How Gullible Can They Get?
Join Date: 2002-04-11 Member: 419Members

in Off-Topic
<div class="IPBDescription">A contest</div> Here's a contest!
See how much you can mislead somebody and keep them believing you. IE a test of their gullibility, or your skill in ad-libbing.
Here's my first one (a slight deficit of effort on his part made this hard)
Name censored to protect the silly <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
****: dude, when is ns 1.1 coming out?
Windelkron: oh I am a PT
Windelkron: I can't tell you
****: WTS
****: you're kidding me.
Windelkron: nope
****: o.O
Windelkron: but its like ultra sekrat
****: with YOUR COMPUTER?! <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Windelkron: I got a new one
Windelkron: well
Windelkron: I told you
Windelkron: it works ok
Windelkron: but 1.1 is really cool
****: lol, you get a new comp and you act all bad ****. :-P
****: do you get tier two stuff for a long time?
Windelkron: tier two?
****: fades?
Windelkron: what do you mean "a long time
****: longer than normally?
****: lol, you get fades and the game's usually done. :-\
Windelkron: uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Windelkron: welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Windelkron: I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you
****: ok!
****: :-D
Windelkron: hm
Windelkron: 1.1 has some stuff we want
Windelkron: and some stuff we weren't expecting :O
Windelkron: but I cant tell you about it
Windelkron: what I can tell you know
Windelkron: though
Windelkron: BEG FOR IT!
****: ....
****: *cries*
Windelkron: dance!
****: *dances*
Windelkron: hmm ok
****: btw: you don't seem to be online as much... whats up with that?
Windelkron: what I can tell you
Windelkron: is that
Windelkron: HAHGAHA
****: ..........*beats living crap out of windel*
Windelkron: hshaafasdaah
****: *beats windel with large shoes*
See how much you can mislead somebody and keep them believing you. IE a test of their gullibility, or your skill in ad-libbing.
Here's my first one (a slight deficit of effort on his part made this hard)
Name censored to protect the silly <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
****: dude, when is ns 1.1 coming out?
Windelkron: oh I am a PT
Windelkron: I can't tell you
****: WTS
****: you're kidding me.
Windelkron: nope
****: o.O
Windelkron: but its like ultra sekrat
****: with YOUR COMPUTER?! <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Windelkron: I got a new one
Windelkron: well
Windelkron: I told you
Windelkron: it works ok
Windelkron: but 1.1 is really cool
****: lol, you get a new comp and you act all bad ****. :-P
****: do you get tier two stuff for a long time?
Windelkron: tier two?
****: fades?
Windelkron: what do you mean "a long time
****: longer than normally?
****: lol, you get fades and the game's usually done. :-\
Windelkron: uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Windelkron: welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Windelkron: I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you
****: ok!
****: :-D
Windelkron: hm
Windelkron: 1.1 has some stuff we want
Windelkron: and some stuff we weren't expecting :O
Windelkron: but I cant tell you about it
Windelkron: what I can tell you know
Windelkron: though
Windelkron: BEG FOR IT!
****: ....
****: *cries*
Windelkron: dance!
****: *dances*
Windelkron: hmm ok
****: btw: you don't seem to be online as much... whats up with that?
Windelkron: what I can tell you
Windelkron: is that
Windelkron: HAHGAHA
****: ..........*beats living crap out of windel*
Windelkron: hshaafasdaah
****: *beats windel with large shoes*
i'm allowed to be stupid like this. i haven't touched HL since i reformatted awhile back. how can you do this for me? i didn't want to dig, thats all. *crying*
Sirus : Oh, I'm a PT
Sirus : However, I can't tell you
Windelkron : Aww, DUDE ! Why not ?
Sirus : I simply can't, nub caeks.
Windelkron : You're kidding me
Sirus : Nope
Windelkron : Thats not fair !
Sirus : BTW, 1.1 is uber seks
Windelkron : Do you get tier two stuff for a long time?
Sirus : Do you even know what Tier means Windelkron ?
Windelkron : Tier two?
Sirus : Good Job, I guess you would have to wait til V1.1 to see
Sirus : I think you're a little obsessed with V 1.1 so you're acting out strangely Windelkron
Windelkron: uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Windelkron: welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Sirus : Nublet...BEG FOR IT!
Windelkron : *STARTS BEGGING*
Sirus : Dance Monkey !
Windelkron : *dances*
Windelkron : Tell me Something !!!
Sirus : What I can tell you
Sirus : Is that
Sirus : Meh, I had a good laugh, I guess that's something
Name not censored to attack the silly <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Windelkron = Fired
BTW, I win !
It was a good hour before she called me on it.
One of my mates girlfriends, is possibly he most gullible person in the world...theres just TOO much stuff i've said to her and shes believed (I have this amazing ability to talk complete and utter garbage for extended periods of time and make it sound possible) untill one of my other mates spoil it by telling her i'm talking crap :[
You meant friends, right ?!
She still believes it.
<i>snicker</i> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ooooh. That's a good one.
<i>snicker</i> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Don't flatter yourself, you old fogie, we knew all along. ;D
: )
<i>snicker</i> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
MonsE says the darndest things
I got a back story here: My online persona is of The Craft Robot AKA Steven Q Urkel, who is 9 years old and adopted. Now, you'd think that people wouldn't be fooled by the robot/adopted part, and you'd be right, but they are fooled by the 9 years old part. Here's the first one of these I ever did <a href='' target='_blank'>entitled "Nancy"</a>. Now for the rest:
This is the first in a series(you'll get a timeline of events of you read em all)
Session Start (AIM - branmaster5000:AshleyLynne11314): Fri Mar 07 21:06:28 2003
AshleyLynne11314: a/s/l
branmaster5000: 9/human genders mean nothing to me/the eastern portion of thought
branmaster5000: you'll get no better answer out of me!
AshleyLynne11314: ok and your nine you say
branmaster5000: **** yeah
AshleyLynne11314: ok......
branmaster5000: indeed!
AshleyLynne11314: alright then
AshleyLynne11314: and then how may i ask do you know that word
branmaster5000: **** you I'm 9!
branmaster5000: I was assembled on january 6th, 1994
AshleyLynne11314: how do you know the word assembled do you like read the dictonary
branmaster5000: actually, I have been known to, on occasion
AshleyLynne11314: why don't you read comics or something
branmaster5000: I do that as well
AshleyLynne11314: ok
AshleyLynne11314: what grade r u in
branmaster5000: eleventytwelvth
AshleyLynne11314: oh my deer lord
branmaster5000: what of him?
AshleyLynne11314: talk to you later but if i was your mom i would give you a time out
branmaster5000: you don't tell my momma what to do!
AshleyLynne11314: MAKE ME
branmaster5000: grrrr!
branmaster5000: take that!
AshleyLynne11314: buh bye
AshleyLynne11314: ma ha
AshleyLynne11314: thake that
AshleyLynne11314: buh bye
branmaster5000: phhr my masculinity
Session Close (AshleyLynne11314): Fri Mar 07 21:21:42 2003
Session Start (AIM - branmaster5000:AshleyLynne11314): Sat Mar 08 10:23:43 2003
AshleyLynne11314: hi agian
*** Auto-response sent to AshleyLynne11314: getting NStitised.
AshleyLynne11314: i still dont' think your nine
Session Close (AshleyLynne11314): Sat Mar 08 10:29:15 2003
Session Start (AIM - branmaster5000:AshleyLynne11314): Sat Mar 08 10:29:38 2003
AshleyLynne11314: how can you prove that u r nine
branmaster5000: MY WORD IS ENOUGH!
AshleyLynne11314: oh please
branmaster5000: because the craft robot would never ever lie
branmaster5000: NEVER
AshleyLynne11314: sure
branmaster5000: it's all true!
AshleyLynne11314: i really don't beleave you
branmaster5000: that doesn't matter
branmaster5000: you can choose to ignore the truth if you want to
branmaster5000: GO AHEAD!
AshleyLynne11314: oh brother
branmaster5000: no, I am not your relation
AshleyLynne11314: eeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
branmaster5000: that is not a word
AshleyLynne11314: ya want to know something
branmaster5000: you missuse grammar!
branmaster5000: yargh
AshleyLynne11314: your to smart for your own good and thats not right
branmaster5000: ahahahahahahahahaha
branmaster5000: my intelligence frightens those of lesser mind!
branmaster5000: I am superior!
AshleyLynne11314: thank you i don't want to be a smart ****
branmaster5000: feel honored that I have not smitten you with my telekenesis yet!
branmaster5000: FEEL HONORED!
AshleyLynne11314: y should i
branmaster5000: brecause
branmaster5000: not because
AshleyLynne11314: u can't spell
branmaster5000: brecause
*** AshleyLynne11314 signed off at Sat Mar 08 10:34:41 2003.
Session Close (AshleyLynne11314): Sat Mar 08 10:35:21 2003
Session Start (AIM - branmaster5000:AshleyLynne11314): Tue Mar 25 17:34:07 2003
AshleyLynne11314: who r u
*** Auto-response sent to AshleyLynne11314: The war between men and machines waged on through the early 70s. You don't remember because back then, it was only a prophesy. But now, in the future, the past has occured!
*** AshleyLynne11314 signed off at Tue Mar 25 17:34:53 2003.
Session Close (AshleyLynne11314): Tue Mar 25 18:10:46 2003
Session Start (AIM - branmaster5000:mmLB7735): Fri Mar 07 21:02:29 2003
mmLB7735: who is this
mmLB7735: <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--><!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->?
mmLB7735: ?
mmLB7735: ?*
branmaster5000: steven q urkel, AKA your god
mmLB7735: dream on freak
branmaster5000: I know, I ain't cool enought to be urkel
mmLB7735: who is this really
mmLB7735: ?
branmaster5000: matt the mullet
mmLB7735: do u know who i am
mmLB7735: :-\
branmaster5000: not a clue, couldn't care less
mmLB7735: >:oFreak!!!!!!!!
branmaster5000: ?
mmLB7735: what school do u go to
branmaster5000: the one in my town
branmaster5000: duh
mmLB7735: ur so.......
branmaster5000: so that's teh answer
mmLB7735: what's the word ****.
branmaster5000: I think the word is actually "pimp master"
mmLB7735: loser
branmaster5000: you got it!
branmaster5000: I alwasys forget that kinda stuff
mmLB7735: sry wrong person
mmLB7735: NOT
mmLB7735: lol
branmaster5000: ok...
mmLB7735: u got problems
branmaster5000: you're the last one to know, trust me
mmLB7735: :-D
mmLB7735: lol
branmaster5000: indeed
mmLB7735: what's ur mom's name
branmaster5000: I don't know
mmLB7735: and dad's
mmLB7735: o wait i just rememberred ur a lil slow
mmLB7735: sry i forgot
branmaster5000: my parents live on the moon, they put me up for adoption
mmLB7735: i can understand y
mmLB7735: lol
mmLB7735: haha
branmaster5000: because the moon is no place for a kid
mmLB7735: and the earth is not a good place for u
branmaster5000: no, it isn't
branmaster5000: I would be better on saturn
mmLB7735: or jupiter
branmaster5000: no, jupiter smells funny
mmLB7735: cuz u know u want to be with ur family don't u
mmLB7735: uk the oppisite of smart
branmaster5000: uk?
mmLB7735: uk= you know
mmLB7735: duh
branmaster5000: you p0><0|2
mmLB7735: ok
mmLB7735: w/e
branmaster5000: hahahaha
mmLB7735: bibi
branmaster5000: 100><0|2
mmLB7735: ttyl,wy
branmaster5000: 4645645
mmLB7735: ttyl,wl*
branmaster5000: O NO!
branmaster5000: I AM AFRAID!
*** mmLB7735 signed off at Fri Mar 07 21:19:52 2003.
Session Close (mmLB7735): Fri Mar 07 21:20:03 2003
Session Start (AIM - branmaster5000:AshleyLynne11314): Fri Mar 07 21:06:28 2003
AshleyLynne11314: a/s/l
branmaster5000: 9/human genders mean nothing to me/the eastern portion of thought
branmaster5000: you'll get no better answer out of me!
AshleyLynne11314: ok and your nine you say
branmaster5000: **** yeah
AshleyLynne11314: ok......
branmaster5000: indeed!
AshleyLynne11314: alright then
AshleyLynne11314: and then how may i ask do you know that word
branmaster5000: **** you I'm 9!
branmaster5000: I was assembled on january 6th, 1994
AshleyLynne11314: how do you know the word assembled do you like read the dictonary
branmaster5000: actually, I have been known to, on occasion
AshleyLynne11314: why don't you read comics or something
branmaster5000: I do that as well
AshleyLynne11314: ok
AshleyLynne11314: what grade r u in
branmaster5000: eleventytwelvth
AshleyLynne11314: oh my deer lord
branmaster5000: what of him?
AshleyLynne11314: talk to you later but if i was your mom i would give you a time out
branmaster5000: you don't tell my momma what to do!
AshleyLynne11314: MAKE ME
branmaster5000: grrrr!
branmaster5000: take that!
AshleyLynne11314: buh bye
AshleyLynne11314: ma ha
AshleyLynne11314: thake that
AshleyLynne11314: buh bye
branmaster5000: phhr my masculinity
Session Close (AshleyLynne11314): Fri Mar 07 21:21:42 2003