Join Date: 2003-01-26 Member: 12793Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">on odd, but good plan</div> First off, you will want to open up the map i made in another window. Since the link is to a geocities web page you may have to cut n past the link to you address bar.
<a href='http://www.geocities.com/fakemaps/bastmap.gif' target='_blank'>http://www.geocities.com/fakemaps/bastmap.gif</a>
At the start of the round you tell your troops you are relocating to main aft junction. Drop a spawn portal at point "1", then the res node, then after the res node is done drop an armor at point "3" and send one person to point "2" so they can gaurd your com chair and starting res node. You can also mine up the vnet with a pack of mines if you want to feel really safe. What you have done by relocating here (so far) is gotten 2 res nodes under your immidate control, with out paying 30 more res for a com chair. The reason you build your armor at point "3" is because it makes it so there is no "rear" to your base. On one side u have the armory humpers, on the other you have spawning marines. At this point the plan changes a bit depending on what hives the aliens have.
If the aliens have engine room you will know it. You will probably see the skulk coming out of the door, only to be blasted by the marines coming through the airlock. Odds are you will want to start upgrading the armor and prepare for the good old hmg rush. Leave msot of your team on defence (or suiside attacks on the hive) and send one guy to cap the three res nodes around refinery hive. Once the armor is done upgrading hand out hte big guns and kill. If the countdown doesn't start after you kill the hive, that meens they have feedwater. At this point switch to the feedwater plan.
If the aliens have feedwater this you will want to send one guy to cap the res in engine room hvie. REmber you should set aside about 44 of your starting res for res towers right at the beginning. After the node in engine is caped send a guy to weld the vents at points marked "4" and then drop mines in the bottle necks in the vnets marked with "5". This way by relocaint you got 2 extra res nodes under your control, a hive, and didn't have to spend 30 res on a com chair, or give up the res node u started with. Since you will have engine room right off the bat, you can now block off Refinery. Send your team down toward Refinery hive and drop a TF at the point marked "7". This way u can drop turrets at all points marked with an "8". This gives you 2 res nodes, and the only main way into Refinery and your base (since u closed up engine room). Then send a guy back to res point "6" and cap that (but don't bother defending it. By now u should have enough res to do what ever u want.
If the aliens start with refinery hive you wont have to do all the things for blocking up engine room that i stated in the feedwater plan unless you really think an alien can slip past your base or tram tunnel. What you will want to do instead is move your marines through the vent that opens at the top of tram tunnel. Then have them build a turret factory at point "9", this will allow turrets to be placed at all points marked "10". After the turrets are up send a guy to build the two res points in atmo (but don't bother defending them). This will give you enought res to toss around big toys, and you'll have control of two hives.
the points marked "11" are just hidding places. I like dropping arms labs or communication dishis here, since their placement on the map doesn't matter these are some good hidding spots.
The hardest part about this plan will be gettin someone to weld the vents. Other then that you only need 2 or so people to listen to you. Since skluks will get discuraged at attacking your base (since they will have to run accrose an open room with no cover to get to the res points) the person defending your base from point "2" probably wont have to sit their for long. Also, it's unlikly skulk will run past your base into engine room, since they will be shot by the gaurds, or your spawn portals will look tastier. While some of the turrets at point "10" in tram tunnel and the turrets inside refinery at point "8" can be lerked to death, they wont stop anything, but its unlikely the aliens will have that much time.
<a href='http://www.geocities.com/fakemaps/bastmap.gif' target='_blank'>http://www.geocities.com/fakemaps/bastmap.gif</a>
At the start of the round you tell your troops you are relocating to main aft junction. Drop a spawn portal at point "1", then the res node, then after the res node is done drop an armor at point "3" and send one person to point "2" so they can gaurd your com chair and starting res node. You can also mine up the vnet with a pack of mines if you want to feel really safe. What you have done by relocating here (so far) is gotten 2 res nodes under your immidate control, with out paying 30 more res for a com chair. The reason you build your armor at point "3" is because it makes it so there is no "rear" to your base. On one side u have the armory humpers, on the other you have spawning marines. At this point the plan changes a bit depending on what hives the aliens have.
If the aliens have engine room you will know it. You will probably see the skulk coming out of the door, only to be blasted by the marines coming through the airlock. Odds are you will want to start upgrading the armor and prepare for the good old hmg rush. Leave msot of your team on defence (or suiside attacks on the hive) and send one guy to cap the three res nodes around refinery hive. Once the armor is done upgrading hand out hte big guns and kill. If the countdown doesn't start after you kill the hive, that meens they have feedwater. At this point switch to the feedwater plan.
If the aliens have feedwater this you will want to send one guy to cap the res in engine room hvie. REmber you should set aside about 44 of your starting res for res towers right at the beginning. After the node in engine is caped send a guy to weld the vents at points marked "4" and then drop mines in the bottle necks in the vnets marked with "5". This way by relocaint you got 2 extra res nodes under your control, a hive, and didn't have to spend 30 res on a com chair, or give up the res node u started with. Since you will have engine room right off the bat, you can now block off Refinery. Send your team down toward Refinery hive and drop a TF at the point marked "7". This way u can drop turrets at all points marked with an "8". This gives you 2 res nodes, and the only main way into Refinery and your base (since u closed up engine room). Then send a guy back to res point "6" and cap that (but don't bother defending it. By now u should have enough res to do what ever u want.
If the aliens start with refinery hive you wont have to do all the things for blocking up engine room that i stated in the feedwater plan unless you really think an alien can slip past your base or tram tunnel. What you will want to do instead is move your marines through the vent that opens at the top of tram tunnel. Then have them build a turret factory at point "9", this will allow turrets to be placed at all points marked "10". After the turrets are up send a guy to build the two res points in atmo (but don't bother defending them). This will give you enought res to toss around big toys, and you'll have control of two hives.
the points marked "11" are just hidding places. I like dropping arms labs or communication dishis here, since their placement on the map doesn't matter these are some good hidding spots.
The hardest part about this plan will be gettin someone to weld the vents. Other then that you only need 2 or so people to listen to you. Since skluks will get discuraged at attacking your base (since they will have to run accrose an open room with no cover to get to the res points) the person defending your base from point "2" probably wont have to sit their for long. Also, it's unlikly skulk will run past your base into engine room, since they will be shot by the gaurds, or your spawn portals will look tastier. While some of the turrets at point "10" in tram tunnel and the turrets inside refinery at point "8" can be lerked to death, they wont stop anything, but its unlikely the aliens will have that much time.
The best thing is the IP placement back behind the air-lock door in Main Aft.
That is a tactic I have been meaning to try for awhile but never really got around to.
Good tips, overall.
It's a geocities link, so you will have to cut and past the link into your address bar, or type it in their manual (just clicking on it wont work). As for the location of hte IP i put it there so that the person gaurding the com chair from the vent could just hop down the vent and shot any skulk biting on the portal. However, a little varriation is doesn't matter.
I feel disappointed I didn't come up with this myself. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> Must try it out some time.
I had relocated to main aft without the cc just like u (later in the game I had to rebuild it tho since they destroyed my first chair, after the IP and the armry next to the ip at the round door (to marinestart), then I send 2 rines to tram maint, put up a pg and an armry there, mined it also, then i said to them " everybody just camp ", then i send one person to get all the rts (even the 3rd @ refinery to Drill shaft), *counting the res* I had built 2 armslabs and well... ...jps were very easy in refinery <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->, I even builded a armry and pg at the refinery res (8) before meh team killed them
A very good tactic against refinery, but the ones for feed and engine are bound to work aswell, gonna try m <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Yes this seems to happen a lot. Usually after the aliens get frustated when attacking the chair because the guy in the vent keeps killing him. Once they give up, the guy will normaly leave. Latter in the game one lone alien will find him gone and kill the chair. However by that point you should have enough res to replace the chair with out it causing a problem.
I'm really glad someone ressurected this topic, I had done some (more) battle testing of the plan, yet I didn't wanted to dubble post. Anyway, here are the results of some battle testing I did.
1-make sure you know at least one person on your marine team, or tell them you have this "killer" plan, that is odd but cool. Odds are when you try this you will get ejected, so try not to take it personaly
2-this plan is very flexable in the terms of if you want to try to block off the 2nd hive, or cap res and tech rush. If refinery is their hive jetpacks are good, but for feedwater I personaly like using hevey armor.
3-Getting someone to close the vent is hard as hell. Send at least 2 people (one with welder, one with a pack of mines) to the vent to weld it then set the mines. If you can spare a 3rd person, send them too, incase a skulk comes through the vent. Also, if you have the res you may want to put a small turret farm in the vents.
4-This plan takes at least 6 people (not including the com) to work. Unless they all listen to you. Since you need 1 person to defend base, 2 to weld the vents. And 3 to go to the tram tunnel choke point or refinery choke point. I tried running this plan on a 10 person server and lost the game cuz the res spent on phase gates slowed down the buildding of the turret farms.
5-compaired to most plans on this fourm, and the ones used by clans, this plan alows for a much large margin of error. Since you only relocate a small distance away the team shouldn't get slipt up, and since you grab one hive in under 10 seconds, getting the second shouldn't be to hard.
6-This plan uses choke point mostly, but there is always the chance that one skulk could get though. It's a good idea to run a patrole behind the choke points every now and then to make sure that the skulk hasn't gone gorge and started building defenses.
- The mines in the corridor n vent basically need to be watched over, or a gorge can easily build a DC in the engine vent (if they have engine) or in atmospheric (if they have feedwater) to allow a skulk to plow them 1 by 1 and come back to heal... he could spit them as well (if they have engine.)
- The turret farming at tram maintenance usually works, but I've seen a nice "counter", so to speak. A clever skulk can make the swim from water treatment to feedwater, climb up to the niche in the ceiling, evolve to gorge and drop 8 DCs. Then the entire team could swim there, and take out whatever you have in tram maint while being healed at 80 hp/sec. It can be hard to spot and stop, and siege is particularly ineffective since it's so hard to scan to reveal the stuff up there. You'll basically need GLs and well, it's still not easy, plus you'll have to handle the skulks being super healed. Hope you have HA by then, or you're about to kill their hive. That, or you have a man or two watching the water I guess.
A clanmate and I have come up with a more interesting way of taking out the engine hive when aliens start there, using the same early build (IPs in main aft):
- Build a TF in the top right corner of your base and upgrade it.
- Instead of having your 3 men vent screw weld the shutters, build an armory in docking hydraulics and drop them a lot of mines so they can prevent skulks from using the vents at all (while the other marines/spawners hold main aft.)
- Drop a siege or two in the engine vent near the junction with docking hydraulics .. you know the spot, where the ceiling is higher. Scan or send spotters (from vent or main aft, whatever) then it's GG. Don't forget to drop more mines in there as needed.
We got the info that it was a Main Aft reloc really quickly, and manage to take down your base RT. We stationed one guy (me) in Engine to make sure you didn't get the freebie node while the rest were playing containment. Someone who didn't quite follow yelled "They have like 5 or 7 res nodes now!", quick check revealed you had 1-2. That was the reason it didn't work for you, too little focus on Res and too defensive play.
We started in Refinery so you could have taken Atmos/Feed either via the vent from Main Aft or from MB, you did have a couple of Marines heaing down the big slope, but only one at a time (I think I ambushed 3 in a row there, one by one).
I guess the problem is that the Main Aft relocation is fairly common on this server, mainly because it is a good strat, so you can't count on aliens being surprised or not knowing what to do. IMO the key to Making it work is to cap the 3 freebie res (MA, MB, EH) and put pressure on the Alien hive while taking over the free hive, Refinery will give you 3 res, Feed/Atmos will give you 4, so you end up with 6-7 res nodes which is more then enough for some real good teching.
Ps. You are using the wrong choke point for Refinery.
Which places do those acronyms stand for?
Little Hunter, you need to *shout* more.
Actually, I usually manage to keep the MB res node about 1/3 of the time only, the key is to quickly expand to the open area (Ref if they have feed, atmos/feed if they have Ref) and cap Engine. Once again, not a very good setting for you to try it the first time since you were up against a good alien team that is *used* to this strategy.