Building Hive Defences

AminalAminal Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10610Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Use everything.</div> some tips on securiting a hive position.

1> Build a couple of DC's under the hive.
2> Put OT's with DC's behind them at each enterance to the hive.
3> Web in front of these OT's and all around the hive- celing to floor - to stop the jetpackers
4> Put a MC in each hive to make sure people get around quickly.
5> Put Sens in corridors approaching hive position - not in the hive itself. Dont drop sens just everywhere
6> Put a couple of OT's near the hive - away from enterances incase someone gets in, and can get straight into the hive.

some tips on which hives are better to get:

Cargo Bay on Nothing - it has 3 RT's within easy reach, dont let the marines get it.
Fusion on Tanith - its got two nodes and its closer to whichever your starting hive is
Comp Core on Eclipse - because its easier to def than the other two hives and its the closest to your starting hive.


  • nothingnothing Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9231Members
    One note:
    The hive does not heal itself properly, which is why it's always a good thing to have some D chambers near your hive.

    I think it only heals itself at 2 hitpoints per blip, something like that. It can take a very long time to recover from even the slightest damage. D chambers heal it at the normal rate.
  • ChurchChurch Meatshield grunt-fodder // Has pre-ordered NS2 Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11646Members, Constellation
    Right. now lets see a post about proper hivedefense BEFORE you have 3 hives, where you DON'T get sensory, movement chambers and you don't get webs, and you don't have unlimited resources.
  • WoLLyBoYWoLLyBoY Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8687Members
    edited March 2003
    Ok this depends on the orginazation of the 'rines, along with there tech level. If they are making non-stop assualts on your forward positions with large groups of 'rines, and have higfher level tech, your gonna need better defenses. But, liek asked before, what about early to mid-game, lets say as or just after 2nd hive is going up. So you want to keep that first hive clear. Well your best bet is to **** (heh it was a s s e s) tech and orginazation levels of 'rines then act accordingly. High tech (one or 2 HMG's a JP'er or 2 and Maybe a GL) for the second hive going up means you worked to slow, disorginazation will be the key to succsess, try to use those pop up skulk atttacks to slow them down until fades can effectivly counter the heavy weapons. (If they have HA as well, just let them take it all, its pretty much over without a second hive VERY fast.) Regular OC's and DC's got nuttin on HMG and GL, and since they dont upgrade, well there ya have it. Defenses will include, but not be limited to: at LEAST 4 DC's directly under hive, to promote healing incase of assualt, OC's surrounding hive (or hive area depending on placment, there was a post, pinned?, that gave great tips on where to build OC's for max effect, so plz don't ask me, after I finish posting I'll go link the post. ::edit:: i cant find the post i was thinking about, but if you read the forums alot, liek i do, you will find it and understand.) for light hive defense incase of breach to front line defenses, and OC+DC farms (4 to 5 OC's stacked with 3-4 DC's behind) near all major entrances. At this time vents might be accessesable, watch for that, and place accordingly. Place defenses about midway tot he Front line, and if a 'rine minibase gets taken out, take it ASAP, even if theres not much there. The commander took it to siege you, most likely, so don't let them take it back easy. Don't spend time Idle, if you have defenses in place, and are waiting for a new area to build, go find likely spots for 'rine asualt and go defend them. Don't give them a good place to seige from, ever. If an assualt on your new, second hive, fails, they WILL assualt your first hive. Make sure defenses at your second hive are secure, then hike over to the first hive, and if you haven't already build the same type of defenses here. build the main hive breach defenses first, of course, but then build outside the first hive, not directly at entrance points, your first hive is, by now, under a much greater danger from siege than from direct assualt. Of course this assumes good 'rines with a good commander, who are teched up some. If your team has them partialy locked down, low res and low tech (LMG's maybe JP's but no more than one or 2 and only one or 2 weapon upgrades) your defenses can be lighter on the outskirts of the perimiter, but not the breach defenses at the hive itself. These must always be full up, or they could take it out with even LMG's upgraded to lvl 2. Trust me. There is a MUCH greater chance of seige at lower tech lvl's. SO that means, YES!!! Go get those siege points. Always take and place a good amount of defenses at any good siege points near your second hive, and after they are built up go do the same at your first hive. You can be a LITTLE bit more lax, your farms can be down 1 or 2 OC's and 1 DC but no less, or they will overrun it later in the game, when you say "We have defenses at such and such" and they come in with HA/HMG's and tear them down like paper. Really this is only possible if your team is slowing down the 'rines enough to allow you the time to build at the key points near your hive, and the hive itself. And it always depends on the 'rines. Ok thats it, no more from wolly. Remember my words, and maybe it'll save you butt, or at least your hive. Or not. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • ZiGGYZiGGY Join Date: 2003-01-19 Member: 12479Members
    yup 3 dcs is the most you can heal any building at (apparantly, never tried it personally) but youll want at least 2 backup and you dont want marines near you hive evahhhhhh.
  • TheHornetTheHornet Join Date: 2002-10-31 Member: 1776Members, Constellation
    yes these are good, but might i recommend hiding your sensories in corners or anywhere you can. Its nice to know marines will be near your hive soon but not have them know they been discovered. Theres a reason they give that nice "The Enemy approaches" message.
  • civman2civman2 Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6116Members, Constellation
    In hives, scattered OCs/DCs are much better than a WoL or two at the entrance. A jetpacks can fly over/around them and kill your hive, and sometimes the marine team can sneak in and set up a phase... Plus, a GL is a lot less effective against this than a WoL.
  • TheHornetTheHornet Join Date: 2002-10-31 Member: 1776Members, Constellation
    very true, on hives like the Great Viaduct, its nice to just fill the bottom area up with OC's and DC"s and its very hard for the marines to get through.
  • CEldinCEldin Join Date: 2002-09-16 Member: 1323Members
    I agree, the standard WoL may kill a couple jetbos but the rest will get through. Thus the need fore many towers all over. (and a very good lerk)
  • Fennec_FoxFennec_Fox Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9858Members
    Unlike most people... I do not view buildings as hive defense.

    I find buildings are excellent for weakening up marines or giving you advanced warning of a hive attack. However, your hive defense should be every player on your team. If a hive is under attack, one or two of your skulks can be away attacking random marines, but your higher evolution aliens should be annhiliating the marines. Remember that 'unobstructed' web-points will make one complete web, so if you can reach the ceiling above the hive and the floor below, it's a good idea to web -through- the hive. Primarily, webs, defense chambers, and your teammates are your best chance of keeping the hive alive. Marines can all too easily 'siege push' through whatever defenses you set up. It sounds like a lot of trust in your partners, but that's something you just need in this mod, eh?
  • EvenFlowEvenFlow Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11046Members
    Remember to web those vents leading into your hive, put one or 2 OC's just below the vent, I've caught many a jetpacker this way. Two or three webs zig-zagged in front of the vent should do the trick. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
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