Marine Grenade (for Ns)

botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">not a request, something i did</div> hey everyone,

didn't even think there would be a forum for fan models and such.. anyway, i (and my friends) think that the biggest thing missing from Natural Selection Marines is the good old grenade. An idea popped into my head, so i decided to model it. anyone who looks at my model will see several problems, some being:

half of the animation 'activate' is rotated to the right some - this being my first in view model animation, i didn't think about that keeping alligned until the 3/4s of the way through
there is a triangle missing from the top of the right wrist - this i could fix (just didn't see till recently) but didn't cause, some problem with milkshape not liking some triangles (has happened on other models as well)
skin looks like crap - yes i know, i'm a modeller, not a skinner

the real reason for this post was to ask the Natural Selection staff if they would want me to continue making this model. the reason i'm even asking (and not just completing for self satisfaction) is that i realized it would take a lot of work to make this model 'game worthy.' the reason it isn't and can't without a lot of work is because of 2 reasons:
1. the grenade bones are not attached to the hand bones (not a big problem, but solves several others by doing this), and
2. the parent bone of the hand model's is in the right hand's wrist, for those of you who are not modellers, this means that every time you adjust the right hand, the left hand is completely thrown out of position. thereby creating 5 times the amount of work necessary (who set it up like that?).
anyway, NSstaff, if you do like this model and want to use it/me/anything. just let me know. most important thing for me would be to have grenades in the game.

breif description: this grenade is stored at the marine's belt in it's "compressed" state. to use it, the marine pickes grabs it then pulls the two sides apart and twists till it 'click's. then it will be in their hand and the lights will light up coinsiding with beeps and a count of seconds. 3 seconds and all lights on = boom.

got the model attached, enjoy. (can understand how to get pics on here.. i'll keep trying)


p.s. the skins for marines are really awesome, great job whoever did those


  • botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
    ok, stuff not working, i'll try pictures
  • botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
    edited April 2003
    and another picture.. i'll try the file again... nope, no good. the file is too big. 224kb.. i figure something out
  • RyenDeckardRyenDeckard Join Date: 2003-02-16 Member: 13621Members, Constellation
    The skin is good, but the model seems a little to strange, i cant put my fingero n it, but it looks weird.
  • botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
    ...uh, how so? got a picture that might put it into perspective better
    still can't get the file size down enough
  • botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
    edited April 2003
    ha! i got it small enough. but OH GOD! WHATS WRONG WITH ARMS? haha. yeah, i got rid of arm textures. if you want to see it properly, just re-apply the correct textures to the arms. enjoy,


    p.s. the wierdness you are talking about could be the middle stuff, the light-display section is pretty horrible, even by my skinning standards. also, the two poles 'holding' the two sides together looks bad. **also, just so you know, when this grenade would blow up, it would have two explosions, one for each green section.
  • enf0rcerenf0rcer intrigued... Join Date: 2003-03-16 Member: 14584Members
    edited April 2003
    i wouldn't count on this being used.... ever. Not because its bad but because its the mod teams mod and they design and make everything.

    e/ oh and welcome to the forums. I take you animate? thats good because we can never get enuff talented people <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> .. that is if u want to help out with projects or whatever
  • H_U_D_S_O_NH_U_D_S_O_N Join Date: 2003-04-22 Member: 15741Members
    im sorry im a noob with the nade thing, what exactly does this replace?
  • enf0rcerenf0rcer intrigued... Join Date: 2003-03-16 Member: 14584Members
    its not a replacement its a concept
  • PFCNublarPFCNublar Join Date: 2003-04-23 Member: 15792Members
    sigh, we should be able to have frag nades in ns, to get rid of that skulk camping in the vent <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->. nice concept, but i don't get what it does when it opens up...a lil weird. does it explode or prime?
  • botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
    ok, sorry on the lack of explanation.

    enf0rcer is right, this isn't a replacement, its a concept (would be weapon option 4 i imagine). i'm offering my 'services' to the natural selection staff to model and animate a grenade for the marines. Delta|Cpt.Terran hit it right on the mark, thats basically what made me come up with the grenade (**** aliens, sneaking around in the vents). because when <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> doesn't work, the simple solution would be to use a grenade.

    ok, the actual model. as i said, its just on your belt. you take it off and pull&twist. this PRIMES it. it takes a while and is a seperate action from throwing it (or even holding it back). i wanted it this way because it is a grenade and quite powerful, the prime time allows for aliens to either get to a safe distance or kill the marine 'activating' the nade before he 'activates' it. also, directly after the PRIME animation (or rather directly after the 'click' in the middle of the PRIME animation) a timer starts. once the next animation starts (throw/explode) the timer goes from 4-0 and detonates whether you throw it or not. i wanted it that way so marines couldn't prime the nade then run around looking for an alien (this is a tool for a specific job).

    another reason for the nade besides killing those pesky bugs is for killing the pesky bug's buildings. as we all know, a single, non-upgraded, lmg light marine takes somewhere around 30-45 seconds to take out a res tower. they never have enough ammo and end up just using their knife, and never see the skulk coming up behind them until its too late. here is the other use for the "MARINE STANDARD ISSUE GRENADE," taking out half (or even a third) of an alien buildings health all at once would greatly help marines battle those troublesome aliens.

    and the final thing i thought would be good is to have every marine spawn with a single SI'nade, simply because it is such a usefull tool (and waiting for the comm to get around to giving someone a nade who needs it when they just gave 5 to someone who didn't is more than slightly dumb). but this one is definately debateable.

    uh, any more explanation needed? think i covered it all... should someone from ns team see this post, i'd like to point out that i'm not asking for a spot in your team. i'm only saying that i think grenades should be added to the marines, and if you want me to model/animate it for it to be included (or just to see it) i'd be glad. later all.

  • SnO0PySnO0Py Join Date: 2003-02-27 Member: 14092Members
    botchi, I think the reason the devs don't want a grenade, is because what you guys are suggesting it for. Blowing up alien buildings (GL, Siege), killing aliens in vents, stopping aliens from sneaking up on you when destroying res, those are some of the only advantages aliens have! Marines have enough damn firepower, the only advantages the kharra have are sneakyness, and tight spaces. If you take that away, the aliens don't have ANY chance unless SOMEHOW, with some miracle, the aliens can get 2 hives. Oh great model BTW...
  • botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
    snoopy, you're right.. well then. i change my opinion to that grenades should cost resources and have to be distributed by the commander. that way the problem is solved that aliens can sneak up on unsuspecting marines a good deal, BUT later in the game the marines will be able to do better (or if their comm decides to pass the out sooner.. ?) they just add a twist that i think could imprvoe game play. i'm not saying you couldn't add something similar to aliens as well, cause really, why not?
  • Resdent_EvLResdent_EvL Join Date: 2003-01-24 Member: 12697Members
    edited April 2003
    enter the grenade launcher :o

    maybe this as a possible replacement for grenade launcher grenade models, it'd be cool if you could animate it so when u fire the nade and it hits the floor it pops open <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
    edited April 2003
    yes resE, but grenade launchers cost what? 33 res? something huge. a single grenade would be more aroun 8 or 10, and able to be passed out with the first armory

    granted many people would consider them a waste of res. further pushing back how often they are used, while leaving their suppiority as strong as it is. (just like shotty - my favorite gun, and able to be manufactured after first armory).
  • SnO0PySnO0Py Join Date: 2003-02-27 Member: 14092Members
    I think it would be pretty cool if you could use individual grenades from the GL, not really a secondary function, but when you get a GL, you also get a weapon slot 4, and you can use individual grenades, it would come out of your GL ammo

    Pros: You can throw farther, and somehow it does more damage...I have to think of why it would, maybe because it woulden't have a shell on???...I have no idea...*thinks*

    Cons: Before you could use another one, you would have to wait till the one blew up, and it would take a few seconds to get out and prime another one...

    But maybe I'm tired and need some coke/iced tea 8|.
  • Mr_HeadcrabMr_Headcrab Squee&#33;~ Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9392Members, Constellation
    That "coke can" grenade is cool, Id use it (with some minor modifications, of course)
  • botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
    well snoopy, the idea of being able to throw the grenades of the gl really completely defeates the purpose have having standard issue grenades.. the grenade launcher should just shoot farther then it does now (why does it shoot with such a small force now?). the point of having these individual grenades that can be passed from the beggining. to even get the gl yo uhave to have an upgraded armory and a proto lab. and then there is no reason to throw them because the gun can shoot 4 in a row (thats why people invented grenade launchers, they wanted a faster way to throw more explosives farther - and yes i agree that the gl doesn't shoot with enough power, i also think the grenades should detonate on impact.. and the grenades should obey the laws of physics, i.e. when i shoot it onto an angled surface it should bounce away from me on the wall at the opposite angle that i shot it at instead of coming back at me).

    Mr. Headcrab, what modifications would you make to it? no reason to modify cause i can just include changes now, i'm really not set on anything except that marines need a grenade. however, i do not like the idea of having multiple options for explosions (like cluster or flame or flash). i think those types are fine for new & different grenades, but all i'm trying to get into the game is a standard frag grenade.

    any more questions?

  • TacOneTacOne Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7070Members
    edited April 2003
    I like the idea of hand grenades for marines.
    Hate that vent in Bast......

    Now, I agree that the GL should fire the grenades further, and not be very effective at close ranges (Hand nade's job)

    the way I see it, hand grenades should be medium powered (taking out a skulk, maybe two, and damaging bigger aliens to a reasonable extent.

    Each marine start with one (1) grenade wich is NOT resuplyable (sp?) This makes the grenade a strategic weapon, not something to be thrown anywhere you THINK you'll hit something.

    Hand nades should be standard issue. I actually don't see the GL beeing used much (possibly because of the cost).

    Btw: Great model. Whats up with the arms???
  • NargNarg Join Date: 2003-01-14 Member: 12289Members
    good work man the modle and anims are perfect keep up the good work and get out of the conecpt and start making us some replacements for ns... even re-animate some of the terrible animation jobs on some custom models that have been released
    <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • botchiballbotchiball Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15810Members, Constellation
    me again,

    well narg, i take it thats a request to finish the model.. maybe i will, but at the moment i'm busy on another mod, possibly within the week though. i will have to disagree about the animation, the reason i haven't finished is because of how crappy it looks (simply from lack of ability to make it look nicer because of the skeleton), and i will have to redo the skeleton to go any further.

    TacOne and SnOOpy, you two make an interesting point: would it better to give every marine a grenade from the start and have it be non-replaceable or have grenades be a 'buy'able item that can be replaced as many times as you want... i don't really know. i would suggest that the natural staff choose between these two options because i think both would be good (but not a combination of the two).

    oh, there is nothing wrong with the arms in the picture, to see that problem you would have to download the model and look at it in a model viewer.

    ok, so, looks like i will finish the model.. anyone DIEING to see it can check back in a week or so (even though it doesn't look like there are any of you, haha), untill then all.

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