The Art Of Skulking In 1.04
Join Date: 2003-03-05 Member: 14348Members

<div class="IPBDescription">The Skulking Basics</div> The art of Skulking in 1.04
There have been a lot of posts on how to skulk out there since this game came out. This guide will give u some useful information on how to surivive and become a better team player, how to survive certain situations, advice on which upgrades to get, as well as help you to form a strong basis on which one can use to chew those marines into the ground. Hopefully when 1.1 comes out I will make another guide for it.
The Skulking Basics:
I. Information
1. Communication is the key
2. Parasite
II. Death and Rebirth
1. How to live a full life (includes how to attack the right way)
2. Mines, Turrets, and other annoying things
3. D, S, and M Chambers and the Skulk
4. Key places to cripple the marines, and places to defend
I. Information
1. Communication is the key
First off if you want to be an effictive skulk you have to listen to your teammates. If something is going down somewhere on the map, such as marines taking a hive, get yourself over there and help. Also tell your teammates whats going on whenver you can. Information is Power. A good alien team does not have to consist of the best of aliens, if the flow of information is good. Use voice com whenever you can, but don't spam voice com. It should be used for the important "This needs to be done now" type stuff.. but don't go telling your gorge what to do with it. Also use the team chat to tell your team whats going on frequently, and what areas are clear. This will help immensly and help the team focus on key areas of conflict
2. Parasite
With this idea of Information in mind, remember this. Parasite is your best friend, and the doom to almost any marine. Parasite is your way to tell your teamates ASAP that there is a marine up to something somewhere. Now you may die in the process of parasiting it, and you may think to yourself, "damn, i should have bit him and just killed him," but remember, that marine will have a death realy soon too because your whole team will know where he is, and the closest people will hunt him down and take out whatever mission he was doing for his comander. Now some situations require one to use their own judgement. If the whole team knew that the marines were relocating to Port engine room on NS_nothing, then parasiting them in there wouldn't help as much as running in there and biting them. So one must gage the situation. Parasite is almost a must in the follwing circumstances
Times you need to parasite:
a) If you see a lone marine rambo, or a group of marines moving somewhere -- This well help your team know if the marines are up to something or moving out.
b) If you see any marine building, such as a res node, or a marine expantion. -- If you parasite a res node any marine building/expantion before you start chomping on it, it will let your team know where it is in case you die before you take it out. It also means backup.
c) In marine start / Spawn location -- When you get to their spawn location parasite the crap out of it. Usualy you can shoot 3 parasites out before you have to wait for your meter to fill up again. Thats 3 marines or buildings there. Not only will this help when the marines leave base, but it will help newbs to find marine start and attack there.
Those are situations where you would realy need to parasite. In other situations you should gague when you should use it. When in doubt use the parasite and then chomp. Keep parasite as your primary weapon, and then switch the bite after you parasite them as a rule. Remember, information is everything in a team game such as this.
II. Death and Rebirth
1. How to live a full life
Getting killed sucks. But it has its up points too. When you die you get to see where your other teammates are in the game. This is valuable information that shows you whats going on everywhere on the map. It shows you clear areas, or areas that need your valuable help. Also when you die, the resources that you would be getting will go to the other players (especaly the gorge) so dont feel bad about dieing. Now dont make a point of it either. Stay alive when as long as you can, but remember that running away or hiding and not getting in danger is espeacly bad. My ideas on it is that you should always be either moving towards a conflict zone, or in conflict. The more you can keep the marines on their toes the less they can do to gain ground. So run off and attack them and don't be afraid to die.
Now that we are not afraid to die, we have to learn how to get the most out of your short lifespan. There is an art to being a skulk, you could run off and just get shot down, or you can be smart about it and use everything in your favor. Heres some tips to get the most out of your time before you die:
1) Dont be afraid to die -- Dont put yourself in situations that you know you will die in unless you know you what you are doing. Running into an area with millions of turrents and attacking the turrets is STUPID... make your life worthwile and attack the most important thing there, like the turret factory in this situation, or the phase gate, or marines (a marine's aim is so much better than a turret).
2) Learn the maps -- Knowing the map is the best thing you can do. It allows you to get to alternate locations quicker, and sneak up on those pesky marines from the back.
3) Use stealth and the map whenever possible -- Attack from around corners, hide in vents, hide when u can, be silent and swift, stay on the walls or the celing when u run around, use the level for cover, do what you can to make em run out of ammo, jump do anything that will give u the edge.
4) Kill, Heal, Kill, Heal -- If you don't die after a battle, run back to the hive, it will heal you. This will help you get resources faster, allow you to save more, and in the long run give more res to that cute gorge.
5) Use those vents -- Use the vents to get around, marines cant usualy till they get jets. This alows you more mobility on levels, someting that sets alines apart from marines.
6) Work as a team whenver you can -- 2 skulks work better than one, and can rip apart a small group of marines if they attack from around a corner when marines are comming near.
7) Learn how far you can bite -- Test it when you can mabey near a wall, or against friends.
8) Strafe, and jump, run and chomp -- Use your faster speed to strafe back and forth while moving to a marine, it will help confuse them and let you last mabey 1 second longer. Glide on those walls and confuse them.
9) Use the fear factor -- Use chuckle when you can, it will help distract the marines. EX: NS_Caged, in vent above marine base. a few good chuckles every once in a while will keep marines totaly paraniod of you runnin in.
10) Attack smart-- Attacking marines down a long narrow hallway = BAD. Attacking marines in a big room = bad. Attacking marines in a small vent = BAD (because of marine hit box bugs). Attack the marines from above, below, from the sides of walls, from dark places. Use cover and run over cover, go on lower ground and climb boxes to and get over them to chomp marines, make em guess what side you will come from. Most marines hate aming around or up and down, they usualy like aming forward and go to one side only, make them aim higer than usual, or lower than usual and u will kill them because of their lack of wanting to move their mouse that much.
11) Know when to run -- If that marine has realy realy good aim, and is to far away, know when to turn tail and get out of there. You can go heal up and take another run at it.
12) Lure the marines into your traps -- Let those stupid marines chase you down into a place where you have a better chance to kill them. If a marine follows you after you run, you have a better chance to kill him when he runs around that corner away from his freinds and turrets.
13) Practice Practice Practice -- Enough said.
2. Mines, Turrets, and other annoying things
Mines: Mines are annoying as heck when you are a skulk. There are a few things to remember when dealing with them. There are two types of mines: the proximity ground kind, and the laser line kind. Ground mines are the more annoying of the two. Usualy they are easy to avoid, but marines tend to bottle them at the bottom of important doorways and such. Its usualy accptable, and actauly good to try to make a small hole in the mine feild for you and and others to run through, even if it means that you have to kill yourself on a mine to make a small way through the door. When marines put the mines on walls and the line is shown, sometimes you can go to the oppisite wall and jump through the line and take no damage, as the explosion is far enough away. Also another tip is that a level 3 carpaced skulk can hit a mine and survive, so hit it and then run to get healed, then come back and do again till u get a way through. Also sometimes if you jump through fast enough you can make it though a minefield. One more hint is that the mine's hit box is a little above the mine, so remember that when working with them. When marines mine up a res tower, or any building for that matter, remember your bite has a little bit of a range so u can hit the building sometimes without getting close to the mines hitbox.
Turrets: Turrets have bad aim. You can usualy run circles around them and kill them, but usualy don't bother. Go straight for the turret factory. If you take that out all the turrets go down and you will be fine.
Jetpackers: Ahh, jetpackers, a skulks nightmare. They are mobile and up in the air.. what can you do against them. Well lets see here. First you need to climb up walls and get on the celing. From there jump down and hit them. Also a better tactic is to watch them and figure out the area they are moving to land in. Follow them around and jump and bite the area they are moving to to land in. Keep following them and take em out that way. This works in the hive areas. In hallways, you are pritty screwed, so parasite them if you can, and try to get near the top of the hallway to hit them. If you have two hives you can use leap and leap at them to get to them. Your best bet though is to keep at it, and try to make them waste their ammo so they have to run (then they usualy land) and then you can get them. They are quite annoying pests.
Heavy Armors: All i can say is bite bite bite bite bite. Try to sneak behind them, and strafe around them when you get near. Stay close to them and try to stay near their backside. If there is a more than one of them be sure to jump, and if they are welding try to keep them busy till help arives.
3. D, S, and M Chambers and the Skulk
Ahh so you are a skulk and they build a mov. chamber before a D chamber! AHH! what to do! well dont fret, each of the chambers helps us aliens in differnet ways and all the abilites are awsome in their own right.
1) Defence chambers
-- Regeneration: This is good when there is a lot of cover, like pillars or boxes. Most marines can take you out easly though, i would not do this usualy unless i was doing a lot of hit and run tactics, or hitting a lone TF with a few turrets. Be very wary as you will die in a few hits and wont have time to regen.
-- Redempt: Good if you are trying to save money, but realy not worth it at all, as when they use their pistol u will just die and get redempt back after. Redempt works of persentages, and skulk life is so low as it is that when u get in the bottom redempt percent you will probbaly die before u get sent back to the hive.
-- Carpace: The godsend for a skulk, it adds +20 to armor and makes the armor stronger. This will give u a +2 sec or so with your lifespan, and enough time to take down marines or help u take out that TF. This is strongly recomended. Also when u have this, make sure to go back to the hive to heal to save res instead of just running around and dieing after you get hurt. Make it a point to run back to hive, it will take rougly the same time to get back there on most maps as it does to respawn and re-evolve. Plus you save res.
-- Going without any D upgrades: This is totaly viable and helps the gorge out tremedously once you max out res. I do this when i can, but is only realy advised if you can hold your own against marines and be stealthy, suprising, and leathal enough to kill them before they aim at you. Get carpace if u can. If you can't, then just go at it as if u had carpace.
2) Movement Chambers:
-- Celerity: Great with a skulk, but makes low end machines lag a bit. This will help a bunch if you have to get to them down a long hallway or so. Works good with Carpace.
-- Adrenaline: Not realy worth it with skulk, it most of your ablitys are rather cheap except leap, and you dont realy need adren for leap.
-- Silence: This is great for sneaking up on marines. They wont hear you at all untill they are dead. I love this option with a skulk that has cloaking also, and is good for sneaking up on marines that didn't see you tucked away in that dark area.
3) Sensory Chambers:
-- Cloaking: Cloaking is what almost everyone gets when the sens. chamber goes up. It is quite helpful for ambushing marines, but kinda looses efectivness when the marines get Motion tracking. None the less, it is a great pick. Its quite usefull when you are around a corner and the marines are running up. They wont see u untill they are right on top of you and then its too late. I usualy get this early game when I am a skulk and we get a sens chamber up first.
-- Adv. Hivesight: With a skulk this can be a great aset, or not realy worth it at all. I like to get this so that I can see the marines a whole lot better. Sometimes marines like to hide in dark corners, and this lets me see them. I am more of the type that likes to kill and hunt, so i get this usualy so that I can see my marines better, instead of waiting for them to come to me. I say it comes in very very handy. I use this usualy through most of the middle of the game.
-- Scent of Fear: This is awsome too, it is like parasite automaticly whenever a marine is hurt. This is almost a must late game to find that hiding marine in the vent, and is semi helpfull to find marines in early games trying to build outposts or res. Persoanly i get this very late game, or when I need it.
4. Key places to cripple the marines, and places to defend
Here are some key things that you should attack to cripple the marines. This is not a defence list of things to defend that will come in a bit.
Key Places to attack:
1) Hit the spawn portals*
2) Around the armory -- usualy marines are standing around getting ammo. easy kills
3) Res nodes* -- cripple their cash intake
4) Turret Factory* / Phase gate* -- forget the turrets, take out the factory and they are all down.
5) Res node at marine start
6) Observatory -- Dont let em distress. + its 22 res to make another and a waste of 45 res if they are upgrading Motion Tracking.
7) Arms lab -- costs alot to build and upgrade.. plus if u hit it in middle of upgrade they just lost alot of res. (should not be a priority at first)
* = the ones that do the most impact on the game
Places that dont help that much are:
1) Munching that com chair -- has way to much life for you to do anything unless u are conistant. They will usualy weld it.
2) The armory itself -- this is usualy in good view of for them to shoot you.
3) Turrets -- quite blah
Don't be afraid to take out those marines on the way <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Now here are key places to Defend:
Key places to Defend:
1) At leatst 1 hive expantion if not 2 -- Its good to just run through hive locations every once in a while to make sure they are clear.
2) Res nodes* -- at all costs, keep them alive! Run there fast if under attack.
3) The gorge -- not nessasary in all games, but it is on small maps, or maps where res towers the gorge needs are easly accecible to the marines. If the gorge asks for a escort give it to him/her.
* = the ones that do the most impact on the game
Places that dont help that much are:
1) Hobbiling around your main hive, not attacking. -- Go to hive to heal etc, but dont lounge there.
2) Placees with little action -- Get out there and attack!
3) Hiding in areas with little amounts of marine trafic usualy -- you can learn this by playing the map more and learning the most traveled routes.
Hopefully this little gude helps to give you an introduction to playing as a skulk. Any comments are welcome, as well as your own tips to the art of skulking <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> Also please don't trip about the spelling or any of the english crap... I wrote this realy late at night here and I don't care how bad the spelling or ish is. Too tired for that lol.. well anyways peace!
-- Jink Jink
There have been a lot of posts on how to skulk out there since this game came out. This guide will give u some useful information on how to surivive and become a better team player, how to survive certain situations, advice on which upgrades to get, as well as help you to form a strong basis on which one can use to chew those marines into the ground. Hopefully when 1.1 comes out I will make another guide for it.
The Skulking Basics:
I. Information
1. Communication is the key
2. Parasite
II. Death and Rebirth
1. How to live a full life (includes how to attack the right way)
2. Mines, Turrets, and other annoying things
3. D, S, and M Chambers and the Skulk
4. Key places to cripple the marines, and places to defend
I. Information
1. Communication is the key
First off if you want to be an effictive skulk you have to listen to your teammates. If something is going down somewhere on the map, such as marines taking a hive, get yourself over there and help. Also tell your teammates whats going on whenver you can. Information is Power. A good alien team does not have to consist of the best of aliens, if the flow of information is good. Use voice com whenever you can, but don't spam voice com. It should be used for the important "This needs to be done now" type stuff.. but don't go telling your gorge what to do with it. Also use the team chat to tell your team whats going on frequently, and what areas are clear. This will help immensly and help the team focus on key areas of conflict
2. Parasite
With this idea of Information in mind, remember this. Parasite is your best friend, and the doom to almost any marine. Parasite is your way to tell your teamates ASAP that there is a marine up to something somewhere. Now you may die in the process of parasiting it, and you may think to yourself, "damn, i should have bit him and just killed him," but remember, that marine will have a death realy soon too because your whole team will know where he is, and the closest people will hunt him down and take out whatever mission he was doing for his comander. Now some situations require one to use their own judgement. If the whole team knew that the marines were relocating to Port engine room on NS_nothing, then parasiting them in there wouldn't help as much as running in there and biting them. So one must gage the situation. Parasite is almost a must in the follwing circumstances
Times you need to parasite:
a) If you see a lone marine rambo, or a group of marines moving somewhere -- This well help your team know if the marines are up to something or moving out.
b) If you see any marine building, such as a res node, or a marine expantion. -- If you parasite a res node any marine building/expantion before you start chomping on it, it will let your team know where it is in case you die before you take it out. It also means backup.
c) In marine start / Spawn location -- When you get to their spawn location parasite the crap out of it. Usualy you can shoot 3 parasites out before you have to wait for your meter to fill up again. Thats 3 marines or buildings there. Not only will this help when the marines leave base, but it will help newbs to find marine start and attack there.
Those are situations where you would realy need to parasite. In other situations you should gague when you should use it. When in doubt use the parasite and then chomp. Keep parasite as your primary weapon, and then switch the bite after you parasite them as a rule. Remember, information is everything in a team game such as this.
II. Death and Rebirth
1. How to live a full life
Getting killed sucks. But it has its up points too. When you die you get to see where your other teammates are in the game. This is valuable information that shows you whats going on everywhere on the map. It shows you clear areas, or areas that need your valuable help. Also when you die, the resources that you would be getting will go to the other players (especaly the gorge) so dont feel bad about dieing. Now dont make a point of it either. Stay alive when as long as you can, but remember that running away or hiding and not getting in danger is espeacly bad. My ideas on it is that you should always be either moving towards a conflict zone, or in conflict. The more you can keep the marines on their toes the less they can do to gain ground. So run off and attack them and don't be afraid to die.
Now that we are not afraid to die, we have to learn how to get the most out of your short lifespan. There is an art to being a skulk, you could run off and just get shot down, or you can be smart about it and use everything in your favor. Heres some tips to get the most out of your time before you die:
1) Dont be afraid to die -- Dont put yourself in situations that you know you will die in unless you know you what you are doing. Running into an area with millions of turrents and attacking the turrets is STUPID... make your life worthwile and attack the most important thing there, like the turret factory in this situation, or the phase gate, or marines (a marine's aim is so much better than a turret).
2) Learn the maps -- Knowing the map is the best thing you can do. It allows you to get to alternate locations quicker, and sneak up on those pesky marines from the back.
3) Use stealth and the map whenever possible -- Attack from around corners, hide in vents, hide when u can, be silent and swift, stay on the walls or the celing when u run around, use the level for cover, do what you can to make em run out of ammo, jump do anything that will give u the edge.
4) Kill, Heal, Kill, Heal -- If you don't die after a battle, run back to the hive, it will heal you. This will help you get resources faster, allow you to save more, and in the long run give more res to that cute gorge.
5) Use those vents -- Use the vents to get around, marines cant usualy till they get jets. This alows you more mobility on levels, someting that sets alines apart from marines.
6) Work as a team whenver you can -- 2 skulks work better than one, and can rip apart a small group of marines if they attack from around a corner when marines are comming near.
7) Learn how far you can bite -- Test it when you can mabey near a wall, or against friends.
8) Strafe, and jump, run and chomp -- Use your faster speed to strafe back and forth while moving to a marine, it will help confuse them and let you last mabey 1 second longer. Glide on those walls and confuse them.
9) Use the fear factor -- Use chuckle when you can, it will help distract the marines. EX: NS_Caged, in vent above marine base. a few good chuckles every once in a while will keep marines totaly paraniod of you runnin in.
10) Attack smart-- Attacking marines down a long narrow hallway = BAD. Attacking marines in a big room = bad. Attacking marines in a small vent = BAD (because of marine hit box bugs). Attack the marines from above, below, from the sides of walls, from dark places. Use cover and run over cover, go on lower ground and climb boxes to and get over them to chomp marines, make em guess what side you will come from. Most marines hate aming around or up and down, they usualy like aming forward and go to one side only, make them aim higer than usual, or lower than usual and u will kill them because of their lack of wanting to move their mouse that much.
11) Know when to run -- If that marine has realy realy good aim, and is to far away, know when to turn tail and get out of there. You can go heal up and take another run at it.
12) Lure the marines into your traps -- Let those stupid marines chase you down into a place where you have a better chance to kill them. If a marine follows you after you run, you have a better chance to kill him when he runs around that corner away from his freinds and turrets.
13) Practice Practice Practice -- Enough said.
2. Mines, Turrets, and other annoying things
Mines: Mines are annoying as heck when you are a skulk. There are a few things to remember when dealing with them. There are two types of mines: the proximity ground kind, and the laser line kind. Ground mines are the more annoying of the two. Usualy they are easy to avoid, but marines tend to bottle them at the bottom of important doorways and such. Its usualy accptable, and actauly good to try to make a small hole in the mine feild for you and and others to run through, even if it means that you have to kill yourself on a mine to make a small way through the door. When marines put the mines on walls and the line is shown, sometimes you can go to the oppisite wall and jump through the line and take no damage, as the explosion is far enough away. Also another tip is that a level 3 carpaced skulk can hit a mine and survive, so hit it and then run to get healed, then come back and do again till u get a way through. Also sometimes if you jump through fast enough you can make it though a minefield. One more hint is that the mine's hit box is a little above the mine, so remember that when working with them. When marines mine up a res tower, or any building for that matter, remember your bite has a little bit of a range so u can hit the building sometimes without getting close to the mines hitbox.
Turrets: Turrets have bad aim. You can usualy run circles around them and kill them, but usualy don't bother. Go straight for the turret factory. If you take that out all the turrets go down and you will be fine.
Jetpackers: Ahh, jetpackers, a skulks nightmare. They are mobile and up in the air.. what can you do against them. Well lets see here. First you need to climb up walls and get on the celing. From there jump down and hit them. Also a better tactic is to watch them and figure out the area they are moving to land in. Follow them around and jump and bite the area they are moving to to land in. Keep following them and take em out that way. This works in the hive areas. In hallways, you are pritty screwed, so parasite them if you can, and try to get near the top of the hallway to hit them. If you have two hives you can use leap and leap at them to get to them. Your best bet though is to keep at it, and try to make them waste their ammo so they have to run (then they usualy land) and then you can get them. They are quite annoying pests.
Heavy Armors: All i can say is bite bite bite bite bite. Try to sneak behind them, and strafe around them when you get near. Stay close to them and try to stay near their backside. If there is a more than one of them be sure to jump, and if they are welding try to keep them busy till help arives.
3. D, S, and M Chambers and the Skulk
Ahh so you are a skulk and they build a mov. chamber before a D chamber! AHH! what to do! well dont fret, each of the chambers helps us aliens in differnet ways and all the abilites are awsome in their own right.
1) Defence chambers
-- Regeneration: This is good when there is a lot of cover, like pillars or boxes. Most marines can take you out easly though, i would not do this usualy unless i was doing a lot of hit and run tactics, or hitting a lone TF with a few turrets. Be very wary as you will die in a few hits and wont have time to regen.
-- Redempt: Good if you are trying to save money, but realy not worth it at all, as when they use their pistol u will just die and get redempt back after. Redempt works of persentages, and skulk life is so low as it is that when u get in the bottom redempt percent you will probbaly die before u get sent back to the hive.
-- Carpace: The godsend for a skulk, it adds +20 to armor and makes the armor stronger. This will give u a +2 sec or so with your lifespan, and enough time to take down marines or help u take out that TF. This is strongly recomended. Also when u have this, make sure to go back to the hive to heal to save res instead of just running around and dieing after you get hurt. Make it a point to run back to hive, it will take rougly the same time to get back there on most maps as it does to respawn and re-evolve. Plus you save res.
-- Going without any D upgrades: This is totaly viable and helps the gorge out tremedously once you max out res. I do this when i can, but is only realy advised if you can hold your own against marines and be stealthy, suprising, and leathal enough to kill them before they aim at you. Get carpace if u can. If you can't, then just go at it as if u had carpace.
2) Movement Chambers:
-- Celerity: Great with a skulk, but makes low end machines lag a bit. This will help a bunch if you have to get to them down a long hallway or so. Works good with Carpace.
-- Adrenaline: Not realy worth it with skulk, it most of your ablitys are rather cheap except leap, and you dont realy need adren for leap.
-- Silence: This is great for sneaking up on marines. They wont hear you at all untill they are dead. I love this option with a skulk that has cloaking also, and is good for sneaking up on marines that didn't see you tucked away in that dark area.
3) Sensory Chambers:
-- Cloaking: Cloaking is what almost everyone gets when the sens. chamber goes up. It is quite helpful for ambushing marines, but kinda looses efectivness when the marines get Motion tracking. None the less, it is a great pick. Its quite usefull when you are around a corner and the marines are running up. They wont see u untill they are right on top of you and then its too late. I usualy get this early game when I am a skulk and we get a sens chamber up first.
-- Adv. Hivesight: With a skulk this can be a great aset, or not realy worth it at all. I like to get this so that I can see the marines a whole lot better. Sometimes marines like to hide in dark corners, and this lets me see them. I am more of the type that likes to kill and hunt, so i get this usualy so that I can see my marines better, instead of waiting for them to come to me. I say it comes in very very handy. I use this usualy through most of the middle of the game.
-- Scent of Fear: This is awsome too, it is like parasite automaticly whenever a marine is hurt. This is almost a must late game to find that hiding marine in the vent, and is semi helpfull to find marines in early games trying to build outposts or res. Persoanly i get this very late game, or when I need it.
4. Key places to cripple the marines, and places to defend
Here are some key things that you should attack to cripple the marines. This is not a defence list of things to defend that will come in a bit.
Key Places to attack:
1) Hit the spawn portals*
2) Around the armory -- usualy marines are standing around getting ammo. easy kills
3) Res nodes* -- cripple their cash intake
4) Turret Factory* / Phase gate* -- forget the turrets, take out the factory and they are all down.
5) Res node at marine start
6) Observatory -- Dont let em distress. + its 22 res to make another and a waste of 45 res if they are upgrading Motion Tracking.
7) Arms lab -- costs alot to build and upgrade.. plus if u hit it in middle of upgrade they just lost alot of res. (should not be a priority at first)
* = the ones that do the most impact on the game
Places that dont help that much are:
1) Munching that com chair -- has way to much life for you to do anything unless u are conistant. They will usualy weld it.
2) The armory itself -- this is usualy in good view of for them to shoot you.
3) Turrets -- quite blah
Don't be afraid to take out those marines on the way <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Now here are key places to Defend:
Key places to Defend:
1) At leatst 1 hive expantion if not 2 -- Its good to just run through hive locations every once in a while to make sure they are clear.
2) Res nodes* -- at all costs, keep them alive! Run there fast if under attack.
3) The gorge -- not nessasary in all games, but it is on small maps, or maps where res towers the gorge needs are easly accecible to the marines. If the gorge asks for a escort give it to him/her.
* = the ones that do the most impact on the game
Places that dont help that much are:
1) Hobbiling around your main hive, not attacking. -- Go to hive to heal etc, but dont lounge there.
2) Placees with little action -- Get out there and attack!
3) Hiding in areas with little amounts of marine trafic usualy -- you can learn this by playing the map more and learning the most traveled routes.
Hopefully this little gude helps to give you an introduction to playing as a skulk. Any comments are welcome, as well as your own tips to the art of skulking <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> Also please don't trip about the spelling or any of the english crap... I wrote this realy late at night here and I don't care how bad the spelling or ish is. Too tired for that lol.. well anyways peace!
-- Jink Jink
me too
<!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
seen on NS forums
and noone barely responded!
Great job <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
I also would be more ready to run as a skulk as it is more difficult to kill a skulk that is far away than close up. About the only time skilled marines can be killed by skulks (especially unupgraded skulks) is from ambush, and if you run away it is likely you are the closest skulk available for the ambush. If all the skulks everywhere are too eager to kill themselves you will wind up with long respawn times and almost no skulks in the field. This is especially bad if the marine team decides to counter attack at that moment and rip your hive a new one. It'll be one skulk vs. the entire marine team every time the skulk respawns, and there will be nothing you can do about it.
Forgot to mention: holding the crouch key can eliminate most of the problems with biting marines in vents. The only place this doesn't appear to work is in the vent by the resource node outside the base on nancy.
Good job!
When I'm charging (or dropping onto) a marine, I parasite him just before getting into bite range and quickly switch to CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP mode. That way, if he kills me, we still know where he is.
I heartily second this. I never attack a TF unless I know I'm going to kill it before I and my friends die, since any marine with half a brain will know to weld it after we're gone. This often means creating a blind spot first. It's far more efficient to take the extra care to kill that one turret and then munch the factory at your leisure than it is to make 5 suicide runs on the factory.
- When travelling in pairs and you reach an unguarded res. point, both skulks should'nt sit and chomp the res. point, 1 skulk should cover the doorway leading to the res. point while the other one comps away. 99% of the time 'rines are to focused on killing the skulk eating their res. they forget to check the usual camping spots. This works especially well for the res. points just outside the 'rine spawn.