Mouse Selection

CadaverBoyCadaverBoy Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13074Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Boomslang 1K or Logitech Mx500?</div> As the title suggests, I'm in the market for a new gaming mouse.. my old Logitech optical mouse has served me well for 3 years, but now is sticking, jumpy, and I have to pretty much drag it across my desktop to look from the ground to ceiling. So, I'm tryin to figure out which mouse to buy.. Etheir way it's gonna be off e-bay probaly, slightly used because of the high prices on both of em, but, lookin for input from experience on the topic..

Thanks in advance <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->


  • Dirty_Harry_PotterDirty_Harry_Potter Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9500Members
    edited April 2003
    looking at EDBpriser(danish site where you can find almost any hardware to the best prices, there also reviews)
    Logitech MX500: 5 stars all the way, only one guy gave it 4 'cos he liked intellimouse more...
    Razorzone: can't find it at EDBpriser, but i found the homepage, <a href='' target='_blank'>Features</a>, to me it just looks like a fancy mouse, good, and comfortable, but i think your better of with the logitech

    /running razorzones simulation...

    okay the simulation is just a ridicoules trick, they actually compare speeds - and the framerate isn't true, the Tradional mouse they compare with must be a 2 buttonen ball mouse <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->, and the precision is based on the framrate

    okay im 100% sure, buy the logitech!!!
  • Minstrel_KnightMinstrel_Knight The truth and nothing but the truth... Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9562Banned
    <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
  • CadaverBoyCadaverBoy Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13074Members
    I've seen the boomslang 2500.. Expecting it to be pretty pricey though.. I'm not exactly sure of the pros or cons of etheir mouse.. On ebay, the mx500 is a bit cheaper from what I've found..
  • airyKairyK Join Date: 2002-12-19 Member: 11126Members
    i can tell you personally, because i own a mx500 that to get the mx500. i have always hated optical mice until i got this one.. this thing is NICE. its nice and form fitting.. the thumb buttons work great in NS if you bind them right. all i have to say is that the logitech mx500 is a quality mouse that can do it all...pair it up with a ratpadz mouse pad and your set... hope this is any help... any questions you have im willing to answer them for you
  • TalesinTalesin Our own little well of hate Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7710NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators
    I just stick with my iFeel and a high-contrast pad. Made specifically for optical mice used in detail work, nearly impossible for the mouse to lose track of where it is/was. Love the added precision and easy movement, but the lack of being able to pull snap shots and really get the momentum going is slightly annoying after a few years of using a standard balled Logitech.
    Sniping though, in other mods.. I don't think I could ever go back to a ball.
  • pardzhpardzh Join Date: 2002-10-25 Member: 1601Members
    Microsoft IntelliMouse? <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->

    I guess I'm not high tech and hip in my mousing ways.
  • MedHeadMedHead Join Date: 2002-12-19 Member: 11115Members, Constellation
    iFeel for me. Using a computer without feeling that glorious "CLICK" over every hotspot is morally wrong.
  • PegenatorPegenator Join Date: 2002-12-21 Member: 11269Members
    Microsoft wireless desktop

    Gotta change batteries once in a month, but my TV-Out pays up for it.

  • Dirty_Harry_PotterDirty_Harry_Potter Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9500Members
    had MS wireless before, yea it s**** for gaming, espicially if there's a mobile nearby, now i have a logitech dual optical, and a logitech internet navigator SE.
  • RedfordRedford Monorailcatfjord Join Date: 2002-04-28 Member: 528Members, NS1 Playtester
    My intelemouse died just recently from USB death, less then a year after I got it. :x
  • CadaverBoyCadaverBoy Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13074Members
    edited April 2003
    I just discovered I use an Ifeel mouse as well.. Was so old I couldn't remember =P Now if yall are usin Ifeel's.. Mayhaps its my mouse pad.. I mean it is an old 7 by 8ish inch cloth office depot mouse stained from countless years of soda/milk/coffee/koolaid spills..

    EDIT: I just tested something.. I ran my mouse around on my mousepad, sticky, stuck, a pain to drag across the screen.. But then I took it off the mousepad and put it on my dest.. Good lord the smoothness of motion.. It was so beautiful.. <tear comes to eye> Just.. just.. It moved.. And didn't hesitate.. Time for a new mousepad...
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