Ban Reasons
Join Date: 2002-09-04 Member: 1274Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor

<div class="IPBDescription">what reasons do you use on your server?</div>
I know that many of you will think "it's your server, do what you want", but i would like to be a reasonable admin, so would like to get a sense of what other NS admins do.
Well, i think there are some basic reasons we admins will ban, let's get them out of the way quickly shall we?
Bannable offenses
1) exploits and hacks
2) hacking the server itself (crashing it) hard to figure out , i know.
Kickable offenses
1) being a griefer (or is this a bannable?) , as in recycling all the IPs without asking, building sens and basically ignoring the teams pleas for WOL, or DCs or MCs first
2) spamming voice
Over Medicateds reasons for banning/kicking (i tend to ban more than i kick.. that's not a good sign), in no particular order, in ADDITION to what i listed
-swearing at ppl, as in putting them down , for no good reason. or being an **** in that regard (trash talk is fine, between friends)
-assholeyness, that's the best way i can describe it.
are my reasons silly? in your opinion?
I know that many of you will think "it's your server, do what you want", but i would like to be a reasonable admin, so would like to get a sense of what other NS admins do.
Well, i think there are some basic reasons we admins will ban, let's get them out of the way quickly shall we?
Bannable offenses
1) exploits and hacks
2) hacking the server itself (crashing it) hard to figure out , i know.
Kickable offenses
1) being a griefer (or is this a bannable?) , as in recycling all the IPs without asking, building sens and basically ignoring the teams pleas for WOL, or DCs or MCs first
2) spamming voice
Over Medicateds reasons for banning/kicking (i tend to ban more than i kick.. that's not a good sign), in no particular order, in ADDITION to what i listed
-swearing at ppl, as in putting them down , for no good reason. or being an **** in that regard (trash talk is fine, between friends)
-assholeyness, that's the best way i can describe it.
are my reasons silly? in your opinion?
Its easy,
You have hackers, cracker, cheaters, ragers, sabatours (sp?).
Ban for kicking...a retry gets them back in the game, don't worry about who to kick and not to kick
they just retry.
hm, ragers, haven't heard that before.
thanx for the feedback <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
When I started I had clear-cut defined rules for what was bannable and what wasn't. Now I basically lay it down like this.
Someone being stupid through pure genetics = kick.
Someone being stupid because they feel like being stupid = ban.
and stupid covers a wide range of things. But basically if a person is annoying more than 3 other ppl in my server then the "stupid" rules come into effect.
and just to clarify on ban, there are no temporary bans on my server. it's all or nothing.
3 others eh? that sounds like a nice general rule.
i am glad, however, that very few problems have surfaced thusfar...
as long as i have them in the file, it will automaticly ban them for 60minutes w/o warning.
cussing is fine, because its a good outlet to play online at times. normally i don't cuss (unless REALLY mad), but i "cuss" online alot, just becuase its easier to type 4 letter words <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
stupidity is kickable....
You come to my server to play. If you do anything with the intention of ruining the enjoyment of the game by others, you're gone. Permanently. If you play unfairly, by cheating, using a spectator ghost, whatever, say goodbye.
I ban, kick, or slay for other offenses, but the hard and fast rules are the above. I try to keep in mind that my responsibility as an admin is to keep the game as fun as possible for all players, even the ones that may be doing something noobish. Being ignorant of common NS practice or having bad strategy are not bannable offenses. They may earn a slay or a kick, depending on the frequency and severity of the problems, but bans are generally only necessary for those who come to my server with the intention of ruining the game for others.
I was tired of all the no this, no that, stop doing this, stop doing that servers so on our server we have an anything goes attitude towards gameplay. If you're **** people off by blocking or being a doofus I might bury you or slap you around if people ask me to, no ban or kick though. I'll slay 2nd gorges who don't turn back when asked. You know, stupid or ignorant things done that don't solve themselves and need devine intervention. Racial slurs, whatever. I might llama the guy/gal, but no ban. You can even chew out me or any other admins using whatever language you want, I don't care. If a guy is really getting on my nerves personally I'll make his HL client quit. That usually sobers them up when/if they rejoin.
I personally hate cheating and despise racial/gender based/sexual slurring and hatred, so those things will get you perm-banned without warning. I also have a very strict definition of cheating including custom cross hairs use of background-sound-removing commands etc. The one exception to this is the use of the word "g a y" to mean roughly "stupid" (sorry for dodging the filter but I needed to to make the point). I usually give one warning for this one, This is not because I approve of it but because it's use is so widespread and I don't want to ban EVERYONE. *glares around*
I view kicking as being almost exactly the same level of punishment as admin_bury. It isn’t that debilitating to the player, it puts them out of commission roughly as much as dying twice does.
Basically if your a wanker of any of the types I defined in my other post in the general area you will probably be either warned/banned if you are just in a bad mood or just plain banned if you are doing it on purpose.
Playful but stern: admin_slap
First warning: kick, admin_bury
First offense: perm-ban
ban. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
rofl Zdrone....your always a good laugh
No profanity.
Treat players with respect.
Do not go gorge or comm without asking your team.
No racist remarks.
No cheating.
No clan / team stacking. Choose random.
I am sure we have more. These offenses will get you kicked / banned. You use profanity you get warned, warned, kicked, banned. You cheat, banned. Racist remark, banned. We have admins on almost 24/7. We check the logs regularly and we admin from IRC, so you never know if somebody is watching. People may hate it, but the people that keep the server full almost 23 hours out of 24 seem to like it.
1) the server is mine (the admin) and thus I am allowed to ban/kick for what ever reason I want to (you pretty much find this as a condition to connect to most IRC servers (for thouse who bother to read the MOTD))
2) there are other people playing on the server and having a good time and you dont want a single person to wreck the fun for everybody else
3) if you act like an idiot on a public server would you do the same @ church <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
4) I been known to consult star charts and tea leaves as well (and or kick on random)
5) why worry about getting into trobble or loose sleep over it, in most cases the admin has paid to run the server and the client hasen't
If you dont like it find another server to spoil because at the end of the day the admin's job is to keep the server on-line and make sure the people who are playing have a good time, otherwise they will take their bussiness elsewhere.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
group of clanners going to the same team and owning nubs.
Yesterday I was on some server as marine and this skulk was running along the upper level in reactor room in tanith, and i saw him and pistoleria'd him right as he was getting to the marine side short hallway. It was a really good shot because there's VERY little room for error when you're on the lower level. You also have to be aware of the skulk hitbox. I think it was one of those situations where you fire off a few rounds, wait, then fire your last one or two and the person dies and is like damn I thought he was out of ammo. Anyway I was like woot i got him. 10 seconds later... UZZLAN HAS KICKED AND BANNED YOU FOR 600 MINUTES! (assuming guy I killed is the one who banned me) Lol. I wish I could remember the name of the server so as to not play there again.
Oh yeah, and while we're on that topic... STOP ACCUSING ME OF PISTOL SCRIPTS PEOPLE! It is possible to fire the pistol very fast. If you can't do it that fast, then do finger exercises or something. Also, lag sometimes creates shortscale time compressions and expansions so it seems like the first or last few bullets of a pistol round are even faster than they really are, so take that into consideration too.
I hope this doesn't turn into cs where everyone's running around screaming h4x! h4x! wallh4x aimbot waaaaaaah! and i'm getting banned after playing for 10 minutes in any random server. I personally haven't seen anyone cheating in ns since I started playing in november. Except for the alien res exploit which is now fixed, and I don't even know if it was done intentionally when I saw it one game.
btw, you should play on CD required servers only..that will fix alot of the "WTH, he hacks"
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
It seems to be the one thing that shuts them up. The best ones are the ones who take you seriously for the next 30 minutes. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
"Why didn't he die?!?! WTH, hax"
banid 0 wonid
hahaha, as if you can hack your HP. lol, thats all server side dumb ****!!
I'll going to amx_bitchslap next idiot who says that on my server i swear!
1. Warn the offender, state their offense, ask them to stop or they will be removed from the server.
2. If they continue or commit some other offense: kick.
3. If they return: I will warn them again.
4. If they continue: permanent ban.
Offenses include (but are not limited to):
- being a general moron (i.e. anything that is ruining the enjoyment of the others on the server)
- telling the commander off when asked to do something
- being annoying over voice comms (i.e. yelling, screaming, excessive swearing, etc.)
- spamming text messages or text messages with excessive swearing
- going gorge or commander to be annoying (I will never kick/ban a newbie. I'll ask them if they are new. If they are, I'll do my best to explain to them why they shouldn't go gorge/commander.)
- sexist remarks (We have a few female players who regular on the server. You insult them, you get the boot.)
- racist slurs
- negative remarks against a commander/gorge (There is NEVER a need to tear apart someone's feelings over a game. Everybody must remember it's a real person on the other side of the screen.)
- insulting another player for whatever reason
- exploting a game bug
- cheating
Cheating usually skips the kicking part of my routine and goes straight to permanent ban. I don't mind friendly trash-talking amongst friends though. It's all a part of the game, afterall. I do it myself. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->