[mreq] The Jackal Or Casull, As Seen In Hellsing.

KizKiz Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7236Members
<div class="IPBDescription">A good change of pace from high-tech.</div> I've been on a Hellsing kick (almost have all 13 episodes! w00t!) recently, and I got to thinking: "Alucard's guns are practically handcannons and they look badass...the pistol in NS is the same way but it's rather small and puny looking...hey, why not see if someone could model The Jackal or Casull for use in NS? Or better yet, both!" I'd do it myself, but I have a hard time making a sphere in Max, much less one or two of the most powerful handguns ever depicted.

Anyone..? Anyone at all? I can get screencaps!


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