Imperium in his name, but still waging a terrible psychic war within the very realm of his enemies, still battling the foul Powers of Chaos in the very Warp itself. If the Emperor were to ever die the true death the daemons would surely come flooding back into realspace. There would be no stopping them this time.
After the Horus Heresy the organization of the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard was changed, decentralizing command and transportation functions so as to limit the autonomous power of any one commander. Aside from the original Traitor Legions, all new Marine Chapters, each now held to one thousand warriors each, are fiercely loyal to the Emperor and the Imperium despite inter-Chapter rivalries. The Imperial Guard, for the most part, is also loyal. However, lacking the strict moral and religious indoctrination of the Marines, it is not uncommon for a Guard Commander to suffer a fatal attack of ambition, leading his army corps in rebellion until he is crushed, either by the Marines or by other units of the Imperial Guard. Other military units available to Imperial authorities include the Sisters Sororitas, militant religious orders answering to the religious guardians of the Imperium, the Adeptus Ministorum; the independent armies of the Inquisition, tasked with guarding against ANY threat to the future of humanity; and the peace-keeping troops of the Adeptus Arbites.
Even with the defeat of Horus and his abortive rebellion, Chaos is now a terrible reality in the 41st millennium, barely held in check by the powers of the Emperor-God. Mankind must be ever-vigilant against the terrible Powers. There is Nurgle, Chaos god of disease; Tzeentch, god of magic and forbidden knowledge; Khorne, god of blood and war; and Slaanesh, hermaphrodite god of pleasure and decadence. The daemons of these Powers crouch just a thought away, ever-watchful for a moment's chance to leap into our reality and rend anyone insufficiently wary of the danger in their own minds.
The Traitor Legions, too, are still a threat. After their defeat at the hands of the Emperor these cursed outcasts of Humanity fled to an area known as the Eye of Terror, a zone of overlap between the material and energy universes. There they continue to pose a threat to Humanity, staging raids on out-lying planets and preparing for the day when they can once again challenge the united might of the Imperium itself.
Of the alien menaces facing Humanity, the oldest is the Eldar. Themselves victims of the Chaos Powers, the Eldar are very similar to humans, only taller, more frail, and more psychically aware than the majority of Mankind.. The Eldar were once the undisputed masters of the galaxy, rulers of all they surveyed. But they fell into sloth and decadence at the hieght of their power, and the sibilant call of those countless billions of psychically adept, pleasure seeking minds reached into the Warp, where they swirled in the amorphous stuff of chaos, and called into being the mighty god Slaanesh. Reaching back into the material universe, Slaanesh wrenched the souls from the writhing bodies of its unwitting devotees, blasting thousands of planets lifeless in a moment's orgasmic release of destruction and sensation. In a single night the might of the Eldar was reduced to a few refugee clans wandering the galaxy on huge ships called craftworlds. Now they are a shadow of their former glory, each generation smaller and more fey than the last, knowing what fate awaits even the most revered, enlightened members of their race, despite every effort. Lurking in the Warp, Slaanesh awaits the souls of its children, who are inexorably absorbed into its loathsome being as they die.
The most numerous and mysterious of humanities enemies are the Orks. Green skinned savages, Ork appear to live only for conflict. Technologically backwards and intellectually challenged as a race, the Orks' major advantage over Humanity is their sheer numbers and a brute tenacity that refuses to admit defeat even in the face of overwhelming odds.
Actually a differentiated multi-race, Orks are large humanoid green-skins, bigger and tougher than the average human, although lacking in individual initiative and intellectual ability. Orks are invariably accompanied by their smaller green-skinned cousins, the Gretchin, usually used as slave labor, servants, and sometimes target practice. Even smaller than the Gretchin are the Snotlings, animal-like creatures incapable of independent thought, these Orky creatures are trained for minor repair services, herded before the Orky armies for screening purposes, and sometimes kept by Orks and Gretchin as pets. Smallest of the Orky cousins are the Squigs, who are themselves broken down into countless different types, used for everything from scouting and guarding to ammunition and food.
There are so many Orks in the galaxy that, should they ever unite, no other race could stand against them. However, Orks are famously aggressive, even with each other, and recognize no central Orky authority. Ork society is divided into tribes and clans, with each tribe comprised of members from many different clans. Technologically erratic, the Ork armies use many strange weapons that defy common sense and sound military principles, often causing more damage to themselves than to their enemies. But woebetides the enemy of the Orks on a day that their weapons actually work, for on those days no power in the galaxy can stop them. Occasionally a powerful warlord will arise from Orky society, forging from the diverse warring tribes a terrible army, and strike out into the galaxy, crushing all in their path. These expeditions are called Waaghs, and usually last until the warlord is killed, either by his enemies or by his own soldiers, or until the Orky forces run out of material with-which to continue their advance.
Easily the most alien of Mankind's foes are the terrible forces of the Tyranids. Relative newcomers to the galaxy, the Tyranids are a biologically diversified race, infinitely more varied than the Orks. All Tyranid technology is biologically based, using bio-engineered creatures for transport, weapons, food and communications. The enigmatic Tyranids' only goal in this galaxy seems to be to absorb all other living organisms, so as to use their genetic material to further the expansion of the Tyranids. These six-limbed monstrosities will hit a planet with overwhelming force, devour all living material on it and speed on to the next inhabited world, leaving behind a completely lifeless rock, devoid of even the most basic bacteria. There is no negotiating with the Tyranids, no reasoning with them, as they only recognize their own right to exist, and all other biological matter exists only to be assimilated into the insect-like race of bioengineered conquerors.
Scouting out ahead of the advancing Tyranid fleets are the Genestealer cults. Genestealers are ferocious Tyranid bioconstructs who infiltrate a planet's population, using overpowering psychic manipulation to create small secret cults of followers that treat the Genestealers as gods. The Genestealers multiply by injecting their followers with their own genetic material, causing the followers to give birth to Genestealer hybrids, breeding more true to Genestealer patterns with each subsequent generation Actual Genestealers are usually born in the fourth generation, giving the cult an array of members, from the mindless, brainwashed followers to human-looking first generation hybrid back through to actual pure-strain Genestealers.
Once it is larger enough, the Cult will attempt to infiltrate planetary governmental offices and the military establishment, stretching its power over as broad a spectrum as possible. When the Tyranid fleet approaches, the cult will spring from hiding, attacking from within as the horrible bio-warriors fall from the sky on the unsuspecting population. Cultists who have successfully established themselves in high-ranking positions wreak havoc on the planet's attempt to defend itself from within, further plunging the poor inhabitants into chaos and terror, making it even easier to defeat the demoralized defenders. When the planet is successfully pacified, the Cult, heady with victory, is in turn devoured by its masters, their genetic material as welcome as anyone else's.
Finally, there are the scattered, mutated decedents of Humanity, those who were never found in the Emperor's original re-conquest. These races, called Abhumans, are the populations of planets whose hostile atmospheres caused drastic genetic drift over the thousands of years that they have been isolated from the rest of Humanity.
Chief among these races are the Squats, the name given to Mankind's descedents on many high-gravity desert planets. Suffering from thousands of years of high gravity and harsh living conditions, these humans have become much shorter and more stout than the Imperial averages. Usually descended from the members of technologically advanced mining colonies and isolated from the rest of Humanity, the Squats never suffered a Dark Age, and thus are technologically superior to the Humans of the Imperium. Fiercely independent and quick to take offense, these short, bearded warriors are wary allies of their Human cousins, but harbor bitter hatreds for both the Eldar and the Orks.
Lacking the centralized identity of the Squats are the other two major Abhuman races, the Ogryn and the Halflings. Ogryn are descendants of harsh, inhospitable former prison planets who were left to die or evolve when the initial Human settlements from Earth were abandoned in the Age of Strife. They are huge, brutish creatures, usually twice the height and many times the weight of the average Human. What they gained in physical stature, however, they lost in intellectual capacity. Often small squads of Ogryn are used by the Imperial Guard as shock troops, led by a bioenhanced, artificially intelligence-boosted Orgyn sergeant.
The Halflings are human descendants from large agro-worlds. Short and fat in relation to Imperial averages, the Halfings are usually pleasant, happy people, the children of worlds where food was plentiful and war uncommon, until the Imperium returned. Although usually non-aggressive, Halflings are quick, quiet and extremely dextrous, making excellent infiltrating snipers. Many times enterprising Guard Commanders will field small squads of Halflings for just this purpose, promising very high pay and food far above the average Imperial Guard chow to entice these pacifist farmers away from their homeworlds for short tours of duty.
This, then, is the galaxy of the 41st millennium. Mankind strives to maintain its far-flung Empire while fending off the continuing depredations of the Traitor Legions, crushing hubris-initiated rebellions by Planetary Governors and Imperial Guard Commanders. Meanwhile inimical alien races push in from all sides. The effete, enigmatic, technologically superior haughtiness of the Eldar. The vicious, primitive green tide of Orkdome. The gibbering madness of the Warp. The inexorable, seemingly unstoppable advance of the alien Tyranids. And what of these rumors of another alien menace, the skeletal, mysterious phantoms known only as Necrons? How can humanity possibly be expected to survive against such a varied array of foes, never mind prevail? But how can Humanity, having struggled for so many eons, give up that struggle now, no matter what the odds?
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"A Heretic may see the truth and seek redemption. He may be forgiven his past and will be absolved in death. A Traitor can never be forgiven. A Traitor will never find peace in this world or the next. There is nothing as wretched or as hated in all the world as a Traitor."
- Cardinal Khrysdam: Instructum Absolutio
that would be a nice siege ... only the color sucks
*head explodes*
those doods are lookin weak enough to get killed by some bites... the spacemarine got a to tough look...its somehow odd to see a spacemarine gets killed by 2 chomps of an alien
"Eldar, Tyranids, insurrectionists, heretics and the forces of Chaos assail the Imperium at every turn. Everywhere you look, behind every tree and under every stone the enemies of Mankind and the Emperor plot to overthrow 40,000 years of progress and beneficent rule. What could possibly stand against an entire galaxy of evil, destruction and hatred? You, my friend because like it or not, you're in the army now!"
- Commissar Cragg before the Battle of Ultimus VII
The Imperial Guard is the largest and most diverse military organization the galaxy has ever seen. It contains billions of men supported by armored vehicles such as tanks and troop transports. These armored vehicles take the shape of flame throwing assault tanks, long range self propelled artillery guns, and the tried and true Leman Russ Battle Tank. Due to it's vast size, specialized weaponry and armor are rare and reserved for only the elite forces of the Imperial Guard. The standard guardsmen is sent into battle with a trusty lasgun and little more than the shirt on his back. Tactically, an Imperial Guard force uses blunt maneuvers and will rely upon big guns and sheer weight of numbers. Service in the Imperial Guard is rarely a glorious path to tread, nevertheless billions of valiant warriors lay down their lives for the sake of humanity, it's home, and the honor of the Emperor.
The onrushing hordes of a Tyranid swarm are a terrible sight to behold: scuttling Termagants rub shoulders with deadly Genestealers, huge Carnifexes lumber forward beside tall Tyranid Warriors in an avalanche of rattling armor plates, glittering fangs and gigantic claws. Discipline is hard to maintain against such a horrifying foe as many men are driven mad with despair or frozen with terror at their approach.
- Inquisitor Agmar: Halting the Abomination
The Tyranids are an utterly alien force that is terror incarnate. Shapes of nightmare leap and scuttle forward with outstretched claws and glistning teeth pull down their prey. They are an emotionless force of genetically designed killing machines driven by the implacable will of the Tyranid Hive Mind. This Hive Mind is a type of collective consciousness that all the organisms of the Tyranids are a part of. They feel each others thoughts and it's this oneness that drives them on with such unstoppable purpose.
The armies of these aliens are exemplified by swarms of lesser creatures that need the guidance of larger bio-organisms that are more closely linked to the Hive Mind. Without this guidance these creatures soon become confused and lost in what it is they must do, causing them to revert to instinctive impulses, instead of that which the Hive Mind has planned. Through careful extermination of these leader creatures who act as "nodes" for the Hive Mind, a Tyranid force may be stopped, but this is easier said than done!
hormagaunts are designed for speed, and they were designed well. They move with blinding speed, bounding across and over obstructions on their way to a targeted unit. Once in contact with the enemy they rend flesh with razor sharp claws and teeth. Fire upon hormagaunt squads en masse to ensure positive results. Protect your flanks from these rampaging beasts as they can quickly change course and overrun any weak links in your line.
Thats what I said man, and the Tyranids thingies look so scary!
Edit: WoW you guys got me into the WH40K Universe! before I already knew about it and thought it was really weird now... Its so cool! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Large swarms of Gargoyles fill the sky and act as a scouting force for the main body of the Tyranid army. When in range they gout acid and flame upon squads from above. No matter what kind of cover you hide in, the flames of the gargoyles will find you. Beware a seemingly off course group of these creatures because they move swift and can be upon you in a flash. Take the battle to these creatures as they can be felled in close combat and short ranged firefights. Of course it is always better to vanquish your foe from a distance, but you may need to reserve such firepower for larger and tougher creatures like Carnifexes and Tyranid Warriors.
Hive Tyrants form the main leader of a Tyranid swarm. They exert the will of the Hive Mind and control the actions of the force. These towering nightmares are able to adapt to whatever combat situation arises. Some carry heavy long ranged weaponry while others are pure assault creatures. Whatever a Hive Tyrant's armament, they will be mixed in with the main bulk of the force, directing his minions and leading attacks. Like most Tyranid organisms, the Hive tyrant is extremely agile and lightning fast. Going toe to toe with is to be avoided by all but the best assault troops. As with Tyranid Warriors, Hive Tyrants act as a psychic node for the swarm. By killing one of these leader creatures, the rest of the force will become confused and act independently, instead of one. This is how you win against the Tyranids. Sever their connection with the Hive Mind and the rest of the force will become easier to manage and more predictable.
Ummm... wow?
That thing would rule.... but then it would need a bilebomb attack or something....
woooo it rocks
<a href='' target='_blank'>TSA chapter marine</a>
"Do we bemoan such losses? No! We are the Fists! We do not need to hibernate or spit venom. We crush our enemies."
Teachings of Rhetoricus
"What is a lifetime of servitude next to an eternity of damnation?"
that titan figure is so cool
that titan figure is so cool <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Holy momma! that thing is huge! hehe but I rather have a real Space Marines suit... <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
<a href='' target='_blank'>TSA chapter marine</a> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
TSA Marine meet SUPER POLY! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
Personally, I think it would look kind of strange to have the two together. I think we should use TSA for light, and the Terminator for heavy... Never seen terminator armour before? Aliens will wet themselves when they see these guys: